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!King_Amazon! 2007-04-04 12:26 PM

Why don't you post as much anymore?
I'm curious. For you guys out there that have stopped posting as much, or at all, what made you stop posting as much as you used to?

Also, what can be done to improve your activity?

WetWired 2007-04-04 12:28 PM

Not many threads that I'm interested in. I try to make threads that interest me, but they don't get much activity.

Though, my activity is unusually high lately. I don't think I've been above 50% in months before recently.

Mantralord 2007-04-04 12:36 PM

well wetwired is mostly dead so he has an excuse not to post much anymore

!King_Amazon! 2007-04-04 12:49 PM

What would interest you more, WW?

I guess what I'm asking is for people to say why they aren't posting as much and give suggestions as to what can be done to get them to post more. I know for some people it's just for personal reasons that they can't help such as school or work, but I think for some it's just a lack of interesting things to post about. I want to know what would interest people more, perhaps suggestions for new forums if people will post in them, or maybe forum activities like the whole thing we had going before where we would pick fictional characters and decide who wins based on what people thought would happen. Can't remember what it was called, but stuff like that might be good. I'm just looking for suggestions.

WetWired 2007-04-04 01:21 PM

Zelaron melee?

!King_Amazon! 2007-04-04 01:21 PM

Yeah that's it

KagomJack 2007-04-04 01:35 PM

Just not as many interesting things are being posted. Once in a while a good debate gets sparked in the debate forum or someone posts something really worthwhile in the convo forums. I don't tinker with RM2K(3) as much, so that cut down my activity in that forum.

Sovereign 2007-04-04 01:37 PM

I had my addiction to wow breifly reignited. Now that that's died down I'll be going back to somewhat normal.

Thanatos 2007-04-04 02:27 PM

I guess I don't post as much anymore because lack of good conversation and most of the old posters that made this place worthwhile have dissapeared or become less active. Titusfied, RoboticSilence, Penny_Bags, kaos, MJ, Bob, Hades-Knight, Randuin, SYG, NGM, Slim, and the list goes on and on.

Maybe we should try to bring back an old member each week. Make a thread titled something like "This week: Operation Slim". I don't know. It's just not as interesting as it used to be.

KagomJack 2007-04-04 02:43 PM

How many of these older posters do you actually talk to though? Maybe you can coax them to start posting more. Just a thought.

Willkillforfood 2007-04-04 03:13 PM

We need to get Kaneda on here with another girl.

Jamesadin 2007-04-05 12:53 AM

I still come on every day, pretty much. The topics that interest me enough to post in are few and far between, though. The Opinion/Debate forum is probably the best one going.

khwiii 2007-04-05 04:36 AM

I never was a huge poster so I suppose it doesn't matter, but I find the combination of Mantra and Grav to be WAAAAAYYYY too annoying.

Grav 2007-04-05 06:27 AM

We've both been here since 2002, so you must be quite annoyed.

gruesomeBODY 2007-04-05 07:30 AM

The Dragoons (the guys that got me involved with the forum) basically stopped posting. That mixed in with my busy schedule just doesnt allow time for me to post anything. Plus, some of the topics arent that amazing. But my activity recently has shot up so i guess the forum is making a comeback. I can also state that when Halo 3 comes around, the Dragoons will be abck.

Sum Yung Guy 2007-04-05 07:53 AM

I read everyday. Im just the strong silent type...

Willkillforfood 2007-04-05 08:38 AM

SYG's too selfish to post. He's too busy shooting Iraqis =(.

slaynish 2007-04-05 09:12 AM

yeah same with me i read usually every day.

Sometimes 3-4 times a day.

I just dont know. I feel like since gaming kind of slipped away, we all slipped away too. I dont know., i felt like zelaron was more like a family not a community. I mean, dont you remember when we had to try to convince members that posted strictly in our DII forums to post other places? We had threads like "zelaron isnt just a DII forum" and what not. Gaming brought us together because thats what we all love or atleast loved at one point.

BUT, as for my personal reasons; I'm growing up man. I'm not 11 years old anymore. I dont know if you guys realize how much impact Zelaron has had on me. I have posted it before, but jeeze, 11 years old, thats the last 4 years to shape me and transform me into who I am.

Thanatos 2007-04-05 10:02 AM

How did Zelaron aide you in transforming/shaping your life? What daily routines do you go through where you think "Ahh, thank you Zelaron!"?

Medieval Bob 2007-04-05 11:08 AM

I agree with the "nothing interesting" statement. In the past, there was always something going on. There was always some argument about this or that, and for the longest time, the Flame Forum was more entertaining than anything else here.

Additionally, with graduation in 37 days, I'm always swamped with shit to do, and when I'm not swamped with shit to do, I'm trying to relax and either sleep or play games.

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