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Skurai 2012-03-22 07:59 PM

The Ultimate Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Thread
Skyrim was great, but I accidentally the Mages College.

Asamin 2012-03-22 08:17 PM

That's ok. I once accidentally all of whiterun. And I don't mean the city. I mean the hold. I swear, I was just trying to get 100 pick pocketing.

Skurai 2012-03-22 09:13 PM

Well, for me it was Whiterun, but before I had permission to get in the College.
There was a dragon. I used Fus-Ro-Dah, and... well... A guard got in the way.
Kinda B.S., really.

Asamin 2012-03-22 11:37 PM

Most of the times I've killed a guard I manage to get all the witnesses or just pay it off (I'm in the thieve's guild). My annoying story was when I got fined for punching a kid that was beating up another kid. They didn't fine the kids!

Skurai 2012-03-23 12:46 PM

Meh. You can't expect games to think everything through, sadly.

kaos 2012-03-23 02:19 PM

I just glitched Oghma Infinium and got 100 on all my Skills and jumped from level 21 to level 80.

Seems kind of boring now.

Asamin 2012-03-23 06:47 PM

How did you manage that? I'm level 52 and have run out of things to do so some glitch like that could be fun to me.

kaos 2012-03-23 07:40 PM

1. Get Oghma Infinium, but don't read it.

2. Buy a house, then buy the alchemy set for the house

3. Click Activate Bookshelf, Go down to Books, Oghma Infinium, Read. Don't Exit out of the menu, click Store on the book to store it in the bookshelf. Exit the Bookshelf menu.

4. Repeat step 4.

5. ?????

6. Profit.

WetWired 2012-03-23 08:22 PM

I just mastered the ways of the assassin and of enchanting. I'm only level 45, but everything is a breeze, now.
I can slip by entire dungeons unnoticed (unless I have a follower).
I can kill bosses with a single attack.
Even if I do get found out, my armor is awesome and I can deal with them at my leisure.

kaos 2012-03-23 09:07 PM

I'm level 100 Sneak, added a point to silence, and yet people can still detect me if I'm walking around normally. I thought it would make it so running/walking is undetectable :/.

Asamin 2012-03-23 09:25 PM

I have 100 sneak and a few points into the perks. I also have the Nightengale armor which makes it harder to detect me. I slip past most things if I try to. That or I wear my super enchanted Dragonscale armor. Each sword is doing 132 damage. Everything is at my leisure.

Also, the game I'm playing currently is Escape Velocity Nova. I'm so happy they made the last one for windows too. I would cry if I couldn't play this game.

kaos 2012-03-23 09:54 PM

Yeah, kills are pretty simple now and I'm only playing to finish the story. Can't till 5/15. :D

WetWired 2012-03-24 12:12 AM

The silence perk only effects movement sound. If they see you, you're still in trouble. Also, you have to be sneaking to not be seen; otherwise, you're not actively disguising your movement. Even when you're sneaking, there's run and walk modes; this is what the perk refers to.

Here's my equipment:

Glass Helmet (Flawless). 60 AC. +40 Lockpicking. +25 Illusion
Necklace. 0 AC. +40 Sneak. +40 One Handed
Glass Armor (Flawless). 136 AC. +25 Light Armor. +62 Magic Regen
Glass Gauntlets (Flawless). 48 AC. +40 Sneak. +40 One Handed
Ring. 0 AC. +40 Sneak. +40 One Handed
Glass Boots (Flawless). 48 AC. +40 Sneak. +1? Muffle

Glass Shield (Flawless). 56 AC. +20 Magic Resist. +37 Shock Resist.
Dragonbane (Legendary). 120 Dmg.

Ebony Dagger (Flawless). 41 Dmg.

Including the sign of The Lord and natural resists, I have 398 AC (above the armor cap) and 70% magic resist

Asamin 2012-03-24 01:35 PM

At some point I'll go in and find exactly what everything is. But all my gear is enchanted to boost one handed damage except my helm which is archery and my body which gives +12 to light armor skill. Pretty much everything else has 21% to one handed damage and I'm not gonna upgrade it till I have 100 enchanting and the first perk all the way up.

kaos 2012-03-24 04:08 PM

Grab a shitload of Fortify Smithing potions and make 600 Damage swords and 1500+ Armor like I did xP

Asamin 2012-03-25 09:59 AM

Well there's a AC cap so a 1500 ac armor won't do any better than a lower one. Just your numbers look bigger. Damage wise? I don't need it. I can sneak up on a dragon priest and one hit him.

Asamin 2012-03-25 02:42 PM

Lets move all Skyrim related discussion here.

Continuing what I was saying:

Originally Posted by Skryim Wiki
Physical damage reduction is capped at 80%. If you are wearing all four pieces of armor, this occurs at 567 displayed armor rating.

Therefore, having a plate armor with 1500 AR is pointless. The article does go on to say that there is a possibility of reducing damage to 0 with 100 block and a shield.

Thank you for the full move and the rename. Much better name IMO

WetWired 2012-03-25 09:13 PM

Hmm. I could swear it was under 400 AC. Regardless, I'm terribly OP as it is.

Asamin 2012-03-25 10:10 PM

Pretty much once you get your weapon's skill above level 80 and your armor up there, you're a god.

!King_Amazon! 2012-03-26 10:42 AM

I just made a Breton which I'm going to take the way of the mage, he's level 7 or so now and not having much trouble. I can't say that playing him is as easy as my thief character that had 50 skill points in archery nearly from the start of the game and maxed pickpocketing and sneak almost without trying.

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