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Demosthenes 2004-09-08 06:28 PM

Question: How did the universe begin?
I want your personal theory on this. Did god create the universe? Was there something else. Has it always been here? State which side you're taking (i.e. scientific, theological etc.) and try to support it as best you can. Lets try to not turn this into a debate. If you want to comment on someone elses theory, fine, but try to keep this thread from turning into an all-out debate about religion.

So, what do you think?

Slim 2004-09-08 06:33 PM

I really have no idea, but I lean towards the scientific view. I mean, there IS the "matter cannot be created or destroyed" law that religion will always bring up, but if that's the case what could have created god?

Anyway, I'd say the big bang.

Demosthenes 2004-09-08 06:35 PM

Sorry, I worded it wrong. For you scientific believers, how was the universe put into play before the big bang? And try to expand a bit, if you can, Slim. I'd like to hear everyone's ideas.

Slim 2004-09-08 06:39 PM

I honestly have no idea, I'm not knowledgeable enough in the area to make any comment without it being pulled straight from my ass.

D3V 2004-09-08 07:22 PM

I'd have to go on a religious note. Put it this way. God has always existed, nobody created him/her. But it's always been there. Now God has the power to create, and give. God's powers must have created the universe. Not too sure how it works.

This could just be a Matrix type thing, we're just one big ass test tube, and somebody is having us for their science project.

tokill.ace 2004-09-08 07:54 PM


This could just be a Matrix type thing, we're just one big ass test tube, and somebody is having us for their science project.

I've thought about that. We'll never really know. I believe in God. He's always been there. Nothings going to change my mind about that. All the stories about him have been proved in a way. Through the bible, and there was older history that the same exact events that were in the bible, were recorded in a journal/book. I believe in God 110%. Whenever I pray, it always comes true.


Bottom line is:


HandOfHeaven 2004-09-08 08:11 PM

God is the Alpha and Omega; beginning and end. He has always been there. Created the world in 6 24 hour days, and rested on the 7th day. He saw that everything was good. The world has only been around for roughly 8,000 to 10,000 years. Just look at the world around you. How could a spontaneous combustion from a tiny dot form all of this coincidentally like it is? God made the world beautiful. The world used to be one continent, but then God wiped out everyone on the earth with the flood except for Noah and his family on his ark. This happening, the lands were split apart and formed as they are. Yay God!

Yeah, don't tell me this is random bullshit, because it isn't. Don't insult me, I will return the favor.

tokill.ace 2004-09-08 08:22 PM

Dude, it's not bullshit one bit. I like your words. :)

w00t.ace 2004-09-08 08:28 PM

Wow, I always thought that everybody here was either atheist or christians who dont really believe in god completely. Hand of heaven and tokill.ace and d3v, I have just created a newfound respect toward you. I too believe that god exists and always has, I would be lying if I never was sceptical, but I think that there's no way we'll ever prove how it all started, so all I have is to believe.

Demosthenes 2004-09-08 08:30 PM

I like all of your responses so far. I just have one request. Perhaps expanding on why you believe as you do, if at all possible.

tokill.ace 2004-09-08 08:37 PM

Why not believe? Believing is the only thing I do. I believe in God because..well because hes God. Why not believe in him? I've already "been" to heaven in my dream. I saw him alive, and I believe from there. He's REAL. He's given people life. The only thing you can do is to respect, believe, and pray. Don't do sins. God, just saying that makes me think of soo many things. All the things have to do with believing though. Believe is the only thing that my mind likes. It makes it up. It has fun. It's the only thing that YOU can depend on.

Dunno if that made sense to anybody?

HandOfHeaven 2004-09-08 08:39 PM

Sort of brought up with it, but in catechism class last year, we studied other religions. Most 'Christian' doctrines teach that God created the world, and I cannot see how a small dot exploded into something as vast as the universe. And how everything fell in so perfectly, it seems like nonsense to say that it all just appeared. Read several sections of the bible, and I believe it. It said in Genesis that the spirit of the Lord (Holy Ghost/Spirit) was hovering over some murky matter, and began to mold and shape it into the earth. With his Word, God created something out of nothing, a feat we still have to overcome. In the beginning was the heavens and the earth. Lucifer corrupted some other angels and fell(was sent) to hell. I would go on, but I don't want to be excessive.

‡AC‡ 2004-09-08 08:39 PM

I belive that the universe is expanding exponetally(sp?) to a point were it will start contracting again and start over with another big bang.

Slim 2004-09-08 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by HandOfHeaven
God is the Alpha and Omega; beginning and end. He has always been there. Created the world in 6 24 hour days

"Days" in the Biblical sense, weren't 24 hours.

!King_Amazon! 2004-09-08 08:55 PM

The bible is shit, I don't believe anything in it, it's just a book that has been changed by so many people in the past.

My personal belief is both religious and scientific. I believe in the big bang, but something had to start it. There has to be some sort of supreme being(God, whatever).

tokill.ace 2004-09-08 11:10 PM

What do you guys mean "big bang". Sure call me a dumbass, but let me know first. Never heard that.

Vollstrecker 2004-09-09 12:03 AM

I believe in the possible existence, or former existence of God.

I lean more towards the Big Bang Theory, and rationalize that God created the mass/energy that caused it all to begin with. The Universe is expanding, and there is the distinct possibility that our Universe is not the only one in the void of space. We may never truly know.

As to the question of how God came into existence (if He truly exists), the answer is unfathomable to us, as He cannot have always existed, nor can He have "willed" Himself into existence, as there would have been no "existence" without His creating it.

I digress. I would go on about this subject, but that is not the intention of this thread.

==Nit5u4== 2004-09-09 10:19 AM

It began with jellyfish.

kockblocker1 2004-09-09 12:09 PM

The bible is a book of fiction written by man.

As far as creation hypotheses go I lean towards the evolutionary side of the house. Yes the universe is expanding and I do believe there is dark matter in the universe. I don’t know and couldn’t fathom to speculate what existed prior to the big bang. Our current set of physics and mathematics are not adequate to construct a solid explanation of the creation of the universe.

D3V 2004-09-09 12:14 PM

Well I've had my thread on Evolution, but it was quite racist, and spammed to hell. It was that African americans evolved from monkeys, and Caucasians evolved from Cavemen. But that's just a joke :D.

I'm Kind of on K_A's side. I mean, I believe that our universe could have just existed forever, but something needs to get it going. Our GOD, who may have been one of us at one point, enlightened beyond anything spiritual or mental. Not sure. It really makes my head hurt to think about all of the possibilities/variables. But I do believe in GOD, and My guess is that he/she started it all off at one point in time. Getting the ball rolling, creating earth with his/her mind/intellegence and we have naturally evolved from that point.

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