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qwerty12345 2003-02-10 05:57 PM

i dun get it
hey im new to the programming game world so can neone tell me where to start? im not gunna understand nething if u just gimme a website, so try to explain wut to do plz. thanks. hehe maybe when i get good at this ill make a new diablo.

Grav 2003-02-10 06:13 PM


RoboticSilence 2003-02-10 08:52 PM

Grav... are you a fan of Group X?

WetWired 2003-02-11 07:00 AM

I don't know what to tell you about how to start. I learned BASIC, Turbo Pascal, and Turbo Assembler by reading the manuals, but thats some pretty dry, boring reading and doesn't work well for most people.

All_Aces 2003-02-17 05:41 PM

I got started on C++ by using those tutorials, here is a link to a good one.


Grav 2003-02-17 06:01 PM

I don't know what Group X is.

Demosthenes 2003-02-22 04:42 PM

you could always buy one of those game creators...i had a really old one buy click & play but im sure there's good stuff like that

ZERONX 2003-03-10 11:41 AM

Hey ces thanks for the link to the tutorial

All_Aces 2003-03-10 09:03 PM

No problem

Acer 2003-03-17 02:03 AM

People who are totaly new to Programming should learn HTML or VB. I think it is healty

ZERONX 2003-03-19 05:22 AM

html lol?????? thats not even a programming language and plus there isnt any logic thinking in it really..... vb would be better or basic

WetWired 2003-03-19 07:12 AM

I've got news for you, Acer, HTML is not a programming language, it's a markup language. The defining charactoristic of a programming language is that it describes a proccess. HTML doesn't describe a proccess, it describes a rendered webpage. Javascript, on the other hand does qualify as a programming language.

Acer 2003-03-19 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by WetWired
I've got news for you, Acer, HTML is not a programming language, it's a markup language. The defining charactoristic of a programming language is that it describes a proccess. HTML doesn't describe a proccess, it describes a rendered webpage. Javascript, on the other hand does qualify as a programming language.

I know it isnt a language, I never said it was. I said people new to programming should learn it. Its basic and helps in understanding concept IMHO.

Demosthenes 2003-03-19 04:35 PM

ehh...html doesn't really help understanding any programming concepts. This is a pretty old language, but imho i suggest for complete new programmers to learn qBasic...forget vb or ne of the windows oriented languages cause that just makes it harder to grab the concept of the basics which is what you should really focus on before you move into windows programming or whatever it is you want to do.

Mantralord 2003-03-19 04:55 PM

Heres my knowledge list, this is how i learned, and this is how a became a great programmer.

Now it is very important for me to say, that programming is 1/4 reading a book, and 3/4 personal experimentation. Also, you gotta kinda have a love for watching complex things work. This should yield a good programmer.

List of things to learn, in order, and how much time you should spend with each one:

1) Qbasic: 1-2 years
Take this time to learn the basics of programming,
and graphics. Try to write a small game.

2) VB and C++: 2-3 years
Here you will start to get into the hardcore of what
its like to be a programmer. Not for malicious use,
but do try to write virii, and trojans for your personal

3) Assembler and Java and HTML: 2 years
By now you should be able to figure out what to
do with these here. Write something complex...

4) Whatever you want after this, by now you should have a very strong understanding of programming concepts, and any other language you learn should immediately start flowing from your fingertips.

Acer 2003-03-22 01:24 AM

I never even heard of Qbasic before, explain to me what it is mantra at school Tues.

WetWired 2003-03-24 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Acer
I never even heard of Qbasic before, explain to me what it is mantra at school Tues.


It came with MSDOS 5.0-6.22. Like the versions of BASIC that came with DOS before, it was an interpretter-only program, meaning that you had to have QBASIC to run your QBASIC programs. In reality, however, QBASIC pre-compiled your program unlike previous versions of BASIC, resulting in much improved performance. IIRC, QBASIC was a stripped down version of QuickBASIC, which included exe compilation.

Acer 2003-03-24 01:02 PM

I see, yeah I wanted to know what it is and see if I should learn it, but there is no reason for me now.

Demosthenes 2003-03-24 03:09 PM

it's a simple, and nice language to learn 1st for a feel of programming.

Acer 2003-03-26 04:25 PM

I would have to say out of all the languages I have learned or attempted to. VB is the easiet.

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