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answer763 2002-01-28 06:40 PM

Superbowl Voting!
Take your pick and post in here.

Being from NH I gotta go with Pat's. GO BROWN!!!

carbon 2002-02-03 04:04 AM

Good poll, but it seems like no ones voting.... hmmm

Shok 2002-02-03 11:21 AM

go Patriots go Patriots
fuck rams fuck rams
go tom brady go tom brady
fuck u Warner fuck u Warner

X2D 2002-02-03 12:19 PM

I get to work today... isn't that great?

I will be missing the Superbowl but GO PATRIOTS!

GodsLittlePimp 2002-02-03 01:39 PM

What team has the most super bowls in the bag ? What team fucking scored the title last year ? yah thats what i thought


Grav 2002-02-03 01:51 PM

I'm hoping the Giants win.

tacoX 2002-02-03 03:23 PM


answer763 2002-02-03 06:29 PM

OK...who edited the poll it was 8-0 Pats last time I checked this afternoon....

Xenn 2002-02-03 06:39 PM

Nope it's 6-2 normally.. just checked the Admin CP.

answer763 2002-02-03 09:13 PM

I DON'T CARE!!!! 14-3 PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK IT KURT!!!!!!!!!!

GodsLittlePimp 2002-02-03 10:48 PM

Follow Up
Umm i was wrong as the score stands its 17-3 pats i for one am happy to see them win i hope the goto DISNEY WORLD

X2D 2002-02-04 12:04 AM

Pat's won!

I had to work so I listened to the *whole* game on the intercom at Albertsons.

How sad is that.

I was yelling when the Pat's got an interception and a touchdown.

answer763 2002-02-04 12:45 AM

Who called Pats from the start? Ya that'd be me. WOOO HOOO!!!!!

P.S. taco how much money did you wanna put on it???:noid:

Medieval Bob 2003-06-07 10:18 PM

Patriots Ownnzzor

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