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Sum Yung Guy 2002-09-09 11:12 PM

Doubled my fps!
Yes I typed, open bridge, in the console and then, stat fps. about 37 fps, then i went to advanced video settings and unchecked the mouse lag thingy... 73 fps

try this, but if your mouse is all jumpy when you play then you will need to turn it back on

Hades-Knight 2002-09-10 01:54 PM

hmm, is low fps suposed to be bad? i get like 7 sometimes

Chruser 2002-09-10 02:03 PM

FPS - Frames Per Second, or First-Person Shooter.
In this case, FPS means Frames Per Second. Having 7 FPS means that your game is updating the screen 7 times every second, or compared to a television, maybe even a computer screen, 7 Hz.

Having a FPS of 7 is usually totally unacceptable, especially in a fast-paced First-Person Shooter game such as AA, since aiming will be extremely difficult. An absolute minimum of 20-30, or an average of 40+ should be required in all games at all times.

"CRØNîC-KîLLå" 2002-09-10 02:47 PM

yeah damn thats bad fps... i never ever have lagg on AA, i got cable connection and 256 mb sdram and gforce 2 mx and i never ever have lag, and my connection is split through 2 computers...

Hades-Knight 2002-09-10 04:11 PM

so is low fps =bad?

Sum Yung Guy 2002-09-10 04:12 PM

Yes, the higher your FPS the better. On the other hand Low Ping = good

Xenn 2002-09-10 04:15 PM

You realize anything over 40 is a waste.. the human eye can only see I believe 30 frames per second.

So I wouldn't sacrifice stuff if your already gettin over 30 average.

Sum Yung Guy 2002-09-10 04:18 PM

well, i rather have around 60 fps just normally, then when theres a grenade going off and tons of shooting and my fps plummets it will be around 35

Sirpullido 2002-09-10 08:02 PM

Human eye can only catch 24FPS but anyways when more things are occuring in the screen FPS low like a bunch and acctually the perfect FPS rate would be 100 so it does in no way tire ur eyes

Randuin 2002-09-21 10:21 AM

i get average like 50 somewhat when there's lots of gunfires going on

Hades-Knight 2002-09-21 10:35 AM

i get 7 fps....

Randuin 2002-09-21 11:31 AM

rofl... that's like horrible

dominator73439 2002-09-27 11:02 PM

how do you check to see what you get ?

Randuin 2002-09-28 12:07 AM

in consel type 'stat fps'

dominator73439 2002-09-28 04:53 PM

no i mean step by step im no good at comps i dont know were consel is

Hannibal-Lecter 2002-09-29 08:25 AM

damn i wish I got even 20 fps! even on bridge i get 15 fps average!

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-10-04 02:39 PM

teehee when in an intense 16 player gameo f ut 2003 on highest detail modes and everything, I manage around 40-60 with my Radeon 9700... which I'm greatful forl, but now I know that I can only see up to 30 or so, it makes me want to beat myself for spending soo much. lol

Hades-Knight 2002-10-04 03:25 PM

i see at 6.99

dominator73439 2002-10-05 12:06 AM

how do i look at it i mean do i go to control panel or what

JRwakebord 2002-10-06 12:32 PM


Originally posted by Wiccan][V][asta
teehee when in an intense 16 player gameo f ut 2003 on highest detail modes and everything, I manage around 40-60 with my Radeon 9700... which I'm greatful forl, but now I know that I can only see up to 30 or so, it makes me want to beat myself for spending soo much. lol
i hate you.
still, my gforce2mx worx fine

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