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Valmar 2003-04-12 10:18 PM

Request and question.
I was wandering if anyone here knew how to make a joiner that virusscanners dont consider a virus. I have Oblivion Joiner, Blade's Joiner, Smash 420 and a few others. I know they are clean, but for some reason virus scanners say the result has a Virus in them. I was wandering if anyone here would be willing to either teach me how to join files or make me a joiner that the result isnt considered a virus. Im sure you people are thinking i have some devious plan in mind that requiresa a binder. Fact is, if i can get a working binder, i have a plan that will help zelaron ALOT financially. It doesnt involve scamming so dont worry about that. I hope someone can help.

drivehappy 2003-04-13 05:49 AM

What exactly are joiners?

Valmar 2003-04-13 09:42 AM

To be blunt, its a file that loads 2 or more files and combines them into one file. Its most commonly used to join virii into other files, but thats NOT what i need it for. When you run the joined file it will load or run both of the files that were joined.

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