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KagomJack 2007-07-20 01:11 PM

Polish homosexuals flee persecution in exodus to UK
Polish homosexuals flee persecution in exodus to UK

Polish gay rights groups say thousands of homosexuals have fled the country to the UK to escape increasing persecution.

Robert Biedron, a left wing party activist and head of the Polish Foundation Against Homophobia, said "huge numbers" of Polish gays had now fled the country following the rise to power of the current right-wing conservative government.

He said: "It is incredible. The Polish gay community has just moved away because of the climate of fear and persecution.

"Most of the people I know are now in England because of the current political situation. Not for economic reasons, but because of the persecution of homosexuals going on here.

"It’s impossible for gays to be themselves in Poland. Around two million Poles have left the country seeking work and thousands of gays are joining them.

"Many gays are approaching our foundation for help in emigrating to the UK."

Poland’s Catholic, conservative right-wing government has members who are openly anti-gay and the health ministry has created a special committee responsible for "curing" gays, according to local media.

Deputy health minister Marek Grafowski said the ministry was also planning to identify how many people in Poland were gay and work out a set of behavioural guides to assist parents and teachers in recognising warning signs of potential "gay" behaviour.

The police have also been compiling a database on gays and the gay community in Poland which although illegal under EU law, is apparently being done as part of a police investigation into a bomb threat two years ago by a gay man.

He had reportedly identified himself as a meber of the gay community angry when a gay rights march was banned in Warsaw.

"The Police are not allowed to catalogue ‘homosexual data’ but it’s enough to look into the police investigation associated with the bomb in order to establish a list of names and addresses," said Ewa Kulesza, a former personal data protection general inspector.


Lenny 2007-07-20 01:14 PM

Great, more immigrants...

KagomJack 2007-07-20 01:15 PM

Look at the reason they're coming over there, though, Lenlen. It can only either get better or get worse and I'm betting worse and you'll get more immigrants.

Lenny 2007-07-20 01:25 PM

Maybe if it were a few thousand, fine. But two million? All looking for jobs? We're only a small country, with a population of about 60 million, with about 1.6 million unemployed. Now there's an extra 2 million who are going to be looking for jobs.

And what's wrong with the rest of Europe? Chances are the Poles already speak a European language better than they do English, too.

KagomJack 2007-07-20 01:40 PM

Maybe they want to be some place that has a government that's going Big Brother? I dunno, but they should try to spread out a little more than the UK, though it could be convenient in travel time and the such. And maybe they don't want to be in the other parts of Europe. I dunno, I'm not them.

And it's not saying a million Poles are coming to the UK, it says that the gay community from Poland is coming to the UK.

Vollstrecker 2007-07-20 06:43 PM

I don't envision this lasting long, I'm sure the UN will have something to say about this.

Grav 2007-07-21 05:37 AM

Haha, like what?

"Please stop it. I'm serious. Damnit Poland! Don't make us litigate ineffectively for months!"

Vault Dweller 2007-07-22 06:51 PM

The U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights is so full of pretty western ideology, but without a method of enforcement, it effectively puts everyone on the Honor System. The prevalent attitude of most of the world's governments seems to parallel that of Snake in the Simpsons - "Screw the Honor System."

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