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"angel" of war 2003-08-09 03:10 AM

what is patriotism ?. it was once a word that spouted pride in my heart. but now its a word that makes me see ignorance and blood. how much should you love your government without becoming its slave. remember your government is not made of gods but of humans, humans who lie, who lust, who have the power to kill and steal. is patriotism praying for your country before killing the children of another, is it raping the land of your country for the benefit of your government, is it believing that you're the only ones deserving to live and the others are merely dirting up you world

Eddie_Perez 2003-08-09 05:49 AM

I 100% agree. Patriotism eh... I'm sick of hearing all the soldiers go to war thinking "We're fighting for out freedom" yeah fucking right.

uncapped 2003-08-09 09:48 AM

Bush is a nazi.

Ganga 2003-08-09 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by "angel" of war
remember your government is not made of gods but of humans, humans who lie, who lust, who have the power to kill and steal.

All humans are like that. You can find a monkey to control the government if you don't want them to lie, lust, and have the power to kill/steal.

"angel" of war 2003-08-10 03:09 AM

Ganga you either misunderstood or are desperate to make a monkey joke. what im saying is that our leaders are no better than us. most people seem to forget this and never question their motives. And just for the record this thread isn't directed at any country in paticular but to anyone who can't distinguish the line between patriot and fanatic

D3V 2003-08-10 07:13 PM

Yes I totally agree, I belive that the government is too power-hungry over us, I KNOW that they are keeping information from us, and they have too much power over us, they say that we are free? Thats a load of shit, we can't do anything fun without getting in trouble. I belive that the government made up ciggeretts and they outlawed other drugs that other countries make money off of. We are a monopoly to the rest of the world, we are wanting to be the greatest, so how do we do that? We go to war and kill off anybody who doesn't like what we do, and we take over their contry, threaten to kill them if they don't agree with us, and then 'liberate/brainwash' them.

Look at the war in iraq, you always hear about 1 us soldier killed/wounded in combat today, you don't hear about the 1000 iraqis being killed every day. I read on a site that we have killed 13,647 people so far, thats ridicouls, and people think the iraqis flew the planes into the trade centers, it was supposively al-qadea. But whatever, can't argue with a one-sided battle. The governemt has us by a leash and we haven't realized it yet.

Another thing is the weapons of 'mass destruction' we went in there knowing that they had all of these weapons, and they were going to kill us anyday now, but we don't have any proof anymore, whast up with that? false acusation?

Ganga 2003-08-11 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by "angel" of war
Ganga you either misunderstood or are desperate to make a monkey joke. what im saying is that our leaders are no better than us. most people seem to forget this and never question their motives. And just for the record this thread isn't directed at any country in paticular but to anyone who can't distinguish the line between patriot and fanatic

I am not trying to make a monkey joke, I want to point out that everybody is evil. We either have a govement or not. You choose. Don't complain because it's not the best, just because you never seen the worst.

"angel" of war 2003-08-11 06:51 AM

Do you even get the point of this thread. every government past\present\future are all made up of humans like us hence they are neither wiser nor more ethical hence one should never follow them heart and soul on all fours but should always question their motives

D3V 2003-08-11 07:35 PM

Good point, I believe that we need to review the Bill of Rights, like freedom of speech, if you go up to somebody and call them a Fucking fat bitch, you can get sued for 'harassment' or 'causing emotional distress' Thats just stupid, who carse if your distressed, we are said to be free, but soon as we do something we get stepped all over. I usually see fat people complaining about shit making them fat, its their choice to eat the damn food, nobody made them do it, get off of your fat fucking ass and do some goddamn situps/pushups. Well, this is just me bitchin, but people should just shut the fuck up.

Ganga 2003-08-11 11:25 PM

I posted this:


Originally Posted by Ganga
All humans are like that.... lie, lust, and have the power to kill/steal.

Then this:


Originally Posted by Ganga
I want to point out that everybody is evil.

And then he post this:


Originally Posted by "angel" of war
Do you even get the point of this thread. every government past\present\future are all made up of humans like us.

You are pretty slow don't you?

"angel" of war 2003-08-12 04:24 AM

1. its aren't you asshole finish 1st grade before you talk to me
2. you've been pretty doing the same fucking thing retard scroll up i would quote you but i have better things to do and you're not worth it

Ganga 2003-08-12 07:02 PM

Go head, run away like all your other threads.

"angel" of war 2003-08-13 04:13 AM

Im not running away shit fer brains im jus not the kind of lifeless loser that would waste his time quoting a bunch of fucking posts that are just a couple of clicks away

Medieval Bob 2003-08-13 08:55 AM

He quoted them to show which phrases he was commenting on. That's what the quote button is for. Have you ever talked about something to someone and pointed or gestured? That's what he's doing.

D3V 2003-08-15 02:12 PM

Except for he's typing the shit out, what angel is saying is that he isn't like you guys, he doesn't go read paragraphs for errors over content, making a gesture takes about 1, to 2.5 seconds in REALITY, but when you fucking type it out it takes a good 30 seconds. Flips The BIRD. See, that took a whole 4 seconds to type, but I can do it in under 1 second.

Senesia 2003-08-15 02:27 PM

Don't even come to the forums if one treasures that 30 seconds that much.

Quoting doesn't even take much time actually, you don't have to type it out again, and if you are sure about what you've said, you will know where do find your specific point/line in the post.

I see no conflict between what angel and Ganga said. Angel pointed out how evil the government is since it is made up with human, (who are evil.) and Ganga pointed out that All human are evil.

D3V 2003-08-15 03:39 PM

I believe that everyone is naturally good/evil at heart, it just depends what life hands them to determine what they become.

Kaneda 2003-08-15 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
I believe that everyone is naturally good/evil at heart or a bitch like me, it just depends what life hands them to determine what they become.

Medieval Bob 2003-08-16 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by D3V
Except for he's typing the shit out, what angel is saying is that he isn't like you guys, he doesn't go read paragraphs for errors over content, making a gesture takes about 1, to 2.5 seconds in REALITY, but when you fucking type it out it takes a good 30 seconds. Flips The BIRD. See, that took a whole 4 seconds to type, but I can do it in under 1 second.

I never read for errors. Errors stand out to me. It's just like if someone were to be talking to me and say something like, "Hey man what are you you going to do tonight?" I'm going to fucking notice that he messed up.

Also, don't bitch about your typing skills. It takes me barely a second to type Flips the Bird. Besides, you don't even have to type the quotes... There's a button that does it for you.

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