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Lenny 2009-01-16 06:16 PM

Living Your Life
Someone IRL was asking me about University admissions, and which Uni they should apply to, and it made me remember when I was doing the same, and how I did it all at the last minuted. And then I thought about my exams, and the hour of preparation I did before each one, and I finally got on to the thought of making this thread.

The question is, how do you go through your life?

I am incredibly laid back about it all. Whenever I have exams, or deadlines, or things to do (like apply to Uni), I'll do it in my own time - often an hour or two before it's due. Me mam is physically sick with worry everytime I'm at a point where I need to do work, because I never actually seem to do anything. My teachers used to have a go at me for not doing any work until the last minute, and people at school could never quite believe that I, the genius that I am, with all my fantastic marks, did nothing until I absolutely had to. I guess I have no motivation until the pressure is on, but I am, and I'll use the same words, incredibly laid back about everything. My natural ability and intelligence is enough to get me through everything with only a scrape or a bump here and there, and if I tried I could be truly fantastic but... well, meh.

What about you guys and gals? Do you go through life as horizontal as I do? Do you make a special effort to get stressed about things and worry about them not being done from the word go?

I'm just interested to find out. I have a few ideas about some people, and it'll be nice to see if I'm right or not.

Nowwww, go!

Grav 2009-01-17 07:57 AM

I did what you're saying until I got to this school. Now the level of work is too high for that, I pretty much have to put in a few hours every day.

Vault Dweller 2009-01-17 06:53 PM

Yeah, Lenny, that sounds about like me. The only thing I've really ever stressed about would be chicks, which makes me ashamed of myself.

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