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FalleN 2004-04-16 02:48 AM

MF tactics.
post your mf tactics (how much mf , best places etc..) , the ways to get rich in d2 :] expres your opinion!

slaynish 2004-04-16 09:08 AM

I usually have the most mf the better feeling. I'll do a baal run with 445 mf and do another one with 500 mf and get a buriza the second time. While getting a king leoric wand the first time. I usually do meph bcus i havnt done anya quest yet.

Maleficus 2004-04-16 02:07 PM

1.1k mf pindlebot

Doofus_AW 2004-04-16 02:28 PM

The pit is the place to MF these days. Doesnt seem to matter what MF I go in with or what char I use I always find something good eventually.

Heres a partial weeks inventory:

Arkaines Valor
Aldur Armor
IK Armor
War Travs
Griswold Vortex Sheild
Rainbow Facets (3)
Arachnid Belt
Vex Rune
Many more mid level uniques then I can list.

Still looking for that Unique Sacred Armor tho :p

iceman887 2004-04-16 03:04 PM

whats best character for pit?

FalleN 2004-04-17 08:35 AM

Doofus_AW how much mf did you used ? how many pit runes have you done ?

HandOfHeaven 2004-04-17 11:26 AM

Best char for pit would probably be a hammerdin, javazon, or poison nec (only if you have right equip)

Vollstrecker 2004-04-17 11:40 AM

Javazons are ok, but there are the occasional lightning immunes. Hammerdins would likely work fairly well, and a Poison Necro works very well also.

MFing really is moot these days, as people mainly wants Runes, Runewords, and things to make Runewords in...

BlackKnight 2004-04-18 06:01 AM

if you don´t need so many elite items you can´t make mephiruns he have a good drop chance of exp.unique items

p.s.:@ vollstrecker furthermore mf are important to find charms and items you can´t replace with runes

Joka69 2004-04-18 10:49 AM

If a fury zon works...
Why wont a lite zon work?
Chain Lite
Perfect my friend used 2 do it he pwned
Good for 1.10 =)

HandOfHeaven 2004-04-18 10:54 AM

I think you mean a Lightning Sorc. You want to have a few points into jab/fend for the lightning immunes. And you would also want a Holy Freeze Merc to slow them down or a Might Merc equipped with Doom (nice dual aura).

SlickFic04 2004-04-18 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Vollstrecker
MFing really is moot these days, as people mainly wants Runes, Runewords, and things to make Runewords in...

Actually when u find a coa w/ 2 os ur a rich man, the only thing worth botting for :)

slaynish 2004-04-18 12:53 PM

Slickfic... Did i mention i hated you?

dam 2004-04-18 09:52 PM

character lvl is 74 javzon lighting
345 mf
hunting the pit, mephy, and hellforge in night mere
80 - 100 runz

ist rune
tals ammy x2
skullders x2
mal rune
low mara ammy (23)

i'm hoping my new blizzsorc gets better in hell i will post results


FalleN 2004-04-19 02:26 PM

I'm building a new javzon for pitruns... i dont have really good equipment , i will wear 4ptopaz 420 def armor(i'm playing HC and all my skullders are "dead") , 46mfsskull with ptopaz, titans etc.... i hope i'll find there something usefull....

Doofus_AW 2004-04-19 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by FalleN
Doofus_AW how much mf did you used ? how many pit runes have you done ?

I use my good ole fashioned nova orb sorc. She is lvl 99 w 700 plus mf.

FalleN 2004-04-20 02:29 PM

how many runs have you done Doofus_AW? :)

Doofus_AW 2004-04-20 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by FalleN
how many runs have you done Doofus_AW? :)

Jeez..I dunno hundreds I guess. I usually hit Thresh Socket, Sharptooth, and then clear the pit. Takes about 7 mins for all 3 w maphack on. FYI I was just hitting the Pit Bosses until a Gris Vortex sheild fell off a normal monster and High level runes started dropping from everyone. Now I kill em all :p

LanceIV 2004-04-20 04:33 PM

I do the pits daily.. I never find anything other than Yellow items .. And no runes higher than Ort. .. It Sucks (For me) I DO realize a lot of people get very good things from the pits ~ I just don't.


I have approx 300% MF

EDIT: Just found a Doombringer and a 175 Poison / +2 Strength Large charm :D :D :D

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