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D3V 2011-06-15 09:53 AM


"Have you ever felt so angry at a company that you wished its website was hacked to shreds, but you didn't have the technical expertise required? Here comes LulzSec to the rescue. The marauding hackers, with their huge and growing list of conquests -- including PBS, the FBI and the U.S. Senate, pornography and gaming sites, and most of all, Sony -- opened a hack request line during their latest merry jaunt, Titanic Takeover Tuesday."




Prolific hacker pranksters LulzSec took out sci-fi game EVE Online on Tuesday as part of a run of attacks apparently perpetrated purely for the lulz.
'A DDoS attack left EVE Online offline for around five hours as part of an operation called Titanic Takeover Tuesday. CCP Games, the firm behind the popular multiplayer game, said that it took both EVE Online and its own website offline as a precaution, fearing that the DDoS attacks could act as a smokescreen for deeper penetrating assaults.'


LulzSec has appeared from nowhere to become the most notorious hacking group on the planet with attacks on FBI affiliates, Sony, the US Senate, a popular porn site and a string of gaming firms. Previous attacks have highlighted security weakness involving Bethesda and Nintendo.

LulzSec hackers demand hats, threaten release of Brink user data


WetWired 2011-06-15 03:22 PM

I don't get the DDOS thing. It's not a hack; it almost seems like a face saving measure after a failure?

D3V 2011-06-16 05:21 AM

Lulz, sec. So what you're saying is that this isn't funny?

They brought the CIA's down a couple of times last night. They're just script kiddies, that are getting attention from people on Twitter/media outlets that pick up the story.


LulzSec, the hacker group responsible for security breach of several high profile targets including CIA, FBI affiliate, Sony, Nintendo, Fox and PBS has released the stolen data from the SonyPictures.com which includes personal information, including passwords, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, and all Sony opt-in data associated with their accounts. LulzSec tweeted moments ago providing the link to download the stolen data torrent through BitTorrent site 'The Pirate Bay'.
"People are saying our CIA attack was the biggest yet, but it was really a very simple packet flood. This is our biggest: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6443601/Sownage": LulzSec tweeted.

And finally, this makes me the happiest.

Lulzsec Hackers Go to War with 4chan


Lulz Security borrows its name and aesthetics from the roiling message board 4chan. But now the group has declared war on 4chan and its users—many of whom identify with the hacking group Anonymous—pissing off the nerds who are most likely to support their online shenanigans.

It's chaos in the internet's crotch: 4chan was down for much of the afternoon. Lulz Security, the hacking group behind well-publicized PBS and FBI-affiliate hacks, is openly taunting 4channers and members of Anonymous, even crowd-sourcing prank calls against 4chan's web hosting company via their hotline: 614-LULZSEC. In response, 4chan users launched an internet manhunt to track down members of Lulzsec.
Now it's time to sit back, and watch the LULZ.


KagomJack 2011-06-16 07:54 AM

They should take down Second Life. I'd find it lulzy.

-Spector- 2011-06-16 01:45 PM

It is funny, but I completely agree with WW. DDoS is a last resort, which really just annoys the host for a little bit.

D3V 2011-06-20 12:07 PM


D3V 2011-06-24 11:21 AM



Lulzsec Strikes Again, Releasing Arizona Law Enforcement Documents


The Arizona Republic reports:

The DPS files, posted on LulzSec's website, include personal information about officers and numerous documents ranging from routine alerts from out-of-state police agencies to videos and photos about the hazards of police work and operations of drug gangs. The names of the files are as innocuous as "resume" and "evaluation form" and as provocative as "cartel leader threatens deadly force on U.S. police."

!King_Amazon! 2011-06-24 01:30 PM

I love it. I absolutely love it. I'm not getting my IP address anywhere near it, but I love and support it wholeheartedly.

D3V 2011-06-24 01:45 PM

Apparently their 'leader' has been found out today. It's been plastered everywhere. Maybe it's misinformation or speculation, but who cares. It's a bit unnerving to sit in the IRC chat, no matter what steps you take to cover your tracks, they're definitely being watched right now.



Name(s): Xavier Kaotico, Xavier de Leon
Email: sabu@pure-elite.org, xavier@pure-elite.org, xavier@sentinix.org, xavier@tigerteam.se
Age: 30 as of 2011-06-21
Location: Possibly New York City, NY (has lived there)
Websites: sabu.net, pure-elite.org, confinement.org
Profession: Independent IT consultant
Interests: Python programming, Linux, network security, exploit development
Hopefully this is just another stunt, and LulzSec can continue being trolls.

The New York Times reports that the FBI knocked legit websites offline in its attempt to hunt down LulzSec and any affiliated hackers. According to the report, the FBI seized web servers during a data center raid conducted early Tuesday morning. Owned by Switzerland-based DigitalOne, the server seizure inadvertently took down websites owned by the New York-based Curbed Network, Instapaper and "tens" more.

"After [the] FBI's unprofessional 'work,' we can not restart our own servers, that’s why our Web site is offline and support doesn’t work," said DigitalOne’s chief executive, Sergej Ostroumow in a statement to his customers. He thought that the problem was merely a technical glitch with one of his Reston, Virginia-based servers at first until he was informed by a local that it had been removed completely from the data center.

In other news:

Anonymous and LulzSec combined for Operation Anti-Sec (Anti Security)

D3V 2011-06-29 12:03 PM

LulzSec disbands.

We're not quitting because we're afraid of the FBI, we're just bored, claim LulzSec hackers as they abruptly disband

News is a little old, but still relevant.

IMO, they have too much heat on them. They aren't done. They're just starting clean, which is perfect to keep yourself hidden.

Anyways, in Today's news:

Anonymous, AntiSec release more data from Arizona police

“In this second bulletin, we're dumping booty pirated from a dozen Arizona police officer's personal email accounts looking specifically for humiliating dirt,” a release from Anonymous’s AntiSec movement said. “This leak has names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers, online dating account info, voicemails, chat logs, and seductive girlfriend pictures belonging to a dozen Arizona police officers.”

The group also claims to have found more internal documents and evidence of a racial discrimination lawsuit against the police department.

!King_Amazon! 2011-06-29 02:43 PM

Saying "we're disbanding" seems like a good way to get people to pay less attention to you. If they were actually disbanding, why would they bother making a statement saying as much?

Regarding the police, I feel sorry for the individual officers that are being affected by this, but I love the message that it sends. The state of Arizona tried to use its police force in a dehumanizing way, and now they are getting shit thrown in their faces.

D3V 2011-07-06 08:20 PM

Exactly. They are doing wrong for the right cause, and that I can stand for and support. I love their actions, and I do believe as well that they are using some sort of diversion to possibly misdirect investigators. I'm excited to see what Anonymous and Anti-Sec bring forth in the next few weeks/months.

-Spector- 2011-07-09 02:10 PM

They're disbanding because they got 0wned. A friend of mine just leaked this to me:



Skurai 2011-07-17 01:14 PM

So did the Legion win again, or what? I'm lost.
If there are two things I want, it's for both Anonymous AND the government to be taken down. Too much law is bad, too much chaos is bad.

!King_Amazon! 2011-07-17 02:19 PM

I could agree with that viewpoint, potentially.

Skurai 2011-07-18 02:31 PM

In my opinion, the lack of law AND chaos alike, will allow us to view the *true* nature of individuals. It would simply be reduced to "Help, Ham, and Hurt".
In my opinion, the law would have minimal power, only capable of dealing with the most severe crimes (murder, theft, etc.), while it would have to be up to our own moral values to keep from falling into total chaos.


!King_Amazon! 2011-07-18 04:47 PM

According to most online quizzes and such, I tend to be around True Neutral. I probably tend toward Neutral Good and Neutral Evil depending on my mood.

D3V 2011-07-18 08:31 PM



Hackers target Murdoch newspaper Web site

The LulzSec hacker group has turned its sights on Rupert Murdoch's U.K. newspaper The Sun, hacking the site to direct visitors to a fake article claiming the media mogul had died and releasing information on journalists.
The group announced on Twitter that "The Sun's homepage now redirects to the Murdoch death story on the recently-owned New Times website. Can you spell success, gentlemen?"
The New Times site was inaccessible this afternoon, but screenshots captured before it was taken off line show a headline that says "Media Moguls Body Discovered" and a story that said Murdoch had taken a large quantity of palladium, a metal that resembles platinum.


tango down.

!King_Amazon! 2011-07-18 09:19 PM

So much for them "Disbanding" eh?

I wonder if LulzSec is actually a creation of the Government that they are using to scare people into going along with anti-privacy laws regarding the internet. I suppose I'm cynical enough to think that could be the case.

Skurai 2011-07-21 03:27 PM

In all honesty, if I were in the government's spot, that's what I would have done.


Originally Posted by K_A
According to most online quizzes and such, I tend to be around True Neutral. I probably tend toward Neutral Good and Neutral Evil depending on my mood.

I usually bounce between all three "good" types, on quizes. 3 results = Lawful Good 2 results = chaotic good, 1 result = neutral good.

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