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D3V 2008-02-13 12:12 PM

Gun laws?
I'd like to hear both sides of the story, really.

I know that there are some that admire the constitution and want to uphold it word by word. As the 2nd amendment states, that everyone bares right to a gun. Now, take into consideration this was in the 1770's when the constitution was written and we were still under attack by our ex-enemies from the East.

I will place my opinions in later on, but really do you feel that Firearms, any type should be allowed in the States? There are so many angles to take on almost everything..


Willkillforfood 2008-02-13 12:40 PM

I'm a hick so I'm all for guns. A neighbor of mine just got his wrists and throat slit open with a razorblade. That's pretty fucking deadly in its own sense, so what would it matter if he was shot?

Thanatos 2008-02-13 01:16 PM

I'm going to be purchasing a firearm very soon.

i needz protection yo

Adrenachrome 2008-02-13 07:03 PM

I have several handguns and a Chinese SKS, I'll keep this comment short, basicly if you make it illegal to own and or carry fire arms then you make certain that criminals are the only ones with the guns, Also, You have two ways to get what you want, one is reason and negotiation, the other is force, if we as citizens retain and excersice our right to own and carry then that forces others to reason with us, take away the guns and our rights and property can be taken by force, and I'm not with that

D3V 2008-02-14 07:19 AM

I'm not exactly sure where I stand on Gun Laws.

I mean there are so many sides of the argument really, I don't really feel that everyone should be entitled to a gun, hence criminals, ex-cons, people with violent backgrounds, etc. I think it should be somewhat harder to obtain a firearm, no matter what it is being that of a hunting rifle or handgun, whatever.

Also, being that most criminals aren't actually purchasing these guns from stores/gun shops they are usually stolen or bought stolen, so that aspect doesn't really help.

I think it's just the mentality of owning a gun, people act cocky with them, show them off way too much, like if I were to purchase one it would stay concealed in the same location and I wouldn't anybody probably other than my girlfriend know about it, or whomever is real close to me, family-etc.

That's just me though.

Adrenachrome 2008-02-14 08:35 AM

I don't act cocky because of my weapons I cannot speak for others but when ever I get really angry, usually in traffic, I do sometimes let my thoughts sliip to blowing someone's head off, but in fact, my guns keep me grounded, sorta like nuclear weapons, I KNOW that I would win the arguement, and I immediatly calm down because I know that while that motherfucker would be dead, my life would also be over, and I'd have to sit in prison or even face the death penalty, Violent offenders, felons, domestic violence convicts cannot own guns, and actually carrying a conceaL and carry permit, you cannot let it be seen in public o r you could get a citation, while without the permit you can carry openly in public, except for crowded public areas like wal mart, carnivals, ect, You also are forbidden to carry concealed or otherwise a weapon into an establishment that either servs alcohol or prohibits the firearms in their venue

Demosthenes 2008-02-14 08:44 AM

The reason I think the second amendment is antiquated and should be expunged:


Originally Posted by Adrenachrome
I do sometimes let my thoughts sliip to blowing someone's head off,


I KNOW that I would win the arguement,
The moment you take someone's life, you've lost the argument.

D3V 2008-02-14 09:06 AM

Yeah, just you talking about your gun makes you sound more arrogant, and I know you disagree, but you did contradict yourself in saying you don't get cocky, and then right after say you'd blow somebody elses head off.

Adrenachrome 2008-02-14 01:54 PM

Maybe you guys didn't understand my point, When I do get angry knowing that I could destroy someone els' life aswell as my own, immediatly calms me down and I think about how ignorant that kind of thinkinig is, and besides I could put the claw of my hammer in the back of the antagonizers head and have the same effect, want to ban hammers too'question mark' No matter which way you look at it, taking away the lawful ability to own a firearm, immedialy empowers criminals, they will KNOW that Johnny Doogooder over there does NOT have protection, not to mention the Government, with our arms they cannot take but so much liberty from us or we will stand up for our selves, take away our armament and they caN lock us down without consequence

D3V 2008-02-15 06:27 AM

You know that, the 2nd amendment was written when we were at war with our newly found friends from the East right?.. We don't have anything happening at home that we need to defend from.. really.

Just take this philosophy, would the world be better off with everyone owning guns, or nobody owning guns?

Adrenachrome 2008-02-15 07:52 AM

Nobody owning guns is impossible, and the 2nd amendment was written so the people could protect themslves from the government, I understand your point bro but the fact is that if you make it illegal to own guns, law abiding citizens like myself will either become criminals, or defensless against criminals who will be the only ones with the guns, even if you could make all guns vanish, if someone wants to kill someone they will find another weapon, you cannot take the evil out of people, it'll be a knife or a stick or a vehicle or a rock, or a damn bow and arrow, point is, guns dont kill people, stupid motherfuckers with guns kill people, One thing you have correct is there would be less accidental gun deaths, but that doesn't outweigh the need to protect ourselves from criminals, and criminal government

D3V 2008-02-15 07:57 AM

I see your point as well, which is why I go back to my origional argument which is that we just need to make it harder to obtain a firearm/concealed weapons permit...

Adrenachrome 2008-02-15 08:07 AM

well here in VA you can go just buy one, but they do a national background check, and my record has a couple bullshit misdomeanors on it so they make me wait a day, and the conceal permit you gotta go to the courthouse and jump through hoops, but there's some loopholes in gun show laws they have just recently closed so that even a private dealer has to do proper background checks, and I'm all for that, I'm all for keeping violent criminals and mentally ill from being able to just go buy a gun, like the tard that shot up vtech

Willkillforfood 2008-02-15 12:15 PM

The 2nd Ammendment wasn't written because we were at war with friends from the East. The consitution was written years upon years after the Revolutionary War's conclusion.

Adrenachrome 2008-02-15 05:32 PM

If college kids in universities like Northern Illinois and Va Tech were permitted to legally carry guns those fucks would not have killed or injured near as many students, better yet if the shooters knew that the students were allowed to carry protection they might not have even tried that shit, just a thought

!King_Amazon! 2008-02-15 06:01 PM

The second amendment was written long before assault rifles were around. Back then they probably had muskets that were highly inacurate, and pistols that were also inacurate. You couldn't just go mow down a bunch of people at once. At most, you could take out a couple of people if you were really pissed at them.

I'm all for someone being able to have a pistol for personal protection, but there is absolutely no reason for anyone but our national defense and law enforcement to have assault rifles. Personally, I'd rather people not even have pistols, but I would be willing to accept that.

The most common argument I hear is that "guns don't kill people, people kill people" and "guns are just inanimate objects." Does this mean I should be allowed to have bombs too? An assault rifle is pretty comparable to a small bomb in the possible casualties.

Bottom line, it's unnecessary to have anything more than maybe a pistol, and even then they should be highly regulated.

Adrenachrome 2008-02-15 07:04 PM

You're living in the fantasy world where the people have nothing to fear from their government, and that if you make guns illegal no one will have them, you don't seem to understand the FACT that if you criminalize gun ownership ONLY criminals will have them, Also you need to understand the FACT that we WILL need to defend ourselves from our own government, which most certainly does NOT have our liberty and best interests in mind all the time, they are power hungry, greedy and corrupt, I usually use the following quote against Fascist and or nationalized health care, "People who are willing to trade liberty for security are deserving of neither" -Winston Churchill Now that is not exact but you should get the point, Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my assault rifle, speaking of national defense, Imagine you are an enemy of the US, would you want to invade a country where it is known that the average citizen is armed, Bottom line is YOU CANNOT TAKE GUNS AWAY FROM CRIMINALS, you can only take them from good people, what sense would it make to do that, and the fact that you seem to think the government is all good and for the people is absurd, the 2nd amendment is likely a reasonn we still hold on the the few original "god given" freedoms that we were promised by the constitution and the bill of rights

Demosthenes 2008-02-16 11:48 AM

Our guns aren't what's stopping the government from imposing a military state. It's the political system itself. If that fails, they will impose a military state if they want, regardless of whether or not we have guns. It's not going to make it harder, or act as a deterrent. They will roll over us if they want to.

Willkillforfood 2008-02-16 01:34 PM

I'm all for having guns. It sucks people abuse them but if not with guns then they can use some other means of killing.

!King_Amazon! 2008-02-16 01:38 PM

Knives? Swords? It doesn't matter. That might work against a single person, but you can't walk into a mall and kill a bunch of people with a knife.

Statistics show that countries with gun restrictions have lower murder rate and equal crime rate. It might not bring the crime rate down, but it does lower the murder rate, which means it is worth it to me.

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