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Medieval Bob 2006-07-29 08:25 PM

You never go ass to mouth!
Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.

HandOfHeaven 2006-07-29 09:16 PM

The first rule of going ass to mouth:
1. You do not talk about going ass to mouth.

Dar_Win 2006-07-30 01:51 AM

2. Never go ass to mouth with a guy.

Lenny 2006-07-30 05:14 AM

Wouldn't it be a teensy bit messy?

JRwakebord 2006-07-31 03:49 PM

A2M for the win!

Yah can't say I've done that to a girl yet.

kaos 2006-07-31 04:36 PM

Only on special occasions.

Grav 2006-08-02 12:06 AM

Like when your head is up your ass

DaFrigginDoctah 2006-08-07 03:22 PM

Been there, done that. It's not as bad as people make it out to be as long as you can get the fact that your tongue is sliding up something that yesterday's lunch, along with a mix of other ingredients, was the last thing to occupy the tunnel.
Only if it's clean.

That's my two cents.

KagomJack 2006-08-07 03:25 PM

Nah. It's not messy at all if the person's clean ;)

Lenny 2006-08-08 10:44 AM

By clean do you mean clean on the outside, or clean on the inside? Either way, it wouldn't hurt to shove a hosepipe up there for a few minutes, just to get rid of anything that's hanging around, no?

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-08 11:47 AM

Lenny, have you turned gay on all of us? No one should even speak of shoving a hosepipe 'up there'.

Lenny 2006-08-08 12:04 PM

I hope I haven't.

It probably comes with working with sex-crazed sicko's for 9 hours a day for the past 7 weeks.

Give me some time back at school with normal people and I'll be right as rain. :)

JRwakebord 2006-08-08 01:09 PM

Leny that's called an enema.

KagomJack 2006-08-08 01:50 PM

Yeah, beat me to it :(

Willkillforfood 2006-08-08 03:43 PM

Why the hell is this being talked about? ><

KagomJack 2006-08-08 04:00 PM

I don't know, but would you like a rusty trombone? <3

JRwakebord 2006-08-08 04:12 PM

Hahaha I had to explain what a rusty trombone was to a friend of mine, and the last line of the conversation was the best:

"Ok I get why it's a trombone, but why is it rust-- OH MY GOD EWWWWWWW!!!"

KagomJack 2006-08-08 06:40 PM

hehe. It's a fun thing to explain, especially the reactions people give :D

DaFrigginDoctah 2006-08-08 08:11 PM

WTF is a "Rusty Trombone"?

KagomJack 2006-08-08 09:21 PM

I think the real question is: do you want to know? I think your life would be much happier not knowing.

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