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Posted 2002-07-01, 02:21 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Not for old people!"
JasonBADX: dude find waldo on this pic.... and turn your volume up someone told me you can hear someone whispering something but i couldnt hear it
XviciousmilitiaX: ok
JasonBADX: my speakers wernt loud enough
JasonBADX: to understand
JasonBADX: what they said
JasonBADX: grrr
XviciousmilitiaX: nice assmunch
XviciousmilitiaX: give me a hart attack
JasonBADX: rofl
XviciousmilitiaX: butthole surfer
XviciousmilitiaX: where's fucking waldo
JasonBADX: hes not there
JasonBADX: heh
XviciousmilitiaX: if i could give you the finger i would
JasonBADX: heheheh
JasonBADX: how loud
JasonBADX: was it?
XviciousmilitiaX: not loud
JasonBADX: darn
JasonBADX: wouldve been better
XviciousmilitiaX: i had it turned down
JasonBADX: or on headphones
JasonBADX: heheh
XviciousmilitiaX: my head you gay
XviciousmilitiaX: nm
XviciousmilitiaX: j/k
XviciousmilitiaX signed off at 1:15:13 AM.
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Sum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be
Sum Yung Guy