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Mr.Lee 2011-02-21 04:00 PM

Any Diablo II players left?
Must be years since I've posted on this forum. Just checking things out. :)

!King_Amazon! 2011-02-21 10:39 PM

I've been playing a few characters on US East Ladder and Non-ladder. I have a pretty beastly fishymancer on US East NL named Bonexplosion, and a few characters on ladder freshly made. Lucretiara sorceress, Donttickmeoff Amazon, Banditman druid. Accounts are KingAmazon and KingAmazonLad.

Xenn 2011-02-28 12:33 AM


Mr.Lee 2012-02-10 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 693374)
I've been playing a few characters on US East Ladder and Non-ladder. I have a pretty beastly fishymancer on US East NL named Bonexplosion, and a few characters on ladder freshly made. Lucretiara sorceress, Donttickmeoff Amazon, Banditman druid. Accounts are KingAmazon and KingAmazonLad.

I've been playing time to time, with breaks here and there. I only play on the EU server, however. I don't really lurk on Zelaron, there is not much action here. I am very active on d2jsp though.

Sovereign 2012-02-10 02:12 PM

My account with all my awesome gear got deleted due to inactivity. I forgot my password and then WoW consumed me and I forgot to ever log in. This was years ago, and I don't feel like putting in all that time to get the gear back :(

Skurai 2012-02-12 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Lee (Post 693363)
Must be years since I've posted on this forum. Just checking things out. :)

I played Diablo II for a bit, with the help of my friend, Zach. I couldn't get into it. Barely any character customization (which is almost the only thing that matters to me, in this new age of graphics). I am aware it's old, but it's just not my type of MMO. Even the gameplay.

WetWired 2012-02-12 02:23 PM

It's more like an MO than an MMO...

Sovereign 2012-02-12 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skurai (Post 696058)
I played Diablo II for a bit, with the help of my friend, Zach. I couldn't get into it. Barely any character customization (which is almost the only thing that matters to me, in this new age of graphics). I am aware it's old, but it's just not my type of MMO. Even the gameplay.

Did you even play D2 for more than a week? There were a lot of cookie cutter builds, but there were tons of fun quirky setups you could use.

I had a fire sorc named warped who had maxed out block at level 90 with a Stormshield. It was fun killing zealots and ww barbs who were used to the 2% block most sorcs have.

I made an assassin who used runewords to attack with a barbarians whirlwind. Enigma teleport + ww poison rape was fun.

My necromancer used an old school .08 viscertuant shield and did nothing but summon skeletons and revive monsters. He used some runeword, I think it was beast or something, to give all the revives an aura that increased there attack speed. I could have like 60 mobs stacking on me when I teleported. If the massive lag didn't get the enemy player, dozens of mobs slashing them to hell did. It was especially fun when dueling whirlwind barbs or any melee characters. If you used Iron Maiden and they attacked with an area attack like WW.... well iron maiden bounced damage back. They were attacking 60 summons...... so yeah, face rape. The barbs killed themselves.

I had a sorc who would transform into a bear and use fire damage to melee people to death. Wasn't very good but extreme good fun.

I made an IK berserk barb for shits and giggles. Assuming the hit landed, It was an easy 1-2 shot on almost anything.

My FAVORITES were my two paladins. One was a V/t who specialized in smite, but had a decent damage Fist of the heavens for those teleport whores. The other was a v/T and the exact opposite of the other paladin. Using a bugged tals armor and various other goodies, I had rape Fist of the Heavens damage. When people were using lightning resist and absorb, I'd get my lacerator out and charge smite them to death.

This game entertained me for YEARS. The leveling glitches that used ot exist would make a lvl 85 character possible in literally a day or so. Imagine having your wow account full of near cap characters in a week. Yeah.

RIP VanGosroth, VanBasroil, Schayde, Warped, ikpk and marijuanaisleet

Skurai 2012-02-12 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sovereign (Post 696064)
Did you even play D2 for more than a week?

I played for about an hour, but couldn't find even the slightest hint of storyline, to keep me interested.

Sovereign 2012-02-13 06:58 PM


That's like going to a movie, watching the opening credits, and then leaving.

jamer123 2012-02-13 07:19 PM

no ... its like waiting in line then exiting the line when your up

Skurai 2012-02-14 06:19 PM

I do that a lot, too.
I'm just waiting for D3.

Willkillforfood 2012-02-19 02:02 PM

Only problem I have with D3 is they reduced the maximum number of people in a game. I love big battles full of people. Loved it when we had a ton of necros with tons of minions and shit. It was hilarious :D. Mobbed everything.

Sovereign 2012-02-20 02:52 PM

Erm what is it down to? I thought 8 was too little :(

!King_Amazon! 2012-02-20 04:26 PM

4 I believe.

Skurai 2012-02-21 07:40 AM

It's Blizzard, so I'm sure specific runs they'll bump the limit.

quikspy67 2012-02-22 07:33 AM

Mr.Lee yes I still play under quikspy67.

Mr.Lee 2012-02-23 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Skurai (Post 696066)
I played for about an hour, but couldn't find even the slightest hint of storyline, to keep me interested.

Who care about the storyline :P Well, maybe if you're a new player

Diablo II is about rushing your char, leeching exp in baal runs, getting shit and stuff and giggles, then go pk. Rinse and repeat.

!King_Amazon! 2012-02-23 12:15 PM

That's exactly why I got bored of the game. The only enjoyment I could even get the last few times I played was by trying to take a character through normal, nightmare, and hell difficulties without outside assistance. It's pretty fucking challenging, especially with a sorceress.

Skurai 2012-03-01 09:52 PM

There's different difficulties on an MMO?

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