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Goodlookinguy 2008-06-12 10:09 PM

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
I didn't see anyone else with a thread about it.

Just got it! It's awesome!

Dark-Madness 2008-06-13 10:26 PM

I have always enjoyed metal gear...then Splinter Cell came out and I lost interest.

To honest I would love to see some colaberation of the minds behind those two games. Metal Gear has an awesome cinematic feel during its cut scenes where as Splinter Cell is blah. But I have always liked SC's combat and mechanics much more than MGS. That and it seems every Metal Gear has an hour long segment where some cheesy Japanese love story occures right in the middle of the action. I say: Get the the f**king killing and be done with it!

Lenny 2008-06-18 01:44 PM

All I'm going to say is that BOOOM! Headshot with my silenced M4 features heavily in my stealth plans. :rolleyes:

Goodlookinguy 2008-06-18 03:39 PM

You know, I gotta say, one of my favorite things in the game is the stealth. You stand against a wall or ground and your suit changes to the wall or ground. If that isn't cool, then I don't know what is. Though I did find number 3 more challenging stealth wise, especially how you had to change your costume depending on the situation. I definitely think they did another great job with the Metal Gear Solid series.

Lenny 2008-06-18 04:29 PM

I've just started Act 2, and my little FPS maniac inside me has had me put a scope on my M4 to headshot from afar, which is surprisingly useful. :p Methinks when I've finished the game as a mass-murdered, I'll go through and play as a sneaker.

Here's a nice statistic from my Act 1 performance - 1 death, 146 kills, 62 headshots. :)

Willkillforfood 2008-06-18 09:18 PM

My friend just rented it and is playing it. It's like a movie with little interactive bits so far, lol.

Lenny 2008-06-19 06:39 AM

I must say, I've never liked cutscenes as much as I like the ones in MGS4 - and it's easy to see how Kojima filled a dual-layer Blu-ray disc (50gb!). Saying that, though, the game itself is in no way lacking. I've been playing for 12 hours, and I reckon I'm about halfway through the second act. It took me about nine hours to finish Act 1, and I do believe there are five Acts, so it's a pretty lengthy game. Add in the myriad different ways of playing it and, well, you get the picture.

Lenny 2008-06-22 03:58 PM

I don't believe it! In 16 hours and 40 minutes, I got up to the point where Drebin whisks you away in his truck (near the end of Act 2, methinks?). A friend came over today and got to exactly the same point in 5 hours and 15 minutes. Sure, he was playing on Naked Normal whilst I'm going through on Solid Normal, but come on! His style of play is much more different to mine, too. Whilst I make an effort to sneak by, and silently headshot people, he ran in guns a-blazing all the time, as if he were playing an FPS like CoD4.

One must admire the game, though, as it allows so many different modes of play - my sneak/headshot mode, my friends' guns a-blazing mode, and I know others who got through the whole thing without killing a single person. Madness.

Willkillforfood 2008-06-22 05:35 PM

My friend beat the game in like 18 or 19 hours. He kept getting stuck on escort missions and the last act is a bit tough ...you'll see :D. The ending is way too long, but good.

Wed-G 2008-06-22 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 641468)
All I'm going to say is that BOOOM! Headshot with my silenced M4 features heavily in my stealth plans. :rolleyes:

Gah. I love counter-strike.

Hades-Knight 2008-07-06 06:51 AM

I played through it in a day......I was really upset about my $60......the game literally had about 1 hour of play with about 8 hours of cutscenes.

Each map felt so short, you could literally sprint from one end to the next without doing anything else

Lenny 2008-07-06 06:55 AM

Then force yourself to play it differently. As I said above, the game has a lot of ways it can be played - bet you can't take longer than me to get past Act 2. ;)

Set yourself challenges. How about trying to get through each Act without a single alert, or without a single kill?

Goodlookinguy 2008-07-06 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 643589)
Then force yourself to play it differently. As I said above, the game has a lot of ways it can be played - bet you can't take longer than me to get past Act 2. ;)

Set yourself challenges. How about trying to get through each Act without a single alert, or without a single kill?

My brother beat the game and is going for no kills. After that he's going for no alerts.

For me, I've yet to get very far in the game.

Skurai 2008-07-06 07:12 PM

I ain't got it, But my Girl has. and she's Eaten it inside and out.

She's got all (as in every) emblem, even that... that one, one the hardest mode, and the Chicken emblem...

She's had it about 2 weeks...

she's a freak.. :D

Lenny 2008-07-07 01:30 PM

I got one of the emblems, but I can't for the life of me work out which and what for. Might have been something to do with headshots or kills. Or even for taking so long to do so little. :rolleyes:

Skurai 2008-07-07 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 643682)
I got one of the emblems, but I can't for the life of me work out which and what for. Might have been something to do with headshots or kills. Or even for taking so long to do so little. :rolleyes:

as long as it's not Chicken emblem, then you're good. (She got Chicken at the end because she had nothing else to get.)

Lenny 2008-07-07 01:41 PM


Have at least 150 alert phases
Kill at least 500 enemies
Continue the game more than 50 times
Amass at least 35 hours of play time
Use at least 50 health items.

Nope, not yet. :p

I think I'm on about 70 alert phases, 300 kills, 3 continues, and 20 health items, with 17 hours of gameplay (and not even halfway through, yet!).

NonGayMan 2008-07-07 07:52 PM

I beat the game in 4 days. I liked it a lot, but the multiplayer is a little lackluster for me.

quikspy67 2008-07-07 10:03 PM

My friend brought it over yesturday, I love the the cut scenes, the gameplay, how octacon screams "snake? snake?!" still, and the graphics, the detail on everything how you can see each stich on the men's suits. From what I've seen I think it's amazing and I am going to get it for sure.

Goodlookinguy 2008-07-07 10:58 PM

Greatest Gaming Review Ever. http://objectiveministries.org/zounds/gaming.html


My brother pointed it out to me because he found a link to it from somewhere else. That is the funniest review of MSG4 I've ever seen. Not to mention, how can you review a game you've never played.

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