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D3V 2015-03-19 10:02 AM

Over the last few weeks I thought it would be cool to try and pique interest in the fourms, once again.

As time has gone by, activity has been picking up as other older members have been posting more. It's been quite nice. Intellectual debates, dabbling in philosophies, talking about life. Just how Zelaron should be.

It is my regret to inform those who care (Skurai) that I intend to take a nice vacation away from this place once again.

After being banned for making fun of the show Survivor, and how blatantly hilarious and fake it is, I've realized that this place hasn't changed a bit. The same people who have deliberately made it into a cesspool of negativity and polar encapsulation of the third Reich are still who they are and are still where they stand.

I understand that spam is an issue, but for a dying forum to allow somebody who is at best, barely active to ban the most popular member on this website's history, even for 24 hours, is absolutely ludicrous.

Don't believe me, go look at my profile views. Go look at my thread's and their replies. I rank as the top members on this Forum.

And it gives me great please to say, go fuck yourself.

especially you, k_a

Demosthenes 2015-03-19 03:48 PM

Don't go, D3V. Most of the reason I've stuck around as long as I have this time around is because you've provided an interesting discussion.

Wallow 2015-03-19 05:07 PM

lol at the ban.

Do as you please man. But I don't know what leaving would accomplish; it's just a discussion forum.

-Spector- 2015-03-19 05:28 PM

Personally the hybrid of intellect and negativity (see:trolling) has been the very reason I've left and came back so many times. It's unique (the intellectual part at least) and hilarious at times. Do as you please, but.. this is the internet and it ain't getting any nicer.

Skurai 2015-03-19 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by D3V (Post 705126)

I understand that spam is an issue, but for a dying forum to allow somebody who is at best, barely active to ban the most popular member on this website's history, even for 24 hours, is absolutely ludicrous.

No one banned me, what are you talking about????

!King_Amazon! 2015-03-19 07:57 PM

I was going to bother writing out a response and justifying my actions and such, but fuck it, it isn't worth the effort anymore. It's sad that despite the fact that we are well into our adulthood now, you are still acting like a child. You would have never been banned otherwise and you are either fully aware of that fact or the biggest fucking moron ever.

Kazilla 2015-03-25 10:59 PM

You teach him D3V, K_A will get it, I promise.. its gonna work this time POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Skurai 2015-03-27 09:59 AM

Can Kazilla be a meme?

Kazilla 2015-04-02 10:07 PM

Is Barry White?

Skurai 2015-04-03 10:09 AM

stfu nub u r gay

khwiii 2015-04-10 08:25 PM

Holy shit. Haven't been here for what seems like a decade, and I still see D3V and K_A going at it. Not much has changed.

Skurai 2015-04-16 06:17 AM

It's like reading a comic book, only they're both neutral characters

Thanatos 2015-04-19 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 705138)
I was going to bother writing out a response and justifying my actions and such, but fuck it, it isn't worth the effort anymore. It's sad that despite the fact that we are well into our adulthood now, you are still acting like a child. You would have never been banned otherwise and you are either fully aware of that fact or the biggest fucking moron ever.

banning people in 2015 and taking this forum seriously lol

also fuck you d3v

Demosthenes 2015-04-19 12:59 PM

Hey Jizmo, how's your sister?!

Thanatos 2015-04-24 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Demosthenes (Post 705195)
Hey Jizmo, how's your sister?!

She's great, thanks for asking. How's your mom?

also: my online alias used to be Jizmo.... lol

D3V 2015-10-02 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Thanatos (Post 705194)
also fuck you d3v

eat it

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