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Jessifer 2009-08-25 12:25 PM

List all of the scars on your body that you're aware of, and how you obtained them. You have Skurai to thank for giving me the idea for this thread.

I'll post mine when I have more time.

Skurai 2009-08-25 12:34 PM

Yay! :grin:

I got one on my elbow for like, no reason! :eek:
Seriously, I was in the middle of class, and I saw blood on my shirt, and I was like "...?" and I looked for the, um, like, source, I guess? And both my elbows were like, split way open! I was like "O_o"

I have no idea what happened, but I totally missed it... I now have a really big scar.

Then, one time, I was like, four, and I was in a car, with my Mum's friend's daughter, Kiersten, and for some reason she got the idea to bite my foot, and I decided it would be funny, so I let her, and then she bit really hard, and it was bleeding, so I have a scar from that too.

Lenny 2009-08-25 02:28 PM

The only one that's really visible still is a two-inch skid mark on my right arm - elbow towards hand. I went to leap a pallet at work last year, and succeeded... apart from catching a box, sending me tumbling, and skidding a number of feet on a solid tone floor. :) The dirt is still under the skin, so the whole thing is a dirty brown.

Skurai 2009-08-25 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 680886)
:) The dirt is still under the skin, so the whole thing is a dirty brown.

ewww... :eek:
Did it get infected?

Kazilla 2009-08-25 08:53 PM

I have one on my left wrist from attempting to cut a tree in half with a hand saw, the saw jumped out of the groove and I proceeded to cut into my own wrist several times before I knew what was happening.

I have road rash all over my hands and my right elbow from when I crashed my aunt's quad.

I have a 3 inch scare on my back, from when I tore down my brothers treehouse and a rusted nail came down and got the last laugh.

I have a little scar on my foot from my friends house, forgot what from.

Finally, I have one on my left? Eyebrow from when I got this great idea to go ice-skating on the basketball court with tennis shoes.

HandOfHeaven 2009-08-25 10:42 PM

Right where my hairline starts in the front I have a few stitches. It was halloween and I was 2, and I did a header right into the fire place. Nothing like a bloody pumpkin in the ER.

Jessifer 2009-08-26 09:36 AM

I have a scar in the middle of my forehead from when I was little. My cousins and I were running around a plastered post in my grandfather's apartment, my sweater caught on it and I was flung headfirst into the plaster.

I have another scar on my face, about three inches long on my left cheek running vertically. I have no idea where it came from.

On the back of my right ankle is a scar I got from when I was little, about an inch long. I was riding my bike, and my ankle caught in the spokes.

I have a couple of bumps on my right thumb from when I got bitten by an iguana I used to own.

On my left foot, right above my pinky toe is a smooth patch of skin that used to be a scab. I was standing on a rock at Putters, my ankle gave out (as it occasionally does...), and my foot twisted and scraped against the rock as I fell.

kyeruu 2009-09-15 08:06 PM

i fell on broken marble tiles and cut my wrist.

and uh, an iron fell on my leg when i was 4

Grav 2009-09-16 12:24 PM

Right leg, right side, 13". Right leg, left side, 8". Right ankle, 2". Left leg, left side, 10". Various minor ones in other places.

Jessifer 2009-09-17 08:49 AM

How on earth did you get those scars?

Skurai 2009-09-17 10:31 PM

Kinky stuff? :eek:

I have a scar on my side, now. I got sliced open by my bed, since the springs broke and it got cut waaaaayyyyyy open.

Sovereign 2009-09-17 11:49 PM

Right kneecap.

Was racing my friend around a turn on a bike, lost control, hit a stop sign, flipped over my handlebars, did a summersault on gravel, and landed on my knee.

I never want to see my own kneecap again.

On my left eye I have a scar that almost blinded me in one eye.


Fell off of a bed wheni was 5 or something. Hit on the rim of my eye socket. My two eyes see different colors,one sees the world more in blue and one more in red. Maybe fucked something in my eyes up then lawl.

Mutant Couch 2009-09-27 08:12 PM

There's a circular one on one thigh about 3" from a spider bite. Then one about 5" on the same thigh. I'm not sure what happened, but it looks like I got felt up by a pirate.

There's one on an elbow from a fall down concrete steps the first time I went to see WWF.

One on my thumb, because at some point it seemed okay to play with a ball of aluminum foil and I managed to get a gash from it.

On one wrist there's one about an inch from it hitting the rack while trying to get the turkey out of the oven.

Then various small ones, mostly around my knees, because I fell off things constantly as a kid.

Mdselctr 2009-09-27 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mutant Couch (Post 682175)
...a circular one on one thigh about 3" from a spider bite.

They are your  pals,  after all.  Does anyone have
siblings who  have  attacked  them  when they were
younger?  A one-inch scar  remains from that (just
below the hairline).  Two skating-related injuries
are still visible,  such as  the upper lip (from a
10-foot half-pipe) and  the right knee.  Any other
scars are  internal and can't be  seen (that would
explain a frequent bloody nose and...).

Skurai 2009-09-28 06:15 AM

I don't have any from siblings, but my Older Brother has a few bite marks from when me and hit got into fights. Same for my little brother, too.

Jessifer 2009-09-28 09:46 AM

I've always been lucky and gotten along with all my siblings.

Also, I'm not sure if it technically counts as a scar, but my left eye isn't as open as my right eye because of "The Incident" that happened when I was 12.

D3V 2009-09-28 09:50 AM

i tear my heart open
n sew myself shut
my weeknezz is
is dat i car 2much
and da scars remind us
that da past iz reel
i tare my hart open
just to feal

Skurai 2009-09-28 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jessifer (Post 682211)
"The Incident" that happened when I was 12.

Hmmm... this sounds interesting... can we hear more?
Also, stop car-ing so much D3V.

Jessifer 2009-09-29 09:30 AM

You can dig for it if you really want to know.

As soon as you're unbanned, that is.

-Spector- 2009-09-29 12:11 PM

I have one on my knee from falling in a puddle at a park. I still don't know what actually cut me though.

I have several on my forehead from a car accident that put me in a coma.

All others are from self harm because I'm an emo bitch.

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