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KagomJack 2010-09-10 11:03 PM

A fight to the death
I'm bored and want activity. Who'd win in a fight to the death between the Pilsbury Doughboy and Mr. Peanut? Rules are simple: the two are places in a kitchen with a working oven their size and a constantly lit stove. They have Mr. Peanut's cane, a sharp kitchen knife, and a rolling pin. Who wins and why do you think they'd win?

!King_Amazon! 2010-09-11 12:01 AM


Skurai 2010-09-11 12:33 AM

Mr. Peanut is much more experienced. The rolling pin would be much too large for Doughoy to use efficiently, and Mr. Peanut would come equiped with his cane right from the start. I imagine his cane can secretly be turned into a rapier for such occations and the Doughboy stands no chance.

Kazilla 2010-09-11 06:06 AM

Doughboy would win, Mr. Peanut has joints, dough boy doesn't. Although Mr. Peanut has manueverability, The Doughboy is indestructible.

Skurai 2010-09-12 03:59 PM

But that would be implying the Doughboy could control his un-attached body parts, which would be silly and impossible. He's much softer, so as soon as Peanut get's close enough, Doughboy is through.

D3V 2010-09-14 03:46 PM


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