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D3V 2008-08-22 12:26 PM

Obama to announce VP via Text Messaging
In case you haven't heard already, or don't care/don't pay attention to it. Barack Obama's campaign has announced about (1-2 weeks? ago) that they were going to unveil the Vice Presidential candidate that Barack Obama has chosen via E-mail and Text messaging first. It is a sign of our times, and pretty cool considering I've been getting little updates here and there on my cell phone via their campaign.

All you need to do if you have a cell phone is send a text to O-B-A-M-A (62262) with the words "VP" in the text field, and you will almost immediately get signed up, it's free (to use) and if you have free texting, you have no reason not to.

Regardless of who he picks, I saw this is very interesting, and even more-so the people that are following his campaign more closely will find out before reporters/TV stations etc. And this is also a great way for their campaign to access thousands of cell phone numbers. Hah!



In a history-making U.S. presidential campaign, presumptive Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama is set to mark another first — he will be the first presidential candidate to reveal his running mate through text-messaging.

Obama has all but settled on his choice for vice-president, the New York Times cited aides as saying Tuesday, and he will disclose his decision in the coming days, possibly as early as Wednesday.

But instead of breaking the news at a media conference or at the Democratic Party's convention, due to begin Monday, he will instead notify supporters through a text message first, Obama's campaign manager said in an e-mail last week.

"No other campaign has done this before," campaign manager David Plouffe said in the e-mail. "You can be part of this important moment."

U.S. supporters have to sign up to be notified of the pick. In addition, they will receive other campaign news and alerts, and will be charged standard text-messaging rates, Plouffe said. The strategy is likely to appeal to younger voters who support Obama.

The 47-year-old Illinois senator has run a technologically savvy campaign, using the internet to build a network of two million volunteers and raise nearly $340 million, as of the end of June.

Veep speculation
Obama was believed to have narrowed his list to Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. While it seemed increasingly unlikely that he would choose his vanquished rival in the race for the Democratic candidacy, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, some Democrats speculated Monday that he could pull a surprise and pick her.

The campaign of presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, which has not used text messages to connect with the electorate, will likely name his running mate between the end of the Democratic convention on Aug. 28 and the Sept. 1 start of the GOP convention to mitigate the effects of any bounce in the polls for Obama.

McCain's top contenders are said to include Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Less traditional choices mentioned include former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, an abortion-rights supporter, and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice-presidential pick in 2000, who is now an Independent

Kazilla 2008-08-22 12:29 PM

i saw on the news that he would be showing up with his VP tomorrow somewhere - the democratic convention i think. Im not that intune with politics so ill wait till tomorrow

D3V 2008-08-22 12:31 PM

Well, the convention is next week. He most certainly will be announcing it today, possibly tomorrow, I would bet sometime today he will be making the announcement, as he has a rally tomorrow as the formal introduction, so it could just be at the rally. I'll keep this updated though, I'm very involved with the Obama campaign now so it's my duty :)

You can also sign up for the e-mail notifications directly on the Homepage...


Kazilla 2008-08-22 12:33 PM

oh its next week - idk maybe it was something else. Ill just turn the tele on tomorrow and see who it is. Who do you think he would choose?

jamer123 2008-08-22 12:34 PM

i wounder who it is

D3V 2008-08-22 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kazilla (Post 647803)
oh its next week - idk maybe it was something else. Ill just turn the tele on tomorrow and see who it is. Who do you think he would choose?

Well, originally back before the past two months of political jarring that has been taking place I really thought it would be New Mexico's govenor Bill Richardson. The newest speculation is that Barack's close friend/colleague Kahne will get the nod. Joe Biden has told reporters that "he's not the guy", and there are a few more that could get it, but I don't try to overspeculate too much, whomever he thinks will be a good VP then I fully support that notion.

Lenny 2008-08-22 12:53 PM

I've not been following the American election since the fun stopped, so I don't know what the situation with Clinton is, but weren't Obama and Clinton in talks at one point about Clinton becoming his VP?

D3V 2008-08-22 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 647807)
I've not been following the American election since the fun stopped, so I don't know what the situation with Clinton is, but weren't Obama and Clinton in talks at one point about Clinton becoming his VP?

The Clinton supporters were talking about it, as well as the CNN (Clinton News Network) organization that have a strong Bias towards their entire Family. Clinton has claimed herself that she was not running for a VP spot, but that she wouldn't deny it.

I highly doubt Obama would choose Clinton as his VP considering how the primaries turned out and how she acted, he's about change, Clinton would be more of the same.

Willkillforfood 2008-08-22 12:56 PM

According to a recent article, no, she was never seriously considered by the Obama camp.

!King_Amazon! 2008-08-22 02:08 PM


"No other campaign has done this before," campaign manager David Plouffe said in the e-mail. "You can be part of this important moment."
I think it's cool and all, but really, that guy's being a bit over dramatic about it. It's not like we're landing on the moon for the first time. It's not a scientific breakthrough. They're just making a big announcement through text message.

D3V 2008-08-22 02:15 PM

I tend to agree, more-so recently it's been very hyped up, but then again they're just playing into what the Media has been wanting them to do anyways.

D3V 2008-08-22 10:59 PM

CNN confirms Sen. Barack Obama has chosen Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice-presidential running mate


Well, if it's true then Horray. If CNN is off (which has happened before..) then I'm going to get a good chuckle out of it. I have not received my text message or E-mail confirming who the candidate is, so I'm going to wait until "Saturday AM" to hear the official word. Regardless it is a bit overplayed, but I am still excited to see whom he picks to start a new chapter in America's history.

HandOfHeaven 2008-08-22 11:00 PM

This is the thread I wanted to post in. Check the chatbox >.<

!King_Amazon! 2008-08-22 11:18 PM

If it is Biden, I have to say Obama has made a good pick. Biden has the experience that can help defend Obama from the inevitable attacks from the republicans about his lack of experience. It's a good pair, most definitely.

D3V 2008-08-24 07:13 PM

It's official.



Lenny 2008-08-25 07:38 AM

I was going to reply in here on Saturday, but I forgot.

BBC News 24 was showing Biden's speech live, and I watched the last ten minutes of it - the man is a fantastic speaker and a perfect running mate for Obama.

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