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slaynish 2006-02-22 08:54 PM

Nope. No girls this time;)

i'm fairing quite well.

I plan on being serious, i am an athlete and theres nothing to joke about in here.


Okay heres how it goes in school:

I am running track and doing field events, heres my stats...

Weight: 242 lbs
Height : 6 ft and 1/4th inch

Pullups: 1
Sit-Ups per Minute: 55-65 depending on rest
Mile Run: 8 minutes 46 seconds
50 meter run: 7 seconds, 42 miliseconds
100 meter run: around 13 seconds
Bench Press: 175 lbs
Lat Pulldowns: 240 lbs
Bicep Curl: 85 lbs(with the bar not seperate id be crazy huge)
Leg Press: almost the whole machine which is 395 or so, but about 355 or something is what I do
Tricep Extention weight(combined arms): 65 lbs is what I train on

This is just showing you why Im not on zel that often anymore. Between getting off my ass finally and getting into shape which im so proud of finally doing, I've been selling DII items to a few people, and playing WCII when i have very free time. I'm not trying to boast, im still pretty fat, but i've grown a lot and i'm a lot stronger than a lot of people in my grade(i'm 13, birthday is march 10th, im in 8th grade)

If you ran track in 8th-12th grade tell me what events you did. Im planning on doing 100 meter and/or 200 meter, 400 meter if i get faster and i guess if i really train and they need me i could do 800 meter but i wouldnt be happy. Also shot put. Based off how you are in highschool/were in highschool, tell me how the competition and how well I will do against my events.

Thanks! Remember, just keep this straight, i dont need people bustin on me about how fat I am lol. People at school say I'm not really fat because i dont have really big chest-flab or that much stomach flab anymore, its just still there and im really big for my age. Anyways though im not here to boast or preach or lie im just trying to get my head straight before i make a fool out of myself.


Best Regards;

Hades-Knight 2006-02-22 10:29 PM

Be a man and join the Wrestling team...

Grav 2006-02-22 10:30 PM

You mean be a fag?

sciencekid 2006-02-22 11:04 PM

........ man im jealous. im too weak to even come close to any of that... :( the only thing i come close to is your weight and height. im ~220 and im ~6 foot 2 inches. how many pushups can you do normal style before you keel over? ill bet you got me beat there too. i've got really loose collegen(on top of arthritis lol) so the best i can do is 2 before i start shaking lol

!King_Amazon! 2006-02-23 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge
You mean be a fag?


gruesomeBODY 2006-02-23 12:30 PM

If you can do all the running events, you should do the triple jump. A person of your height could def be useful in that.
Im glad to see that you finally wanted to start losing some weight and your just not sitting on your ass anymore. I know way to many people who just sit around and talk about getting skinny, but do nothing about it. Just keep at it and keep posting. If you need help, let me know cause i work out everyday and have some exercises if you want advice. Good luck with it.

slaynish 2006-02-23 05:48 PM

Yeah man anything is helpful. Today on the track me and some friends raced and i beat 3/4 of them, but the akward thing is that the friends i raced all got 7 minutes or under on the mile run. The one that i tied with(the one i didnt beat) got 6:00 flat(one of the really fast kids)

Im horrible at long jumping. Last time I did the high jump though i was beastly at it. That is definitly a black mans sport though.

Anyways, yeah lately ive been working my triceps more than normal so i think i can get just as many diamond pushups as i can regular pushups but im not big on those becuase they suck anyways. I read somewhere that at my age I'm supposed to be able to do 25 at the least, and i'll test that when I'm completly rested at one point.

Anyways, im glad to be getting into shape because its really paying off. I cant believe how much my agility and consisticy is improving. Thanks for not being douches and saying "hey fatass" like i half expected you to. BTW, and upper body excersizes would be helpful, i've got the most ones down, and i've yet to do the forearm excersize with the rope and weight where you pull it up, I havnt found the time to construct something like that. I'm trying to build up shoulder strength though, so any help is accepted to me. Thanks guys


sue_13 2006-02-23 10:30 PM

I ran track and cross both in high school.

Track: I long jumped around 17 1/2 feet which definitely didn't win any big meets but would have gotten me plenty of 2nd and 3rds at smaller meets had I not broken my pelvis. Anyway, I ran the mile and 800 in track as well. Mile time was around 5:45 which once again didn't win anything big but got 2nds 3rds and 4ths at 3 or 4 team meets. I don't even remember my 800 time. That wasn't really my event.

Cross: My best 3.1 mile time was on a super hilly course and I ran a 19:30 which is messed up because hilly coursed drain you much faster. My average time was around 20 minutes.

My advice if you run a 13 flat the 100 isn't a terrible option for small meets. It won't win most of the time but you never know when you could snag some points for your team. That is if your team isn't loaded with sprinters already. About the throwing, that is all about form. I've seen small guys throw a disc a long way. However, when it comes to shot, if you are a big guy you have an advantage. I'd look into that. Don't get discouraged with shot either, it's tough to pick up.

Another piece of advice, vary your workout and hit all areas of your body. Your chest is important for throwing if you pursue that so make sure to hit that up a couple times a week. Also, I don't see any weight for squats listed here. Start doing squats, they are great for lower body. You should look into doing some workouts with rubber bands as well. I always did one where I put two large rubber bands under my feet and up around my shoulders and crossed them so they were really tight and made my legs want to bend. Then, I would bend and jump as many times and as fast as I could. It's exhausting but it develops explosiveness and that never hurts no matter what you are doing.

sciencekid 2006-02-24 12:18 AM

how did you break your pelvis? that's the first time i've ever heard someone under 80 years old doing that! no offence meant tho.

slaynish 2006-02-24 04:41 PM

Well, the thing with squats is, some flexability problems.

I am usually very flexable, but its just too painful sometimes to squat. SO when i work on my legs I do a shitload of leg press and leg curl and on the legpress machine i do a shitload of calf-jumps.

Explain that explosive thing a little more that could come in handy.

Im not quite sure I understand.

Thanks though. BTW, i think i ran a 100 (in sweat pants) in like 14 seconds. I can get it down to 12.5 if i have to.


I'm experiencing a pain. Its not really in the groin area

It's where the pelvis is, hurts more on my right than the left. On the Pelvis.

IDK if its from running a lot or what.

Tell me if thats supposed to happen. I dont want to like have a hernia or something.

Willkillforfood 2006-02-25 12:19 AM

Squats are my least favorite exercise. Curls ftw! Most I've curled is like 115

slaynish 2006-02-26 07:16 PM

okay so most definitly, the pain was just sore from running a hell of a lot.

oh well

Willkillforfood 2006-02-26 07:24 PM

You were on your period.

slaynish 2006-02-26 07:58 PM

lmao prob

track starts tomorrow ^_^

excited / nervous

wonder if im gona beat a lot of people

i know i will but.. im still nervous

Willkillforfood 2006-02-26 08:12 PM

Put steroids in their water bottles and demand that they be tested after the race if you lose :o.

gruesomeBODY 2006-02-26 08:23 PM

If you dont do squats correctly, u can really fuck up your body, especially your lower back. Im not a big fan of them, if u already didnt know, but i love doing leg workouts. Still, doing heavy weight is only going to put on more pounds. Do more reps of lighter weight to tone first, then when you are comfortable where your at, start increasing weights and decrease reps. The main goal though is to lose belly fat, which is not the easiest thing. The cardio wil be good, but doing ab and lower back work is very important as well. A leaner mid section will not only be good for running, but for your overall health as well.

Ganga 2006-02-27 07:29 PM

"Height : 6 ft and 1/4th inch"


slaynish 2006-02-27 07:37 PM

yeah, its on my physical

here in America we used standard unit of measurement. IDK if u knew that

!King_Amazon! 2006-02-27 10:09 PM

I think the WTF is because you're taller than every asian on the face of the earth.

Hades-Knight 2006-02-27 10:18 PM

Hey slaynish whats ur bf%?

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