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Sovereign 2006-12-30 11:48 PM

What anime/manga/visual novel are you watching/reading/playing?
Anime is Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Manga is Ai Yori Aoshi. Up to volume 11.

WetWired 2006-12-31 12:22 AM

I'm watching:
Busou Renkin
Yoake mae yori ruriiro na Crescent Love
La Corda D'Oro
Soko no Strain
Tokomeki Memorial: Only Love

I'm reading Mohoraba.

I'm playing Hourglass of Summer

You know there's an Ai Yori Aoshi VN, right? It's non-storyline, I hear, but it's decent, probably better if you're a fan of the characters.

Randuin 2006-12-31 12:27 AM

Code Geass
Negima!? (Just exclaimation mark is xebec's make)
Kujibiki Unbalance
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru
Bokura Ga Ita
Assatte no Houkou
Tokimeki Memorial

Also finished Mahoraba ^_^

Hunsy 2007-07-07 09:54 PM

I am watching:

Romeo X Juliet
Kujibiki Unbalance
Azumanga Daioh

Trying to fin other to watch that I haven't seen...when I have the time. :cry:

Great site to watch anime: http://www.crunchyroll.com/

For any of you that have not been to this site, this is basically like YouTube, but for "Asian" media.

`Ryp` 2007-12-20 10:04 AM

As of now, nothing. I have to get a new charger for my lappy. But when I'm back up and running, I'll go back to bleach, which I desperately need to catch up on >

Sovereign 2007-12-21 01:26 AM

Currently watching the crest / banner of the stars series. Up to banner II

micdawg12 2007-12-21 05:21 AM

I post shit that is older then doofus. Please ignore me.

Sovereign 2007-12-21 06:17 AM

Just finished Banner of the Stars II. Don't know where to go next. Mebbe I'll go rewatch vandread.

Sovereign 2008-01-22 03:53 AM

I just read Futari Ecchi (Manga Sutra) from Tokyopop. Kinky stuff :p.

I've got a list of dvd's lined up that I'm slowly getting through

Legend of Himiko
Whisper of the Heart
GTO Seasons 1 + 2
THe Third
THe Cat Returns
Pom Poco
Porco Rosso
Eureka 7
Ping Pong Club
Brain Powered

KagomJack 2008-01-23 03:07 AM

I'm not a fan, really, of anime and manga. I am, however, very much glued to Bleach. I'm totally into the Arrancar arc story right now. But if I were to read a Manga, it'd be Battle Royale.

Wallow 2008-04-19 02:04 PM

I'm watching:

Fullmetal Alchemist
Death Note
Shippuden (naruto)
Elfen Lied
Gurren lagann-Finished:)

Sovereign 2008-04-19 11:32 PM

Rewatching Eureka 7.

Dub mode.

MidnightsChorus 2008-06-11 10:10 AM

Watching Vampire Knight episode 9

Sovereign 2008-06-11 01:09 PM

Finished Spirited Away last night. Before that I watched Nightwalker. A little earlier then that it was The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I've had a lot of free time lately ~_~

Willkillforfood 2008-06-11 03:13 PM

Code Geass r2 Episode 9 ftw.

Dark-Madness 2008-06-13 07:35 PM

Just finished Witch Blade season 1 on xbox live. Is there even a season 2?

blckshdwdragon 2008-07-08 03:40 AM

keeping track of 110 mangas as follows- title, read up to chapter # from the begining
(I read almost everything - sports and most horror excluded - not my cup of tea)

07 Ghosts 13
Aflame Inferno 13
Akagami no Shirayukihime 4
Akuma to Dolce 8
Akuma to Love Song 7
Akumetsu 39
Ashita no Yoichi 12
B Reaction 18
Bakuretsu Tenshi 7
Barairo My Honey 7

Berserk 295
Billion Girl 14
Billion Princess 2
Bitter virgin 25
Blazer Drive 3
Bleach 316 97- 108
Boku ni Natta Watashi 12
Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu 13
Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta 9
Busou Renkin 1

Claymore 81
Code Breaker 4
Crimson grave 3
D. Gray Man 165
Desire Climax 38
Double Arts 15
Dragonaut 6
Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 2
Elfen Lied 97
Embalming 6

Freezing 3
Full House Kiss 9
H2O 26
Hachimitsu no Hana 5
Hakoiri Devil Princess 2
Hand x Red 4
Hoshigari Love Dollar 5
Hotaru no Hikari 4
Immortal Regis 24
Inumimi 13

Jack Frost 7
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! 9
Kanokon 7
Kare Made Love KM 29
Kimi no Iru Machi 3
KimiKiss - Various Heroines 15
Kiss/Hug 4
Kitsune no Yomeiri 1
Kure-nai 5
Kurohime 1

Kuroshitsuji 3
Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu 4
Little Jumper 2
Love Berrish 4
M to N no shouzou 8
Mahou Sensei Negima 218
Maken-ki 6
Mel Kano 6
Midnight Secretary 16
MiXiM12 12

My Girl 17
Mysterious Girlfriend X 17
Nabari no Ou 9
Nadeshiko Club 14
Nagasarete Airantou 16
Naruto 407
Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge 4
Number 3
Nurarihyon no Mago 16
Ookami ga Kuru! 2

Omamori Himari 20
One Piece 506
Onikirimaru 4
Pastel 89
Peace Maker 6
Phantom Wizard 12
Princess ressurection 9
Psycho Buster 9
Psyren 27
Rappi Rangai 5

REC 38
Rosario+Vampire II 8
Sekirei 67
Seto no Hanayome 14
Shibariya Komachi 4
Shina Dark 13
Shinobi Life 9
Soul Eater 50
Spicy Pink 9
Stigmata 7

Superior 17
Takeru - Opera Susanoh Sword of the Devil
Tales of Innocence 8
Tales of Symphonia 20
Tamago no Kimi 3
Tenshi no Hane to Akuma no Shippo 10
The Breaker 3
To-LOVE-ru 106
Tona-Gura 23
Tora Dora 5

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 192
Ubel Blatt 38
Umi no Misaki 16
Venus Capriccio 11
Vagabond 249
Vampire Knight 41
XBlade 13
Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen 3
Zettai Kakusei Tenshi Mistress Fortune 1
Zero no Tsukaima 9

completed - 32 total
(0 means one shot)
1/3 no Kareshi 0
As the Death God Dictates 8
Ayashi no Ceres 83
Beast Master 7+2
Black Cat 185
Bloody Kiss 6
Blue Dragon - Ral Grado 29
B-Shock 52
Dakishimete Noir 6
Densha Otoko 27
Gaba Kawa 6

Hatsukoi Limited 32
Hello Baby 0
Inuyasha 558
Flame of Recca 329
Kanaete Aizen 2
Kare First Love 57 +1
Kimi Shika Iranai 10
Majin Devil 12
Moe Kare 35

MXO 99
Parallel 20
PxP 3
Rosario+Vampire 40
Shinigami Lovers 11
Tenjou no Kajitsu 5
Tokage Ouji 9
Tonari no Hijiri-kun 4
Tonari no Inuyama-kun 0
Tsuiteru Kanojo 8
Valkyrie 12

Watashi no Messiah-sama 61
When You Look Like An Angel 6

Full list:

want to watch = d/l'ed but havent watched

Skurai 2008-07-08 11:02 AM

Me and my girl watched Death note together, now we're watching Code Geas, since I can't give away spoilers for it.

By myself, I've read

Shaman King - started to hate it after everything got SUPER exagerated.

Naruto - I read up too Sasuke, then I watched it on T.V. and Youtube after that.

Naruto (ARC II) - Read up to the end of Sasuke VS Deidara, but I took a few peeks at chapters for later (I saw the Tobi meets Sasuke, and I STILL think he's Obito, I don't give a damn if he said he's Madara, because people seem to have never heard of a "lie" before..."

I've read up to VOL.7 of Death note, but again, I took peeks, and saw the series.

I've watched ALOT of Azumanga Daioh!! Lolz! Osaka, so funny and cute!

I plan on watching -

Tenchi (any I can get ahold of)

Outlaw star

Finishing Azumanga

Not sure what counts as a Visual Novel. Sorry.... :(

WetWired 2008-07-08 12:00 PM

http://www.hirameki-int.com/ is pretty much the only commercial localization company for non-porn VNs.

Wed-G 2008-07-08 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by WetWired (Post 643809)
http://www.hirameki-int.com/ is pretty much the only commercial localization company for non-porn VNs.

Too bad they "bowed out."

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