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frosted_snow 2006-06-04 03:48 PM

RPG Maker2k3 legal money issue........
I was making a VERY nice game,cool grfx,sound,story,ect...Then suddenly,
a nice little question arose.Is what I am doing even worth it?Since 2k3english is rumored to be absolutely illegal,why am I spending ALL THIS TIME making a game that will bring NO profit?Why am I even wasting my time?Then it hit me.Go and shoot down the entebrain building with a few bazookas and artillery shells.^^ Problem solved^^ .BUT,we all know that wasn't ever gonna happen,so...I found a way to make a little $$$$ with the game.Instead of worrying about a patton and all that other legal stuff on top of the 2k3 being illegal(rumored)for the english version.Do the donation trick!For example,let's say you wanna sell your game for a wopping $50.Instead of that,ask people to donate $$ to you so you can continue making video games.Then add something like,"For every $50.00 donation, you will get a free full version of (GAME NAME)!Or for a $20.00 donation,you get a demo!"This way you can distribute your game and make a little money!Although you had better make an AWSOME game to get it to sell for $50.00.Please leave your comments.I would like to hear from you about any ideas about getting around the illegal stuff and make money with your game.

Chruser 2006-06-04 04:00 PM

Uhh. Program it from scratch in C++ instead?

Original Sin 2006-06-04 05:12 PM

Uhh, that is still illegal because you are using an illegal program, plus you game must be on par with, lets say Xenogears for PS1 if people are going to have to donate $50 for the full version.

The only game I've played that would be worth anything you said is "A Blurred Line"

Try to stay real, people will say fuck it, especially if it sucks or is disappointing.

Catch my drift?

Atnas 2006-06-04 05:25 PM

I'd be happy with 5 bucks a download. Think of how many rich Bastards are on the internet. :killgrin: Alot.

frosted_snow 2006-06-04 05:39 PM

NOTE:ALLLLLLL and I repeat ALLLLLLLL things I wrote is top of my head stuff.For example:$50.00 for a game?Get real.I KNOW nobody is going to pay 50 bucks for an rpg2k3 game.IT WAS ALL JUST AN EXAMPLE!And the whole "Uhh, that is still illegal because you are using an illegal program.....Try to stay real, people........"Comment was uncalled for.Remember that I put AT THE LAST OF MY LETTER "I would like to hear from you about any ideas about (GETTING AROUND THE ILLEGAL STUFF) and make money with your game."Now that this is clear, thanks for your time.

Penguin 2006-06-04 06:54 PM

People dont make rpgmaker games to make money because any kid can make a game and nobody wants to pay money for some rpg game some kid made in rpgmaker. You make the game because its fun to do so, hell you will be lucky if you can find more then a couple people to even play your game once your finished, let alone give you a dollar to do it.

Noble Swordsman 2006-06-04 10:57 PM

The people that made RM2K3 got cheated out of their money after all their hard work. People who use RM2K3 shouldn't expect money for their hard work either.

Lenny 2006-06-05 04:07 AM

It isn't rumoured to be illegal, it IS illegal. Nothing can be legal if it's a program that is bought, but instead downloaded free from the internet without paying for it.

THings like Freeware and Shareware aren't illegal, but software like RM2K, 2K3 and XP are ALL illegal.


And yeah, as the others said above, the whole point of these things is usually to make games for fun. You'll be lucky if you get someone to pay you something for it, but then again, if you target the right people there's a slim chance you might get a few pounds from it.

frosted_snow 2006-06-06 10:14 AM

Ok.....Before you all flip out thinking there is NO WAY that rpgm2k3(english) is "(LEGAL)"wich yes I admit the pirated version is illegal........THINK AGAIN........This is a link STRAIT to Don Miguels' web site.If you all have more knowladge about this thing than he does,then I might take time out to listen to you.'Till then, forget it.
Here you can find out how to get a PERFECTLY LEGAL RPGM2K3(English).Yes it may cost you a little money,but it is worth it in the long run.Oh and all you who think making games for money is stupid, I am out of school starting my life away from my parents.I aint gonna waiste my time on making some dream world where fantasy becomes reality unless there is a lil' dough($$$$$$) involved.Oh, and yes, the game I am making could sell just as fast as "Xenogears" for the PS1.Only I think $20.00 is a good price.Not $50.00.Not to mention I already have a copy "SOLD"on reserve and other people VERY interested in buying it for $20.00.The funny part is,it isn't even finished.


Atnas 2006-06-06 02:59 PM

huh...Didn't know that it was possible to make it legal! Once again I am proven wrong. :) I love this world.

Asamin 2006-06-06 03:57 PM

Hi Clamal

BlueCube 2006-06-06 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by frosted_snow
Ok.....Before you all flip out thinking there is NO WAY that rpgm2k3(english) is "(LEGAL)"wich yes I admit the pirated version is illegal........THINK AGAIN........This is a link STRAIT to Don Miguels' web site.If you all have more knowladge about this thing than he does,then I might take time out to listen to you.'Till then, forget it.
Here you can find out how to get a PERFECTLY LEGAL RPGM2K3(English).Yes it may cost you a little money,but it is worth it in the long run.Oh and all you who think making games for money is stupid, I am out of school starting my life away from my parents.I aint gonna waiste my time on making some dream world where fantasy becomes reality unless there is a lil' dough($$$$$$) involved.Oh, and yes, the game I am making could sell just as fast as "Xenogears" for the PS1.Only I think $20.00 is a good price.Not $50.00.Not to mention I already have a copy "SOLD"on reserve and other people VERY interested in buying it for $20.00.The funny part is,it isn't even finished.


1) Don Miguel is the pirate who hacked RM2k and popularized it and thus made it worthwhile for people to bother translating RM2k3/XP (and of course his "information" is to tell Enterbrain to please release English versions)
2) Internet people are stupid and will buy anything, which is a good thing to remember for marketing
3) Xenogears sold pretty horribly
4) You can only sell the game if you own all the materials you used to make it (such as music/graphics/etc)
5) Hahaha, $20 RPGMaker game

frosted_snow 2006-06-07 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by BlueCube
1) Don Miguel is the pirate who hacked RM2k and popularized it and thus made it worthwhile for people to bother translating RM2k3/XP (and of course his "information" is to tell Enterbrain to please release English versions)
2) Internet people are stupid and will buy anything, which is a good thing to remember for marketing
3) Xenogears sold pretty horribly
4) You can only sell the game if you own all the materials you used to make it (such as music/graphics/etc)
5) Hahaha, $20 RPGMaker game

Yes Blue, I do however agree with the facts you placed in 1-4 (2 and 4 the most ),
but about the whole 20$ gig.,
1.It seems to be going well so far.Even if I made a hundred or even a thousand bucks,it is way better than nothing.Pluss, if you look up "winged worrior" full version.That game has some TERRIBLE grfx,Bad battle system,Cheesy story line,ect.You will find that he is selling the game for $10.00 and actually making money.
2.And about Don Miguel,He stated in his RPG Maker Help files not to sell the games you make unless you buy the thing from Entebrain,pluss Entebrain seems to be working fine with him now.
3.Also don't forget the questionnarie forum in the site I posted earlier and who set up the questions. "These questions were prepared by Kenji Sugiuchi, a Senior Assistant Manager at a game software development division at Enterbrain, Inc." This quote is DIRECTLY from the forum.
4.Oh and one more thing,I only said that stuff about Xenogears because of the person who posted earlier who thinks it was a great success.

So in this, I Do still agree with you (for the most part) Blue Cube.Ps:I know you are good at what you do and I respect that, I meant NOTHING MEAN in what I typed in the above toward you.

Penguin 2006-06-07 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by frosted_snow
I am out of school starting my life away from my parents.

I kind of doubt this part of your post but to each his own

You cant sell your game if you are use graphics and music that you did not make yourself. That is illegal and I would actually encourage people to report any rpgmaker game creator that is trying to sell his or her game using art, music or resources that he/she did not create.

Did you create all your artwork and music?

sciencekid 2006-06-07 05:05 PM

what about if the graphics are found on the internet and the credit is given to whomever made it(and the person already gave permission to use it)?

Penguin 2006-06-07 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by sciencekid
what about if the graphics are found on the internet and the credit is given to whomever made it(and the person already gave permission to use it)?

Well with permission I guess its alright.

sciencekid 2006-06-07 05:19 PM

how about this then: what if the maker cant remember where you got the pics from, but he/she has a section on the site(where you download the game at) specifically for credits and the maker says on the game that if you recongnize your graphics, that you email the maker of the game and tell them along w/ the address of where the pics are located on the internet so that the credits for the pics can be added to the credits... is that ok?

frosted_snow 2006-06-07 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Penguin
I kind of doubt this part of your post but to each his own

You cant sell your game if you are use graphics and music that you did not make yourself. That is illegal and I would actually encourage people to report any rpgmaker game creator that is trying to sell his or her game using art, music or resources that he/she did not create.

Did you create all your artwork and music?

I am in the midst of making some custom music,sounds,Grfx,ect...Like I said(the game is in developement stages now).And about the comment "I kind of doubt this part of your post but to each his own".Dude, I am not here to impress anyone or make everyone belive me.Either way,if they do or not,I don't care.I am trying to get to the bottom of this legal money issue,and am doing so quite fine(with the assistance of people who post good information without their 'nonsense' comments).For example,Chrushers' post was great in this fact,He gave an Idea without slamming anyone.Blue Cube was another good example of someone who posts his information and made it look like he actually had done research on it instead of talking off the top of his head.This is a very good trait.However this is all beside the point.In my next post,I will place the information I have collected so far about the "Legal money issue".

frosted_snow 2006-06-07 06:03 PM

O.K. The question was raised, is it possible to make a perfectly legal
RPGM2K3 game and make money off of it?This is some VERY vital info
for those of you with this question.After this,you can either take this
information and put it to some good use, or leave it.

1.In order to have a legal version of the rpgmaker 2k3,go to this site
and follow the instructions given. http://rpgmaker2000.narod.ru/

2.In order to sell your game, make all your own graphics,sounds,ect. or
have someone do it for you.If you whant to use some other companies
stuff, get a legalized permission form with a signature.

3.If you do get help or permission to use pre-made stuff, the least you
could do is make some Special Thanks credits with those whom helped
you out.(this part is just a recommendation).

-I hope this forum thread has helped all you curious people out
on this subject.Thanks for your time and effort with all the
information given and the ones who gave it on this thread.

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