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User Name # 1 2002-05-11 07:28 AM

Zelaron Addicted

I don't need a doctor, I don't need a drugstore
I don't need an injection, I need to put the Zelar' on.

Got me in a cold sweat, I don't need no cigarette
Sh sh sh shakin' like a jelly fish, I need an internet connectix

There's no doubt that I miss nowt, a PC I can't do without
Anything you get on yer Forum I'll watch it...

I'm a zelly, I'm a zelly,zelly I'm addicted
zelly I'm a zelly, I can tell I am addicted
I'm a zelly, I'm a zelly, zelly I'm addicted
zelly I'm a zelly, I can tell I am addicted

I like to keep a step ahead, a PC in the garden shed
& with a connection in the bog, I never miss the epilogue

Dynasty or Daktari, a useless post by the Tory party
Celebrity squares, blind date, who cares, I'll read it...

I'm a zelary...(guitar bit)

It's no surprise I've got square eyes, anyone could predict
I'm forum mad, I'm a zelary addict!

I'm a man in great pain, the box is on the blink again
I don't need no morphine, I need a monitor screen

Spamies, there's no degrees,
I'll even read a post if it's in Chinese
A thread from the Queen, though I'm not very keen. I'll read it...

I'm a zelary...
Coz I'm addicted

Based from a TOY DOLLS song ' I'm a telly addict ' in ' Absurd Ditties' album

RoboticSilence 2002-05-11 07:36 AM

Hahaha... that's funny...

Jamesadin 2002-05-11 09:55 AM


Chruser 2002-05-11 10:06 AM

That's really scary :)
You should all sing that song and try to raise some money for the Zelaron fund :D

Mr.Lee 2002-05-11 10:21 AM

haha very cool

JRwakebord 2002-05-11 09:00 PM

lol thats awesoem

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-11 09:04 PM

I'll go out on the curb and start singing that! brb! lol

JRwakebord 2002-05-11 09:04 PM

lol tell us when ur back!

Sponki 2002-05-13 11:53 AM

record that song plz ! :]
it's cool...

JRwakebord 2002-05-13 04:45 PM

but be sure to give it a good beat

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-13 04:46 PM

yeah, don't make it gay...

JRwakebord 2002-05-13 04:53 PM

that would ruin the whole point...

thatdude331 2002-06-02 06:45 PM

the story of our lives haha

mightychicken 2002-06-03 01:48 PM


Wiccan][V][asta 2002-06-03 02:02 PM

lol nice one

JRwakebord 2002-06-03 07:34 PM


Originally posted by thatdude331
the story of our lives haha
we have lives?

thatdude331 2002-06-15 03:47 PM


oh and buy the way my banc the sholifters are going to try and put some music to the lyrics and i will post the mp3 soo we can lissin to it over and ove yea weeeeeee

Jamesadin 2002-07-02 02:53 PM

I understood none of that thatdude

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-07-31 10:36 AM

That'd be pretty tight, although I highly doubt we'll get a record deal copying someone else.

Jamesadin 2002-07-31 12:09 PM

lol, hmm I smell a bribe coming on...

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