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-   -   Could you have passed 8th grade in 1895? (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31293)

KagomJack 2004-07-18 11:22 AM

Could you have passed 8th grade in 1895?

I have to say no :(

Hades-Knight 2004-07-18 12:04 PM

hoyl shit....

IronGuage 2004-07-18 12:05 PM

but remember that 8th grade back then meant you were probably 20 years old or so.. and thats only for mega rich ppl

‡AC‡ 2004-07-18 12:24 PM

Some of those qustions in the Geography section are funny. "extremes of climate in Kansas" :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Sovereign 2004-07-18 12:28 PM

Damn, I'd fail even more so then usual.

MightyJoe 2004-07-18 12:37 PM

I am dropping out.

Tyrannicide 2004-07-18 01:42 PM

Meh. I'd barely pass. Hahahah suckers.

RoboticSilence 2004-07-18 01:51 PM

What the hell?

Slim 2004-07-18 01:52 PM

I'd have to say no, based on the fact that I wasn't alive.

undeadzombieguy 2004-07-18 01:58 PM

Surely not because that stuff is not what we learn these days. Back then with all the trading emerging, with europe and stuff, thats what you learned at schools. Now if I had gone to school in those times I dont think it would be a problem.

Chruser 2004-07-18 03:45 PM

We get questions like that over here rather often. Assuming I've studied for the area in particular, those questions are VERY similar to what we have to answer in about a similar, if not even smaller time frame.

Ganga 2004-07-18 03:56 PM

Depend on where you live, if you live at U.S sorry, they barely teach shit at U.S high school.
Here is a example:

I came from China 5 years ago, first time take the SAT (Freaking don't speak english at all) got 1100, three years later after i came to US, retake the SAT and got like 950 on my SAT.

I think that tell you something about US education? Well, I went to a getto ass high school... maybe that's a factor, but still. They fucking mudered my IQ.

undeadzombieguy 2004-07-18 04:00 PM

Yeah me too, my exams looked very similair to this type of questioning, only differences are that we had more questions but also a longer time period, and every part was on a different day or if it was on the same day it had 1 hour between them.

BTW chruser your avatar scares me :(

OmniFalcon 2004-07-19 12:43 PM

dear god man... that final exam is INHUMAN! maybe cuz im only a junior (well, school hasnt started yet..), but DAEMN.

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