Penguin |
2003-07-28 10:33 PM |
Originally Posted by Acer
Originally Posted by Penguin
Originally Posted by Acer
Originally Posted by Kamikaze Badger
Steam? You mean one of the programs that Valve made? I wouldnt know too much, and i would really like to know how 1.6 is gonna help out, now that theres about 128,490,340,912,834,823,094 hackers out there. Oh well, ill check it out.
Stay with update, not many good hacks for 1.6 and lot less cheaters now that VAC is cracking down. I know all about cheating. Only really public hacks are my own clan's [RaGe-X]Ultra(aka simple_aim), Nightmare, and Metacheat. Which metacheat is always getting detected(VAC is aiming at it more than others) then comes NM(since it is a client) then Ultra once and awhile but it isnt OGL which means it isnt that good. So cheaters are dying off quick.
Good, the less cheaters the better... That is unless your one of them :(
Depends, I played a lot and go into some cal-m++ clans, tho I never did matches in cal(not into them). Quite clans, then tried pubbing, lots of hackers. So, I decided to get into programming(making hacks). So yes now I am a hacker, but I will tell you this, it is fun as hell when you get to play with private hacks. Tho I do play legit a lot, once cheating dies of a lot, my cheating will die off too.
Why dont you make a server that says your cheating. So you dont fool any legit players? Wouldent it be more fun playing with 10 other cheaters so that you would have a challenge? And when you join legit server and someone asks you to stop hacking, even asks you nicely are you the one who either Lies about it or says "Fuck off faggot".
Everytime I identify a cheater in an otherwise legit server I just ask them to knock it off. If they dont I simply leave the server. I usually dont play on servers that have more then 12 people on them. Harder to identify cheaters.
I still dont fully understand why people cheat at cs. I think its because they are bored of cs and they would quit if they couldent cheat because its all they have left. Or maybe its because they are not good enough so they want to cheat so they could have people think they are cool. Or worst of all they cheat just to piss people off, doing it to annoy those legit players.
Would people cheat at cs if all cheaters no matter how advanced the hack or cheat was were auto banned from every legit server? And they HAD to play on servers that say "CHEAT" in the title, so they are with other cheaters? If you say no then your probably cheating because you Suck at cs, or because your doing it to annoy people.
Anyway, if those people who cheat alot decided to start playing legit, i bet it would piss them off when they get headshotted every round by the same person because he is hacking. It would probably drive them so mad that they would either quit cs or start cheating again? Well thats how some legit players feel -.-
Anyway, Yeah cheating is dying off as servers are getting smarter or whatever I guess. But there are still some hacks or cheats out there that arnt deteced or whatever.... o.0
gah gah gah I make too many long posts :(