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Saintofsouls 2003-02-14 01:08 AM

What Is The Cheapest Broadband?
I am planning on getting a dsl or cable internet and i would like to know what is VERY cheap. Please leave some prices and the name and if possible a web site if you do help me out... dang im going to be so happy. Im aiming under 30.00 but i dont know if there is cheaper, im looking around just help me out and give some info if you got a great deal you can hook me up with, Thanks see ya.

RoboticSilence 2003-02-14 02:45 AM

Slow DSL is cheap, slow cable is cheap... but if you want it fast, it'll cost more... you can get decent cable for 40 bucks a month but what I've got is more like 70. Thing about broadband is that it all depends on what is offered locally. Look for TV commercial or go to the website of your regular cable provider which probably offers cable internet services.

Penguin 2003-02-14 06:32 AM

sometimes the cable company has packages that come with cheaper cable for your tv if you order the internet accsess from them. Just look around a bit.

Titusfied 2003-02-14 06:54 AM

What is consifered a fast broadband? Not bad braodband? And slow broadband speeds?

khwiii 2003-02-14 08:12 AM

1.5 mbps fast
785 kbps med.
256 kbps slow

I currently pay something to the effect of 44 for 1.5mbps and 20 for the 40 dollar cable package. SO.. its a deal.

DaFrigginDoctah 2003-02-14 11:52 AM

I got about 2.0mbps / 256kbps and pay less than 50$ a month.
But it's a local company so you wouldnt have it unless you're in my area.

Try looking up Speakeasy DSL or Cyberage I heard is good.

Titusfied 2003-02-14 12:27 PM

What is the website for Cyberage, I keep getting porn links when I do a search for it?

DaFrigginDoctah 2003-02-14 01:08 PM

Oh, I must of spelled it incorrectly.
It was Cyber(something) I will look for the correct name and edit this post when I find it.
Maybe Cyberlink I dunno, gonna keep looking.

Okay, found it.
Although they've upped their prices a bit since last time I was there (About 7 months ago) but the 768kbps upload package still seems nice.

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