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!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 08:42 AM

Russia sends 8 bombers toward Britain

The bombers used are generally for testing an opponent's reaction time, and they were pulled back before they got to British airspace. Still scary shit. Anyone wanna go fight in WW3? You might have a chance soon.

D3V 2007-09-07 08:44 AM

Fucking Russia is pushing their limits with the US and now Britain. The shit could hit the fan so easily.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 08:58 AM

I'm sure it will. We'll be invading them on the first chance, without a doubt.

By the way, here's a bit of trivia I learned yesterday. Up until the war in Iraq, America had never invaded a country, ever. The only time we went to war was if it was provoked or if we were helping an ally in need. I had honestly never looked at it that way before, and it's really quite shocking that we're now considered an aggressor country.

D3V 2007-09-07 09:08 AM

What about Vietnam? Ah and the war with ourselves. Lmao. But I guess that doesn't exactly count.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 09:11 AM

We didn't invade Vietnam. We were aiding the southern part of Vietnam against the northern part.

Now, Vietnamese will probably tell you otherwise. My co-worker is Vietnamese, and from their perspective we WERE not only invading, but insulting them. They consider Ho Chi Min to be a hero, where we consider him to be a Vilain.

But, for the most part, we've never invaded another country, especially to the extent we have with Iraq. We've completely ruined Iraq, and now we're trying to fix what we fucked up.

D3V 2007-09-07 09:17 AM

We payed so much money to destroy it and kill so many civilians, and we're spending more money to rebuild it in our image of what their country should be. Fucking Bush. Goddamn I'm tired of this adminstration. Somebody needs to assassinate this fucker.

Demosthenes 2007-09-07 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Up until the war in Iraq, America had never invaded a country, ever.

I would say that's disputable. Even the Civil War could have been looked at as an invasion. In fact, it undoubtedly would have looked that way had the Confederacy won.

D3V 2007-09-07 09:24 AM

You can't invade yourself.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 09:27 AM

My Philosophy teacher pointed out something good in class yesterday. What started World War 1? The assassination of that duke ferdinand or whatever. One person died, so millions had to die. It's completely unproportional.

In the World Trade Center, how many people died? A few thousand, I think. I'm not saying that's a small number, but compare that to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's that have since died. The WTC attack isn't even what started the Iraqi War, it was these "weapons of mass destruction." I'm also not saying that Saddam didn't deserve to die, but fighting violence with more violence just doesn't work. Honestly, I'd say that we've probably killed more Iraqi's than Saddam ever did. America has TURNED INTO a weapon of mass destruction. We're "fighting terrorism" but it's just growing more and more every day, we're just fanning the flames, we're BECOMING terrorists and creating MORE terrorists.

I'm not saying we should sit idly by and expect the world to fix itself, but you have to draw a line somewhere and say it's not worth it anymore. Saddam was a dictator, killed thousands of Iraqis, we invaded, destroyed their government, forced our methods onto them, and in the process killed many more people than Saddam ever did. It's just not worth it.

Demosthenes 2007-09-07 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by D3V
You can't invade yourself.

It wasn't really "yourself" for America at that point. At least not in the eyes of some. I'm not stating it as fact. Just saying, it's disputable. It's subjective.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
I would say that's disputable. Even the Civil War could have been looked at as an invasion. In fact, it undoubtedly would have looked that way had the Confederacy won.

That point might be disputable, but you cannot argue against the fact that we've never invaded another country to the extent that we have Iraq. We're trying to turn them into a little happy America, and it's not working.

Also, when we first came to America, that could be considered invading a country, but we weren't really America at that time so it doesn't really count as America invading another country.

Demosthenes 2007-09-07 09:31 AM

True, to the extent we've done in Iraq, no. I wouldn't think so.

I'm not sure how bad Afghanistan is, but that's another one.

Thanatos 2007-09-07 10:07 AM

What the heck is Russia thinking? It's tested the airspaces of Norway, USA, and now Britian? Sounds like they're planning something.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 10:12 AM

Point is, we've become an aggressor, for dumb reasons. Self defense is one thing, and I have no problem with that, but if we sink to their level to deal with them, we're just making the problem worse.

People need to learn a bit from Mr. Ghandi. He knew how it works. You don't fight hate with hate, you fight hate with love. You can never completely eliminate hate, or evil, or terrorism, or what have you, and if you try, you just make it worse. You don't fight fire with fire, you fight fire with water.

George Lucas seems to know a bit about this as well, for anyone who likes Star Wars.

!King_Amazon! 2007-09-07 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Thanatos
What the heck is Russia thinking? It's tested the airspaces of Norway, USA, and now Britian? Sounds like they're planning something.

They will probably say the world is hallucinating.

Regardless, let's just hope that if something DOES happen, China does not take Russia's side. If that were to happen, we WILL be looking at World War 3. And it will be nasty.

Willkillforfood 2007-09-07 10:21 AM

We've invaded canada before.

D3V 2007-09-07 10:27 AM

I don't think China would take Russia's side, i'm feeling like they have their own propaganda going on right now :(

Man fuck, i'ma have to get my plans back out for building an underground shelter

Willkillforfood 2007-09-07 11:10 AM

China, Russia, Iran, and others are forming their own version of Nato.

D3V 2007-09-07 12:48 PM

We're doomed. And thanks to Bush we don't have anyone getting our backs anymore, bunch of shitheads. Not even Canada or Mexico will help us now, shit we've been trying to keep them away from us, Lmao.

-Spector- 2007-09-07 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Point is, we've become an aggressor, for dumb reasons. Self defense is one thing, and I have no problem with that, but if we sink to their level to deal with them, we're just making the problem worse.

People need to learn a bit from Mr. Ghandi. He knew how it works. You don't fight hate with hate, you fight hate with love. You can never completely eliminate hate, or evil, or terrorism, or what have you, and if you try, you just make it worse. You don't fight fire with fire, you fight fire with water.

George Lucas seems to know a bit about this as well, for anyone who likes Star Wars.

I'm not entirely sure how the US would of helped Iraq by love... I mean if all our soldiers went over there and gave them food and water and shit, but didn't take out any of the terrorists, I think they would of all been captured as hostages and held for ransom.

Al-Queda is like this huge vacuum of violence, and if your not working with it, then you're getting sucked in to it.. (from my previous example)

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