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Mdselctr 2009-11-06 08:15 PM

Recent developments (problems)
A local non-profit has called out to volunteers
to be interns in a community-related project of
fund-raising. It was not long after meeting the
rest of the group (of which there are 5 others)
that it became apparent that this was influenced
by a marketing firm behind the scenes. In fact,
the project coordinator (in reality that's what
he is) is the director of a marketing agency...
After a few weeks of dealing with each person's
individual ideas of how to best generate revenue
for the local charity, the group finally decided
to narrow it down to having a series of live art
and music shows at some venue. Well, while this
was being discussed, a postcard flyer is being
prepared at home in Illustrator. Now that the
first show is coming up, the .ai file was sent
to the marketing director and he agreed to have
it printed. But suddenly he goes on vacation,
while one important detail is missing from the
flyer. After trying to get into contact with him
for a day, he finally sends what looks like an
automated delivery response: "I'll be out of the
office until Tuesday, November 10th. Thank you."
Amazing--did he even read the email? So, the only
thing left to do was to call his office, talk to
his secretary and ask her what printing firm he
deals with. Called them, described the problem--
luckily they didn't print it yet--and sent the
corrected .ai files to them. After it seemed like
the problem had been solved, and telling him this
in an email, he replied that he had sent artwork
to them to be printed. It seems like sabotage:
just which artwork did he send, exactly?
So here's the question, should this be announced
to the group that the flyer was originally what
everyone agreed on, but now Mr. Marketing changes
his mind and he is unfair and deserves to die?
Should the others know about his manipulative ways?

!King_Amazon! 2009-11-07 12:53 AM

I think I lost the story there near the end...

jamer123 2009-11-07 08:39 AM

Mdselctr has lost his mind in all of the programing that he is.

Combinatus 2009-11-07 10:40 AM


Mdselctr 2009-11-07 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by jamer123 (Post 683942)
Mdselctr has lost his mind in all of the programing that he is.

The project coordinator goes on vacation,
and just when an important detail is missing
from the flyer. He remains unresponsive...
You call this sabotage because he didn't
leave any room for communication. He didn't
even mention the artwork he was using.
The word "artwork" is very ambiguous when
the group already agreed on a flyer design
and everything for the flyer was already

Skurai 2009-11-07 05:24 PM

Yeah, I really think he broke down, worse than me. I broke so bad, I dont even beep anymore... But he... he just rambles on about how everything sucks. Emo kid.

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