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Demosthenes 2021-02-18 05:22 PM

Mortal kombaaaat
First pg-13 movie I ever saw (that I can recall, anyway) was the original Mortal Kombat. I'm excited about this:


Silverjinx18 2021-02-18 05:56 PM

I hope it's good...it has so much potential to be great especially in this decade with amazing graphics, but the story always ends up being cheesy and over written. Fingers crossed.

Demosthenes 2021-02-18 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Silverjinx18 (Post 714504)
I hope it's good...it has so much potential to be great especially in this decade with amazing graphics, but the story always ends up being cheesy and over written. Fingers crossed.

I'll be disappointed if it's anything but cheesy and over the top?

Silverjinx18 2021-02-18 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Demosthenes (Post 714506)
I'll be disappointed if it's anything but cheesy and over the top?

Really? It has so much potential for a good story. But honestly as long as John Claude VanDam is not in it, I'm good :D

Asamin 2021-02-19 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Silverjinx18 (Post 714509)
Really? It has so much potential for a good story. But honestly as long as John Claude VanDam is not in it, I'm good :D

I'm with demo here, I'd want that to be completely over the top, there is no other way. The damn game lets you rip out someone's spine, that's the baseline for the movie.

Silverjinx18 2021-02-19 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Asamin (Post 714518)
I'm with demo here, I'd want that to be completely over the top, there is no other way. The damn game lets you rip out someone's spine, that's the baseline for the movie.

I think you can still achieve that without going cheesy. I still want to say "DAAAAAAMMMMNNNNNN" when I watch it. I want to live in the reality that is Mortal Kombat, which is outrageously violent and unrealistic, but leave the cheap mid 90's cheese out of it.

Asamin 2021-02-22 10:48 AM

As long as nothing gets botched as hard as sonic did....

Silverjinx18 2021-02-22 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Asamin (Post 714599)
As long as nothing gets botched as hard as sonic did....

Omg I thought I was the only one! It was HORRIBLE! How is it getting a second movie!? :cry:

WetWired 2021-02-23 07:06 AM

I stopped watching it part way in

Demosthenes 2021-02-23 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by WetWired (Post 714618)
I stopped watching it part way in

Didn't realize that's something machines even did.

Demosthenes 2021-02-24 08:19 AM

More or less how I felt about the original:


Silverjinx18 2021-04-16 09:17 PM

Just saw some behind the scenes on this and it gives me more hope for it. Can't wait to see it on the 23rd.

Silverjinx18 2021-04-23 07:10 PM

Just started MK and I'm already loving it. Hiroyuki Sanada as Scorpion? Come on! I also love that the main story is based around the Scorpion/Sub Zero Saga (MY favorite story). This is going to be good.

Silverjinx18 2021-04-23 08:50 PM

Ugh, JK it went down hill. Mostly due to poor acting, but what do you expect. Can we please bring in a Charlize Therone to play Sonia Blade? The Scorpion/Sub Zero story was done well though and Kano was fucking hilarious.

kaos 2021-04-25 03:04 AM

Watched it last night, pretty much agree with this. The asians fucked up the movie with their shitty acting, and christopher lambert will always be raiden in my eyes.

Silverjinx18 2021-04-26 02:01 PM

It wasn't an Asian flaw it was that most of the cast was made up of martial artist/stage combat specialists and not actors. Hiroyuki Sanada did a fantastic job and is a great actor. I think what you mean to say is your reading skills are sub-par and can't read while perceiving emotion. The biggest flaw was editing and an unattractive use of nostalgia pushing the movie to be a bit forced and cheesey. Some of the worst/over-rated actors are perceived as great simply due to a good editor.

kaos 2021-05-01 12:53 AM

yea i that's pretty much what i said, the asians ruined the movie (except for subzero and scropion)

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