Special Modifiers
Suffix Properties
Deadly Strike A % chance of dealing Double Damage. The damage is doubled after all other bonuses, including elemental, Str or Dex modifying weapon damage, Amazon's Critical Strike skill, etc.
Crushing Blow A % chance of reducing a monster's remaining hit points by 50%. Does not work on bosses, champions, Super Uniques, or other players in PVP. Does not work at all with ranged attacks (including Bows).
Open Wounds A poison-like effect, it causes uncontrollable bleeding in the monster and steady hit point drain. The damage is rather low, around 2 per second, and it lasts from 3-11 seconds, longer at a higher Clvl. Overall damage is around 7-21, again depending on your Clvl.
+ Defense vs. Missiles A modifier found on several uniques, this one adds a set amount to your Defense against non-elemental ranged attacks. Not of much use after Normal difficulty.
Increased Blocking Speed Found only on Culwen's Point, this mod has no function in Diablo II.
Slows Target This property works like cold, turning the target blue and slowing them, but it deals no cold damage.
Note: These mods are found only on some Unique and Set items, and as such have no item type or lvl properties.
+ points to Attack Rating
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Bronze +10-20 Amulets, Bows, Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 1
Iron +21-40 Bows, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 4
Steel +41-60 Bows, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 8
Silver +61-80 Bows, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 12
Gold +81-100 Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 17
Platinum +101-120 Bows, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 22
Meteoric +121-150 Bows, Rings, Scepters, Weapons 27
Values added (not multiplied) to your total Attack Rating, and unaffected by AR-increasing skills. If you have 500% AR listed in your Character window, adding a Meteoric Ring would take you to 621-650% AR. For Amazons with a lot in Penetrate and Barbarians with a lot in a Weapon Mastery, adding more Dexterity is generally better than adding AR.
+ % to Damage
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Jagged +10-20% Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 1
Deadly +21-30% Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 5
Vicious +31-40% Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 8
Brutal +41-50% Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 14
Massive +51-65% Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 20
Savage +66-80% Bows, Scepters, Weapons 26
Merciless +81-100% Bows, Scepters, Weapons 32
Very useful modifiers on all types of weapons, these can appear on a Rare with any of the King's family of affixes, making for the top damage items in the game.
The listed values for these in the game are somewhat deceptive, +110% on Jagged means that you do 10% more than usual, since you are doing 100% damage normally. So the top quality Merciless is double damage, not triple. Kings and Merciless and Slaughter (or others from these families) must both be on a Rare for it to be godly damage.
+ points to Attack Rating and + % to Damage
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Sharp +10-20 AR
+10-20% Dam Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 5
Fine +21-40 AR
+21-30% Dam Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 9
Warrior's +41-60 AR
+31-40% Dam Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 15
Soldier's +61-80 AR
+41-50% Dam Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 21
Knight's +81-100 AR
+51-65% Dam Bows, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 25
Lord's +101-120 AR
+66-80% Dam Bows, Scepters, Weapons 30
King's +121-150 AR
+81-100% Dam Bows, Scepters, Weapons 35
Very useful modifiers on all types of weapons, these will stack with any of the Merciless family of affixes on a Rare, making for the top damage weapons possible.
The listed values in game are somewhat deceptive, +110% means that you do 10% more than usual, since you are doing 100% damage normally. So the top quality Kings is double damage, not triple. Kings + Merciless + Slaughter (or others from these families) must all be on a Rare for it to be godly damage.
+ % to Defense
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Sturdy 120-130% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 4
Strong 131-140% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 9
Glorious 141-150% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 19
Blessed 151-160% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 25
Saintly 161-180% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 31
Holy 181-200% Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields 36
Somewhat devalued modifiers in Diablo II, due to Defense being largely unimportant for most characters by late Nightmare and Hell difficulty.
% Damage taken goes to Mana
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Vulpine 10% Amulets, Shields 9
This modifier converts damage taken to your mana, so if you take a 100 point blow, you'll gain 10 points to your mana. This stacks, and stacks with the higher % damage to mana found on some Uniques and Set Items.
Note: Does not apply to damage taken by your minions or hired mercenaries.
+ points to Mana on kill
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Triumphant 1 Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 3
Note: Mana awarded when death is caused by spell or physical damage, only if the wearer is the one to administer the killing blow. Does not work with kills by minions or party members, so isn't of much use to a Summoner Necromancer.
+ points to Mana
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Lizard's 1-5 Amulets, Armour, Belts, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands 3
Snakes 5-10 Amulets, Belts, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands 6
Serpent's 11-20 Amulets, Armour [37], Belts, Boots [37], Gloves [37], Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [37] 14
Drake's 21-30 Amulets, Belts, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands 20
Dragon's 31-40 Amulets, Armour [52], Boots [52], Gloves [52], Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands 24
Wyrm's 41-60 Amulets, Rings, Scepters, Staves, Wands 30
Can stack with the +mana prefixes in the Wizardry family, to a maximum of +90 mana on a rare item. Note that +mana modifiers are generally higher Ilvl than +hps modifiers.
Magic Damage Reduced by
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Devious 1 Shields 7
Fortified 2 Shields 14
Very useful modifiers against damage over time spells, such as Firewalls, Meteors, and Diablo's pink lightning, and it works on all other types of magical damage as well.
+ points to Maximum Stamina
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Rugged 5-10 Amulets, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Rings 14
A largely ignored modifier, since the added stamina is so little. There are much larger bonuses to stamina in the Expansion.
+ % to Stamina Regeneration
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Tireless 50% Boots 14
More useful than the +stamina modifiers, but still far from coveted.
+ % to Resist Fire
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Crimson 5-10% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows, Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands 5
Burgundy 11-20% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [35], Gloves, |Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [35] 12
Garnet 21-30% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [55], Gloves [55], Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [55] 18
Ruby 31-50% Amulets, Boots, Rings, Staves, Wands 25
Fire resistance is the second most important type of resistance in Diablo II, after lightning. Many types of fire damage are over time (firewalls, meteors) which makes the -magical damage mods very useful in combination.
+ % to Resist Cold
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Azure 5-10% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows, Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands 5
Lapis 11-20% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [35], Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [35] 12
Cobalt 21-30% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [55], Gloves [55], Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [55] 18
Sapphire 31-50% Amulets, Boots, Bows, Rings, Staves, Wands 25
Cold resistance is valuable, but there are not many monsters with cold attacks in Diablo II, so it's less important than Fire or Lightning. Higher cold resistance seems to shorten chill duration as well as lower damage.
+ % to Resist Lightning
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Ocher 5-10% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows, Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands 5
Tangerine 11-20% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [35], Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [35] 12
Coral 21-30% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [55], Gloves [55], Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands, Weapons [55] 18
Amber 31-50% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows, Rings, Staves, Wands 25
Lightning resistance is the most important type of resistance in Diablo II. and most players make an effort to keep this one max'ed at all times.
+ % to Resist Poison
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Beryl 5-10% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows, Gloves, Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves 5
Jade 11-20% Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Bows [35], Gloves, Rings [35], Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands [35], Weapons [35] 12
Viridian 21-30% Amulets, Armour, Belts [55], Boots [55], Bows [55], Gloves [55], Rings, Scepters, Shields, Staves, Wands [55], Weapons [55] 18
Emerald 31-50% Amulets, Rings, Scepters 25
By far the least important type of resistance in Diablo II, this one can safely be ignored in most parts of the game, and many characters in hell have negative poison resistance while max'ing out the other three. Modifiers that shorten Poison duration are actually more useful, since most poison damage comes over time, rather than in one painful hit.
+ % to Resist All
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Prismatic 15-25% Amulets 27
Prismatic 15% Rings 62
Prismatic amulets are very popular. Rares can have two other prefixes, possibly including two types of single-element resistance, adding up to 75% resistance to any two modifiers. Prismatic rings are less valuable, owing to their very high Clvl requirements, and also it's easier to find a ring with +20% to two or three individual resistances.
+ points to Skill Levels
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Fletcher 1 Amazon Amulets, Bows 30
Archer 2 Amazon Amulets [90], Bows 40
Slayer 1 Barbarian Amulets, Weapons 30
Berserker 2 Barbarian Amulets [90], Weapons 40
Monk's 1 Paladin Amulets, Scepters 30
Priest's 2 Paladin Amulets [90], Scepters 40
Summoner's 1 Necromancer Amulets, Wands 30
Necromancer's 2 Necromancer Amulets [90], Wands 40
Angels' 1 Sorceress Amulets, Staves 30
Arch-Angels' 2 Sorceress Amulets [90], Staves 40
Note: Skill point/s added only to skills with at least one point already added.
+2 skill amulets are the hardest items to obtain in the game, only able to be dropped by Diablo on Hell, gambled by Clvl 84+ characters, or obtained with a rare amulet and 6 perfect skulls in the cube.
+ % chance of finding magic item [from monsters]
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Fortuitous 10-15% Amulets, Rings 5
- Increases the odds that an item, when dropped, will be magical, Rare, Set, or Unique (rather than cracked, normal, or superior.) Basically it upgrades normal items to magical ones, and also normal to superior, so can make finding socketed items harder, ironically.
- Does not work for kills by minions (including Hydras, Revives, Skeletons, Valks, Mercs, Converted, etc) or by poison damage over time. (Poison damage kills are fine, it's the X damage over X seconds that doesn't work.)
- Works with ranged attacks and spells.
- Having +100% does not mean you get an item for every monster. It means that whatever % chance an item drop would be magical/rare/set/unique is doubled. So if you had a 5% chance of a dropped item being magical, 1% chance of it being rare, 2% being a set and .5% being Unique, you would now have a 10% chance of it being magical, 2% chance for rare, 4% for Set and 1% Unique. All figures are hypothetical, just for this example.
+ to Light Radius
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Glimmering 1 Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields, Staves, Wands 1
Glowing 2 Amulets, Armour, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Shields, Staves, Wands 6
Useful mods to have, but not really sought out. They can stack with the +light radius suffixes on the same item, and multiple +light items stack as well.
Monsters Flee
Prefix Stats Item Type lvl
Howling Curses with Terror Scepters, Staves, Wands, Weapons 16
A generally despised modifier, this can ruin a top damage Rare weapon since most want a monster to stand still and be hit, rather than running off every time. Frozen or blinded monsters will not flee, so using this while wearing Iceblink or Coif of Glory is an option.
(Taken From Diabloii.net as I was just going to post the link but I decided that you probably had this option but was too lazy to do it and posted here instead, thus I am too lazy to type it all and just copied and pasted)
