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Titusfied 2003-03-06 07:47 AM

Interestin Solution Someone Posted On Bnet's Diablo Forum
This is in regards to fixing the economy problems that the everyday Diablo player faces, and has faced every since the first Dupe method was introduced.


My name is David, and I have the perfect solution.

While granted, it is going to be flamed and hated by many, its over-all good use makes very practical sense.

It is simply this. That another option in charcter generation is added, or required for "ladder" charcters. This option is simply, the ability to trade. If you do not select this option, you cannot use the trade window. Period.

However, by selcting this trade option, you are also enabling another feature. The inability to travel difficulties.

Confused? Its simple. If you want to trade, you cannot leave the difficulty your charcter is currently in. This means if you defeat Baal (or Diablo for Classic) in normal, then you can only join nightmare games. Once more, period.

1. You can't leave the difficulty you are currently in. If you advance to quickly into the next difficulty it will be practically impossible to stay alive.
2. If you have high level charcters with too many items, you can't mule with other lower charcters.
3. Significantly limited ability to "rush" charcters.

1. Forces characters to advance at the speed that the game was originally intended to be played at. Greater playability.
2. Makes EVERY item, even low ones worth something. If your in normal, there is no way you will be able to get a Shako or a Windforce, thus making lower items like Chance Guards, or Bloodfist have increasing value.
3. No more rushing, and considerably less leeching.
4. Duping will be less devastating because the ability to mule is almost completely negated.
5. PVP will be more even, so we will see less of level 87's picking on level 13's. (A personal annoyance of mine :)

So there you have it.

I honestly feel that while this will be incredibly annoying for many, that it will solve or at least put a huge band-aid on the problems of Realm Diablo.

I strongly encourage your feedback.

I would espicially like to see questions(from Blizzard would be ideal).
What are your thoughts on this! I actually think its a very clever idea, but I know it would never be implemented. Do not flame me, this is NOT my idea, but I just thought it was pretty neat how someone thought of this. Try to find more Positives and Negatives as well.

‡AC‡ 2003-03-06 12:30 PM

I dont like it... i think it would be cool as an option but,, another option in the creation thing would be too leve things as is

-Spector- 2003-03-06 07:02 PM

I don't like it either....I dunno why its just..just..i guess to strict?

Ganga 2003-03-06 08:48 PM

err it's ok but not all dupe need to be use high lvl, and duh just play hc, ppl dont rush there, also ppl keep lots low lvl items in hc. good but old idea.

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