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Doofus_AW 2003-11-05 05:18 PM

I know there are sneak previews in some cities tonight. Lets here some scoop.

USMC04 2003-11-05 05:55 PM

i see it tonight at 10 30 on indiana time....ill probably let everyone know how it was. im excited

Sovereign 2003-11-05 05:57 PM

Might be seeing it in an hour or so. I shall do the same thing as usmc04 as well.

Penny_Bags 2003-11-05 06:05 PM

Omg it was soo sweet. I can't describe it. Go see it.

RoboticSilence 2003-11-05 07:07 PM

I hate you people for not having conflicting schedules.

Demosthenes 2003-11-05 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by RoboticSilence
I hate you people for not having conflicting schedules.

damn it i was supposed 2 go 2day but then at the last second things changed...FUCK!!

Raziel 2003-11-06 12:08 AM

It sucked, it sucked, it sucked. The fight scenes were amazing. Everything else was complete and absolute drek. Absolutely no logical plot progression, retarded character interaction, and an overall lack of substance. Plus, if you really analyze how the movie moves along, it is almost like the Wachowski brothers wanted to remake Return of the Jedi. It follows Jedi almost scene for scene. What a horrible conclusion to what could have been an epic trilogy.

USMC04 2003-11-06 07:19 AM

it was real good...i need to see it again to understand all of it but it is tight.

Chruser 2003-11-06 08:00 AM

Probably gonna see it tomorrow. To quote a reviewer from Rolling Stone; "It sucks".

Rurouni Storm 2003-11-06 08:46 AM

It didn't make sense at all. They use reloaded to introduce all these new questions, then they don't even answer most of them.

Medieval Bob 2003-11-06 08:57 AM

(What questions did they introduce withholding answers? - PM if plot spoiler.)

I was dissapointed. I was hoping for a lot more in the area of fight coordination. I was hoping for a lot more from Seraph as well, since he seemed to be a bad-ass motha.

The "scene" with Trinity and Neo seemed to drag on and on as well, which really slowed the movie. I was impressed by the representation of the machines: the complexity, the sheer mass, etc.

It could have been a lot better I think, but to anyone who has seen the first two, go ahead and spend your $2-10. I figure you need to find out what happens.

Rurouni Storm 2003-11-06 10:20 AM

Highlight to view
How exactly did Neo destroy the Sentinels with his mind? Are we supposed to believe that his real world self is now some kind of super human?

How could he see when he was blind?

The big disappointment is that the whole trilogy's plot is useless now, as it basically sets up the cycle to be repeated again.

BTW, this forum needs a real spoiler tag.

Edited by WetWired 
It does, and now this post uses it

Medieval Bob 2003-11-06 02:58 PM

He's the one, so he can do all that stuff.

He was using the force, of course.

Kuja`s #1 2003-11-06 03:10 PM

I don't get it mb.

Rurouni Storm 2003-11-06 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Medieval Bob
He's the one, so he can do all that stuff.

He was using the force, of course.

I don't buy it. Outside the Matrix, he's a weak human.

Sovereign 2003-11-06 10:16 PM

I just saw it. Good movie, shitty ending. Not a must see but a very good time waster if you are bored.

Raziel 2003-11-06 10:49 PM

Awful ending. And the thing that really aggrivates me about this movie is that one must play and beat a sub-standard action game in order to fully understand the plot. Like I said, the fight scenes were awesome. The plot was terrible.

...and it followed Jedi step for step.

J_iceman 2003-11-07 08:44 AM

wait, so that means you GOT to see animatrix and play the matrix game to actually understand the movie????

you thnk the move revolution would have a bad ending so that there MIGHT be a matrix 4.....after revolution......well revalation??? ( i dont know, im playing the bad guy here)

quikspy67 2003-11-07 08:45 AM

I might see it this saturday! =D

J_iceman 2003-11-07 08:50 AM

i was suppose to watch it yesterday but it ws already 1 in the morning and i had to wake up early today :-( and after reading this thread ....well i guess i'll just wait till it goes to dvd!!
anyways i cant even watch it anymore because i have to work close to 19 hours a day for the next 3 months :-(

so do you guys REALLY think its not worth BUYING this dvd??

ps. this REALLY messed up my week, knowing matrix:revolution is NOT what it seems

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