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Farting_Pumpkin 2006-03-20 04:23 PM

level 19 twinks
whats the best level 19 twink class i think im gonna start a gnome rogue with engineering but i dunno what do you guys think

MightyJoe 2006-03-20 07:38 PM

I personally think its a waste of time, but rogues would prolly be the best. You'll more than likely need a ton of gold to actually twink him out. Using zg enchants on the legs, and such. Also fiery enchants on both weapons will help.

WetWired 2006-03-20 08:33 PM

You can't use ZG enchants on a lvl 19, because a level 19 can't get into ZG, not to mention that if they could, they'd pull the whole zone.

Farting_Pumpkin 2006-03-20 09:36 PM

i was thinking 1 crusader enchant and 1 fiery?

Sovereign 2006-03-20 09:56 PM

Wasteful ;-\.

Go rogue so they cant see you. Then harm them =D

iceman887 2006-03-20 11:03 PM

wow your willing to crusader on your twink? i would go dual fiery at most which is still really awesome

MightyJoe 2006-03-21 06:04 AM

Actually, you just have a 60 put a zg enchant on a boe gear, then mail to the twinked pretty sure this is possible.

!King_Amazon! 2006-03-22 12:14 PM

Also, if it's an actual item that puts an enchant onto something (like librams), I'm pretty sure you can just open a trade with someone that has it and put the item to be enchanted into the will not be traded box and have the person use the enchant item on the item to be enchanted.

Randuin 2006-03-26 11:43 AM

You cannot ZG enchant someone's item over the trade window. If you attempt to do it on a BoE item it will bind it to you

kockblocker1 2006-04-03 04:22 AM

Best enchants for a 19 twink is lifestealing. 2x assasination daggers. or 2x cruel barb. Librams are a must. 100hp to head and 100hp to legs. Check the wow PvP forums for a list of lvl19 twink gear.

!King_Amazon! 2006-04-03 06:28 AM

I've seen level 19 twinks that can rip people in their 30s apart.

pr0xy 2006-04-04 10:29 AM

Rogues suck. Be a man. PvP with a fist weapon warrior.

platnum 2006-04-04 11:09 AM

Can someone explain what a twink class is?

!King_Amazon! 2006-04-04 02:27 PM

I'm not exactly sure what a "twink class" is but a twink is a character that is at the top of a low level BG bracket(level 19 or 29 usually)but is given the best possible items and enchants and such that they can possibly get. "Twinking" a character is what you do to a twink, basically getting them the best gear they can get at their level and getting them uber enchants.

D3V 2006-04-08 04:27 AM

The last time I check TWINK meant FAGGOT. But then again, this is a new eara! YEAH WILD SECKS!

But in all seriousness I've fought twinks on my NORMAL alt who is lvl 19 I pvp with and most of them blow fucking dick and are worthless players at 60 which is why they make lowbies and deckout to try and get somewhat of an advantage against players with gear scaled for their level.

I'm pushing for level req's on all enchants, hopefully that'll nerf fucking twinks.

!King_Amazon! 2006-04-08 11:29 AM

Most people that make twinks already have level 60s and are bored with that aspect of the game when it comes to PVP. PVP at 60 isn't nearly as balanced as PVP at 19 or 29, that's why people do their battle there. A full group of level 19 twinks vs another full group of level 19 twinks in WSG is one of the greatest tests of skill there is.

pr0xy 2006-04-20 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Most people that make twinks already have level 60s and are bored with that aspect of the game when it comes to PVP. PVP at 60 isn't nearly as balanced as PVP at 19 or 29, that's why people do their battle there. A full group of level 19 twinks vs another full group of level 19 twinks in WSG is one of the greatest tests of skill there is.

No its not... Nude bg is the greatest test of skill there is. Duh?

!King_Amazon! 2006-04-20 10:02 AM

Nude mage vs nude warrior.

B-D 2007-11-11 07:54 AM

19 twink rogue

Originally Posted by Farting_Pumpkin
whats the best level 19 twink class i think im gonna start a gnome rogue with engineering but i dunno what do you guys think

thats what i have... hes really good.. but dont listen to those guys on other ones... they are saying getting all defias... you DONT WANT any of them accept the chest piece... or tunic of westfall.... and you either want for weapons... Assassin's blade and Sentinel's Blade... or Cruel Barb and Assassin'sblade/ Sentinels blade...

MightyJoe 2007-11-11 05:07 PM

plus 1 for guest posting

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