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WetWired 2003-09-10 09:31 AM

.hack//The Legend of Twilight manga
The .hack//The Legend of Twilight manga is coming out. I've read the first book and it's pretty good. It seems to have a more carefree atmosphere than .hack//SIGN, .hack//Liminality, and the game series, but I still like it so far.

Ganga 2003-09-10 09:23 PM

Hack, you mean the game? and the anime shows? I think it sucks big time both for the game and the shows.

The anime is soooo dam boring.... I was like waiting for some action when they play the game, then they just put some shitty stuff up.....

Raziel 2003-09-11 06:05 AM

I know nothing of .hack. One of my friends is psycotic about it, but he's a japanophile, so I tend to be hesitant about his anime suggestions.

platnum 2003-09-11 07:12 PM

.hack is a fun game, i dunno bout the books.

RoboticSilence 2003-09-11 07:14 PM

If you aren't a Japanophile, I don't know about .hack series, I haven't been interested enough to care. But if you like to see lots of shit die or like complete badasses they check out Vampire Hunter D, Ninja Scroll, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun... that means you, Raziel.

Apoq 2003-09-15 04:40 PM

trigun=god :x

XxSn(o)wyxX 2003-11-01 07:10 PM

Ninja scroll = Pwn (but they stopped playin it here)

And for those ppl who havent played .hack the game in its totality is fuckin incredible, the first one is rather slow but then the second has so many Amazing changes and add ons. the 3rd one is alot like the 2nd without so many surprises but good none the less. i recommend this game to anyone who likes RPGs or n e of the final fantasy games, they are quite similar, on the other hand, if u dont got the cash to put out for all 3 series of the .hack game then its not worth ur time.

Dan XIII 2003-11-13 10:08 AM

I played the game a little bit and loved it.I heard about the manga but haven't read it yet.What is a japanophile?

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