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Willkillforfood 2008-12-23 11:22 PM

Root Canal, Wisdom Teeth Removal, and Radioactive Iodine Treatment
This summarizes my Christmas break schedule :P. Had the root canal today, in less than a week I have all 4 wisdom teeth removed, and then soon after I get radioactive iodine treatment. I've been relatively inactive due to finals and getting back home.

How're you all?

Titusfied 2008-12-24 08:29 AM

How was the root canal? I'm going to be getting one in a few weeks myself....

-Spector- 2008-12-24 09:52 AM

I just had a root canal done.. fun stuff!

Hook me up with some vicodin, post-wisdom teeth removal?

Willkillforfood 2008-12-25 11:23 AM

The root canal was not bad at all, honestly. Took a little under 2 hours for the entire procedure and the temporary shit they stuff on my tooth (they couldn't pour one because it was bleeding quite a bit.) I really would not be nervous about it at all if I were to get another one. Aside from the initial needle in the gums, there's very little pain, and even that is just a pinch. The worst part is leaving your mouth open for so long and having a mouth that's so dry. I'm already on tabs, Spector, but no can do :P. Well, I'm not taking them anymore.


Oh yea Thanatos, and I wasn't sore at all later that day (as long as I didn't bite down on the tooth). Mine was even a bit more than a root canal. He cut on my wisdom tooth too to make it easier for removal.

Thanatos 2008-12-29 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Willkillforfood (Post 663736)
Oh yea Thanatos, and I wasn't sore at all later that day (as long as I didn't bite down on the tooth).

How did I come up in this?

Titusfied 2008-12-29 03:00 PM

I think he meant to say Titus, not Thanatos.

Willkillforfood 2008-12-30 02:13 AM

Yea, my bad. I just saw the "T" and ran with it I guess :p. How'd yours go, Titus?

Titusfied 2008-12-30 04:01 PM

Not for a little while longer. Mid-January.

Sovereign 2008-12-31 05:48 AM

What i the iodine treatment for O_o.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled at once. They knocked me out with some sort of IV drug. I remember counting backwards from 10 to about 8 then waking up. I originally didn't feel any pain at all and thought "SHit this is it?". A couple hours later is when I noticed that they had LOADED my jaw up with novacane and that I couldn't feel ANYTHING there and had been drooling on myself unconciously for the past few hours.

Then the hurt started.

Willkillforfood 2008-12-31 10:36 AM

The iodine treatment is for a malfunctioning thyroid. I just went in today for a temporary crown. They had to deaden me up again. I'm going to be on a valium, steroids, and a couple other drugs to premedicate for the wisdom teeth.

talentedhamster 2008-12-31 10:51 AM

I'm getting all 4 wisdom teeth out in 2 weeks....in 1 day. They're not even putting me under! ughhhhh

Willkillforfood 2008-12-31 10:57 AM

I'm getting all mine out on the 5th.

talentedhamster 2008-12-31 02:55 PM

tell me how it is lol

Wallow 2008-12-31 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by talentedhamster (Post 664064)
tell me how it is lol

Your face grows to the size of a melon, and all you can eat is yogurt =P

My orthodontist has told me that there's a chance I won't need my wisdom teeth removed; both my sisters have had theirs taken out.

Sovereign 2009-01-01 10:31 PM

I blended a cheeseburger with yogurt and ate it after my teeth got pulled. It was more to gross out my parents but it wasn't ALL that bad. Better then the blood. BLECH.

Jessifer 2009-01-03 10:19 AM

I should probably get my wisdom teeth taken out because they grew in at an odd angle, but they really don't bother me.

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