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!King_Amazon! 2008-06-28 04:40 AM

Diablo 3 Officially Announced!
The live feed was kinda jacked up, but I did manage to get a few looks at the trailer and gameplay.

Some things to note:

It looked like the game is not an MMORPG. The guy was playing a barbarian at the time, doing a quest to rescue some dude, and it was not MMORPGish at all. It also kept the similar perspective as Diablo 1 and 2. I'm pretty sure that it's going to basically stick to the same format as Diablo 1 and 2 did.

There seemed to be a lot of gameplay for a game that was just announced. The game looked fully functional, at least for where they were and for what they were doing. The barbarian they were playing seemed to be pretty damn functional.

The game looks somewhat like it was done with a similar sort of engine as WC3, in my opinion, but I didn't see a ton.

Anyway, doesn't look like there's much info up right now, and since the live feed is busted, that's all I've got for now. I'll update later when they actually get the website set up and such.

For now you can see the really cool new splash screen at www.battle.net

UPDATE: http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/index.xml See it. Lots of nifty info. The trailer and gamplay video are awesome.

-Spector- 2008-06-28 05:34 AM


Finally!!!!!! W000t I'm fucking excited as shit.

I like the graphics, the background is still basically drawn, but now everything is 3D. Excellent.

Also looks like the environment is very interactive. :D

I finally love you blizzard. You made me wait SO many fucking years. I hate you.

Game play similar to W3, but the interface is extremely wow-ish

NonGayMan 2008-06-28 12:53 PM

I'm fairly certain that I'm going to be staying up until 4 in the morning playing this every other day.

HandOfHeaven 2008-06-28 01:03 PM

Only took them 8 years to the day. About damn time.

iceman887 2008-06-28 02:08 PM

this is gonna be awesome, i love how the graphics look like, it's not too realistic, still kind of cartoonish

Willkillforfood 2008-06-28 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by HandOfHeaven (Post 642777)
About damn time.

HOH said it right there. I can't wait, and it looks amazing.

Vollstrecker 2008-06-28 10:18 PM

Alas, my prediction of it being their next MMO failed. That out of the way, this is going to be some serious shit. I'm damn excited.

Asamin 2008-07-01 09:21 PM

I am so fucking pumped for this game. Having been a dedicated Diablo fan since I saw my dad playing it, I can definitely say that I will pre-order and wait for this game. I hope it does not come out during the school year though. That would suck for me.

Lenny 2008-07-06 02:38 PM

The trailer was fantastic. The gameplay video was rather good - the graphics are nice, and I like the destructible environment.

Lats time I looked, the site said nothing about an online fee. Anyone know anything yet, or is it still being kept quiet?

D3V 2010-01-20 11:18 AM

So a year and a half later and nothing much more has been announced. WE LOVE YOU BLIZZARD!

!King_Amazon! 2010-01-20 11:41 AM

Plenty has been announced since the announcement of Diablo 3, just no release date. There's loads of information, and it's changing every day.

D3V 2010-01-20 01:22 PM

While that is true, I guess we get lost in the excitment of the game and forget that it's all about the money; or atleast I do.

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