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Demosthenes 2006-02-21 10:51 PM

Cartoons from your youth
Just some I remember:

Chip n Dale
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Duck Tales
Tiny Toons
Goof Troop
Tom and Jerry
Woody Woodpecker
Mighty Max
Spider Man
Bonkers sometimes
The Tick very seldomly

Name yours... also, does anyone know if any of these shows till come on . . . I'd like to watch em again just to see what I think of em now...lol

I know Tom and Jerry still is on, so are Chip n Dale and Goof Troop, but I haven't seen any of the others in a LONG time. Anyone know?

Grav 2006-02-21 11:02 PM


Raziel 2006-02-21 11:07 PM

Animaniacs sucks, with the exception of Pinky and the Brain. That's why they got their own show.

Tiny Toons was awesome, as was Freakazoid and the short-lived Earthworm Jim cartoon.

Going way back into the vault, I was, and still am a huge fan of the Mario cartoon series'. The original was great, especially with the Zelda cartoon they'd throw in there every friday. However, the best of the bunch was definitely the Super Mario Bros. 3 cartoon. I only ever saw one episode of the Super Mario World show, and I must have seen that single episode about six times.

Great-Thanatos 2006-02-22 12:14 AM

My fav was Spider-Man I have comics at my parents house still.
The Adventures of Batman and Robin
Digimon (yes yes...)
Reboot(Suprized I'm not the only one that saw this cause a lot of my friends didn't like it)
Sonic 'n Tails
more I bet but to tired to name them.\

edit: did anyone ever watch the MegaMan cartoon?

Grav 2006-02-22 12:17 AM

Compare what we watched to the shit on T.V. now. It's no wonder kids are getting dumber.

Vollstrecker 2006-02-22 03:21 AM

Yogi Bear
Ren & Stimpy
Tom & Jerry
Pixie & Dixie (I think they were part of another series)
Looney Toons
Garfield & Friends
The Tick (best show EVER)

...god, I can't even remember them all.

Lenny 2006-02-22 05:05 AM

There's so many!

Alvin and the Chipmunks
Camberwick Green
Duck Tales
Earthworm Jim
Fireman Sam
Garfield & Friends
Loony Toons
Postman Pat
Tom and Jerry
Woody Woodpecker
Mighty Max
Spider Man

I know there's more...a lot more. I just can't remember them all.

Whatever happened to Mighty Max? One week it was on, ended with "To Be Continued"...and there was no more after that. :cry:

Sovereign 2006-02-22 07:08 AM

Sailor Moon ( i was young and stupider. SHHH)
The Mega Man Cartoon (From WAAAY back)

Rest I can't remember I didn't watch much tv.

Jessifer 2006-02-22 10:50 AM


Tiny Toons
Mr. Magoo
Tom and Jerry
Alvin and lur Chipmunks
Looney Toons
Duck Tales
Chip n Dale (Rescue Rangers)
Sailormoon (Bad Jess...used to watch it religiously)
Dragonball/Z/GT (That too...)
Yu-Gi-Oh (Just early on. Sad, no? I got my dad hooked on it for a while.)
Digimon (End Anime selection. Otherwise it'd be a whole 'nother thread)
Ren and Stimpy (Personal Favorite)

Titusfied 2006-02-22 11:51 AM

Anyone else see the irony of a 14 year old asking about cartoons from his youth?

Jessifer 2006-02-22 12:13 PM

I do, I do!

Grav 2006-02-22 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Titusfied
Anyone else see the irony of a 14 year old asking about cartoons from his youth?

I thought it was too bovious to state.

undeadzombieguy 2006-02-22 12:55 PM


Demosthenes 2006-02-22 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Titusfied
Anyone else see the irony of a 14 year old asking about cartoons from his youth?

Dude, I mean from like when you're five or something. Big difference there.

gruesomeBODY 2006-02-22 07:35 PM

Ive watched everything. My favorites have been Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Garfield and Friends, Megamen, Mario, Xmen, tiny toons, dragoon ball (before the z) etc. I stil watch cartoons if nothing else is on, especially xmen and spiderman. Also from drunken occasions, Dragoon ball Z. Its on at like 10 30 or something on cartoon network. I recently turned it on and saw this guy with yellow hair and felt out of place

My younger cousin watched yugio (sp) and tried to teach me the game so we can play, but i really didnt understand that. Also, pokemon, sailor moon, and some chinese fighting show.

Dark Jedi 2006-02-22 11:54 PM

Wow, Mj, till now I knew no one who watched Mighty Max except myself.

And Pinky & The Brain along with Spider-Man and Garfield & Friends are my top favorites I recall.

Lenny 2006-02-23 06:04 AM

Everyone ought to watch/have watched Mighty Max. You haven't lived till you have.. :p

Dark Jedi 2006-02-23 07:53 AM

I still recall when Norman fought that dragon and it asked "what do they call you now? Sir Lancelot? Little John?"

"THEY CALL ME....Norman."

Titusfied 2006-02-23 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
Dude, I mean from like when you're five or something. Big difference there.

Yeah, 9 years for you, 20 for me..

Jamesadin 2006-02-23 03:51 PM

These are some of the ones I remember off of the top of my head...

Bugs Bunny
Chipandale Rescue Rangers
Duck Tales

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