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Ganga 2006-05-14 02:19 AM

Who is natasta?
He is a undercover cop looking to bust some underage sex shit.

Post your guess.

Medieval Bob 2006-05-14 07:31 AM

Maaaaaybe. She said she wanted to bone me. But then again, most interweb babes want to bone me. Maybe they are all cops.

khwiii 2006-05-14 08:19 AM

Pffft. I'm not gay and I even want to bone you.

That's only because you have Chuck in your avatar though.

Grav 2006-05-14 09:23 AM


DaFrigginDoctah 2006-05-14 09:53 AM

He does have a rather husky beard... Like Mr. Norris himself.

Sovereign 2006-05-14 02:29 PM

Her IP doesn't match that of any other forum member O_o.

I have no clue V_V.

HandOfHeaven 2006-05-14 03:22 PM

I think she's out for some ass...

Medieval Bob 2006-05-14 03:59 PM

*flexes beard*

Willkillforfood 2006-05-14 05:17 PM

Bob's beard has more hair than a silverback gorilla.

MightyJoe 2006-05-15 02:38 PM

LOL good one

Lenny 2006-05-24 05:24 PM

There's a point, whatever happened to SYG's "Who is..." series? Or one-hit wonder...whatever.


Natasta 2006-05-25 12:04 PM

I'm not a cop, even though I'm good friends with a few that likes to smoke a little pot and get drunk. I'm actually a girl...yes. I sing and model and dance. And if there is a guy that is interested in being my first MALE...then bring it on. Oh yes, Medieval Bob, maybe I would like to...or maybe not. That you may never know. I love to linger in the darkness... I even have a taste for blood. Anymore questions?

Willkillforfood 2006-05-25 12:07 PM

Just because you sing, model, and dance in the privacy of your own home doesn't mean you can claim to do it as a profession.

Natasta 2006-05-25 12:13 PM

Honey, I don't do it only in my home. It's my job....THANK YOU!!!! I have a manager and a angency.

Grav 2006-05-25 03:13 PM

If you're going to make claims on this forum, you need to back them up.

Willkillforfood 2006-05-25 03:26 PM

Her "manager" is a labrador she sings to at night.

HandOfHeaven 2006-05-25 03:35 PM

Penis Pix?

Sum Yung Guy 2006-05-25 05:28 PM

Permission to vomit.

Grav 2006-05-25 05:42 PM

You may vomit on WKFF.

HandOfHeaven 2006-05-25 08:33 PM

Dude, she has a dick.

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