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Halloween Plans?
What are your plans for this Halloween? What is your costume going to be, if you're wearing one?
My costume is going to be The Queen of Harlots (The corset top looks damn good on me). A bunch of us from work are going to Wayside, a bar downtown that's likely to be super packed. A guy from work who's going as Dr. Venture offered to be my DD. I've been told he likes me ("Any girl who likes FF as much as me is worth it"), and we've been talking a lot lately. Hm... |
No costume, maybe go out to the bar or a party. Blah
goin to be chillin with my bros and we're throwin a party. its gonna be tight
Hitting a couple of bars with a buddy. Not dressing up.
Going to a halloween party with my girlfriend and some good friends. I'm going to be a drunk Mario (tattered costume, crooked hat, bottle in hand, yelling absurd things at Peach) and she is going to be a slutty Princess Peach. Should be an interesting night.
well im going trick or treating with friends and then i have a band concert to go play in
That's awesome, lol. |
I wanted to go as Persephone, but never made it past the planning. I'll probably just use one of the various Renaissance dresses I have around the house. No plans are definite right now except Rocky Horror at midnight.
Going as Dr. Faustus (not to be mistake for the guy who posts here) to a party, and my friend is going as Mephistopheles.
well my haloween ended fun aka over 5 miles of walking
Halloween isn't until Saturday.
........ my towns trick or treat day was yesterday
My town sucks at trick-or-treating. Hours are like... from 12 in the afternoon (daytime) to 6 in the almost-night-time-but-not-really. I've never had a halloween that was actually at night time... Haha... |
We had Beggar's Night last night too. The most adorable kid ever came to the house. Kidnapping was considered until I remembered I'd have to feed and water it.
They rarely ever used to do it on Halloween. Then the Mayor decided it made sense to do it on the proper night. Unfortunately this year it fell on a Saturday, which would mean interfering with the Ohio State game. Actually, it was probably more of a safety issue as football and drinking tend to go hand and hand. |
I guess in certain cases it would probably be beneficial.. even though the Ohio State game is at noon, which means it would be over well before any kids would go trick-or-treating.
It'll be over, but a good portion of the city will have spent most of the day drinking. We also tend not to be the most gracious winners or losers and sometimes the post-game activities involve a bit of arson. It's definitely far safer to have held it last night.
My U.S. History teacher takes off points if we don't support the same teams as him.
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