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Demosthenes 2007-11-08 12:35 AM

Death Penalty
Is it moral?

D3V 2007-11-08 06:31 AM

Now, see MJ. You go and make the question complicated. There are probably only certain instances where it is "moral", however our law does state that killing is Illegal..

Basically, Moral is really being able to tell the difference between right and wrong, now as it being equal, the death penalty could be equal if the person(s) deliberately took the life of another without a doubt 1st degree murder/homicide.

This really is a complicated question, but my opinion is being against the death penalty basically because it's saying well "Killing is WRONG".. and yet, we won't hesitate to stick the needle into somebody.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-08 07:42 AM

Well, what is "moral" is relative to one person or another. There is no universal morality.

So, in my opinion, I'm against the death penalty, for the same reason as D3v. I don't think that killing someone to teach the lesson that you shouldn't kill other people makes a whole lot of sense. I think there are better ways to go about just about any situation other than killing someone. I can't think of anything that I think the punishment for should be death.

However, if someone is threatening the life/lives of another person or multiple people, I'm not against using lethal force if necessary, but I think that's bordering on another topic.

Demosthenes 2007-11-08 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Well, what is "moral" is relative to one person or another. There is no universal morality.

It could be argued that transcendental moral facts exist. Not that I would argue it, but just saying.


However, if someone is threatening the life/lives of another person or multiple people, I'm not against using lethal force if necessary, but I think that's bordering on another topic.
Just to clarify for others, I don't mean lethal force in the face of imminent danger. By death penalty, I mean an execution.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-08 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
It could be argued that transcendental moral facts exist. Not that I would argue it, but just saying.

Oh it most definately can. It's an argument that's been going on for ~3000 years now, probably longer. I'm up for debating it in another thread, but this thread will go way off topic if we get into that :p

D3V 2007-11-08 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
It could be argued that transcendental moral facts exist. Not that I would argue it, but just saying.

Just to clarify for others, I don't mean lethal force in the face of imminent danger. By death penalty, I mean an execution.

I think life in Prison is just as effective, if NOT worse, most people that do multiple killings are at the end up their lifespan anyways, mentally atleast... so by killing somebody I'm going to stand by the statement that it isn't justifiable to kill somebody for killing somebody, it's just hypocritical... and Immoral.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-08 10:07 AM

But you voted opposite of what you're saying.

D3V 2007-11-08 10:10 AM

Whoops, wrong button.

Jessifer 2007-11-08 11:03 AM

Morally, no, I don't believe there are cases where it's moral. Justified, however, that all depends on personal beliefs. I believe there are rare cases where it's justified...id est mass murderers, child rapists and such.

However, that still doesn't mean it's moral, even to a person who may find it justified.

Personally, I don't believe that Morality and Justification should be paired with each other to begin with.

Thanatos 2007-11-08 01:36 PM

Like Jessifer said, it all depends on your viewpoint of what is moral and unmoral.

But in some cases, it is very justified. This is a true story: A postal worker had been fed up with his job, life, etc and decided to take it out on people that were of a different race, color than him. He went on a killing spree in his truck shooting and killing people that were minding their own business, ie: a Korean grocery store clerk, a couple of black guys walking down the road, etc etc.

This guy definitely deserved the death penalty. If you think you're that high and mighty that you can make the ultimate decision and take somebody's life, really the ONLY thing a person has, you deserve the same upon you. An eye for an eye.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-08 03:14 PM

Whether that is justified is in fact an opinion.

By your logic, you should deserve the death penalty because "you think you're that high and mighty that you can make the ultimate decision and take somebody's life."

Demosthenes 2007-11-08 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
By your logic, you should deserve the death penalty because "you think you're that high and mighty that you can make the ultimate decision and take somebody's life."

I thought the same thing.

Thanatos 2007-11-08 04:29 PM

Umm.. no? I would never take somebody's life, therefore excluding me from the death penalty. I wouldn't be pulling the switch, either. I said an eye for an eye.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-08 04:40 PM

You think it's alright for you to make that decision, though.

Thanatos 2007-11-09 07:36 AM

No. I wouldn't be the one directly making the decision. I see what you're getting at but that's just getting way too technical.

D3V 2007-11-09 07:41 AM

That's a retard way to take it, K_A.

Funny note, (ot): I seen a woman today with a bumper sticker that said..well actually, here's a picture.


Eventually I got up to her at a stop light and she kept staring over at my car, so I roll the window down and tell her that I noticed her bumper sticker, she replies, ohh yeah? And i'm like yeah, the death penalty also stops a beating heart, dumbass, the same thing you guys don't have any problem supporting..

She called me a jackoff democrat and sped off, it was funny.

Vollstrecker 2007-11-09 04:38 PM

There are times where morality has to take a backseat, hence the phrase "necessary evil".

There are people who cannot be rehabilitated, and their continued existence is a threat to others.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-09 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Thanatos
No. I wouldn't be the one directly making the decision. I see what you're getting at but that's just getting way too technical.

I don't see how. You're saying it's wrong for the guy to think he should be able to make the decision to take someone's life, yet you're then saying it's alright for someone else to do the same thing.

How does that not make sense? He kills someone, you say that nobody has the right to take someone's life, so we should kill him for doing so? There's a flaw in that logic.

!King_Amazon! 2007-11-09 04:42 PM

I should also add, I'm also against the death penalty because of the fact that it is irreversable. If you unknowingly put an innocent man to death, and you later find out that he was in fact not guilty, you can't make up for that.

Much better to keep people alive and in prison for the rest of their lives. This gives innocent people at least a chance of getting their life partially back, and in my opinion is a worse punishment for murder than death. Death is a pretty pointless punishment, once someone is dead they no longer care about the fact that they are being killed. You keep someone alive and they have to not only live with the fact that they killed someone but they also have to live with the fact that they are going to spend the rest of their life in prison.

Honestly, if I were told I had to choose between life in prison or death, I would take death, without giving it so much as a thought.

Vollstrecker 2007-11-09 04:44 PM

I'm pretty sure that most states have a required sentence time on Death Row before killing their inmates, specifically to ensure that the case is closed.

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