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Diablo 2 Patch 1.13c
Apparently this came out a few weeks ago. I hadn't heard a thing.
So basically, there's a new item which is created when four other new items are transmuted in the cube. These four items drop from the act bosses in hell difficulty. Andariel and duriel drop the same one, and the other three each come from the three brothers. These have approximately 1/10 chance to drop (it's actually like 1/11 or 1/13 or something but whatever). As far as I know, the individual items do nothing, but when they're transmuted together they create an item that allows you to reset your skill points as if you hadn't ever spent any. In addition to this method of resetting skills, you can also reset your skills once for every time you do the Den of Evil quest (once per difficulty) by talking to Akara after-the-fact.
Oh, and there was a ladder reset. |
Unfortunately, they didn't deliver on the shared-stash that they said would be in this patch. There are a lot of fundamental things they should add/change, really, that on the surface don't seem like they would be that hard to implement. I mean, they claim they have a whole team working on Diablo stuff, even Diablo 2, however the amount of changes in this patch for the amount of time since the last patch is pretty lame. Oh well, though, hopefully it's because they're working on Diablo 3.
Essentially, make it where you don't have to mule items between characters on the same account. There would be a shared stash for your account. They also said they would increase the stash size.
So much for a content-patch.
Fuckers. I wanted a new patch that came out with a bunch of new shit/monsters/runewords/quests to prepare for Diablo 3. Blizzard has failed. |
Yeah, the opening paragraph of the patch notes kinda pisses me off because it made me think there was some new sort of adventure (like uber trist and the various ubers). All they added content wise is 4 items that drop from already existing bosses and only serve to reset your skills. Granted, being able to reset your skills is cool, but it's kinda late to be adding something like that to the game. They should have added that in addition to something new.
Three words: World of Warcraft.
WoW's a fucking absurdity. Just a constant gear grind. Yuck, ugh, puke.
It isn't too bad if you don't play it to "be the best". I enjoy leveling characters, and doing dungeons. The gear is a nice bonus for me, but I'm not one of those people that is running dungeons just so I can get better gear. I find I enjoy the game more that way.
Kinda like how when I play Diablo 2 I play legit through the levels rather than just getting rushed. I end up finding most of the gear I need, or enough to trade for the gear I need (if I let myself do that, sometimes I don't.) When you turn a game into work, it is just that, work. I don't play games to work. |
yeah if you play the game to actually enjoy the game you can take a lot more from it through storylines and game content. They have dumbed it down to an extremely mind-numbing level, but it's still entertaining. They need to bring back legitimate world PVP.
The game is what you make it, basically. If it's nothing but a "constant gear grind" it's because you're making it that, in my opinion. Sometimes I like to just run around and see if I can find places I haven't been to before. Sometimes I like to go help lowbies do quests or something. Sometimes I like running dungeons and sometimes I like doing PVP. But in general, if I find that I'm not having fun doing something, I'll stop doing it and do something else.
It's almost impossible to not have to work in WoW. First the game is created to really open up at top level. Once you hit that top level it's impossible to keep progressing (ie. gear) by yourself, because the endgame is purely multiplayer. You NEED many other players to really do anything, besides getting rich. You can't join a guild because all the ones that are worthwhile are a bunch of elitist assholes. So you have to be as good as them to even get in. So where do you start!?... Don't even get me started on rolling a DPS toon either! If you can't tank or heal you're basically worthless..
Of course I'm generalizing, but I'm pretty sure all new players face this. It's very frustrating. |
not to get off subject in this thread but:
Heh. Mmk dev. I know all the good points of the game. I LOVED leveling my first toon, a rogue to 80. It's just after I hit 80 it was awesome and a bit of a let down. Anyways, it's an amazing game no doubt.
So make another character, level through different zones, profit? I mean, you're saying you loved leveling your character but you were a bit let down by level 80. Sounds to me like you would enjoy making another character rather than continuing to play your rogue. The natural response to that will be, "but then I've wasted all of that time getting the rogue to 80 and I'm leveling another character when I could be making my already-level-80 character better!!!!11" But ultimately, all that matters right now is right now, and if you aren't having fun right now you should find a way to.
But seriously, I've leveled up 1~60 horde side 3-4 times and I've basically gone different routes each time. I still have yet to level an alliance character past 20 or so and have plenty of content to explore on that side when I choose to. The point is, the game has a lot more to offer than level 80 and level 80 content, and even then it offers everything up to raiding on a SILVER PLATTER. The dungeon finder is STUPIDLY easy to use and makes doing dungeons almost too easy. You can group with people from other servers, you teleport straight to the dungeon, you can teleport out and back in at any time if you need to buy/sell stuff, etc... If anything, Blizzard has made WoW incredibly accessible to the casual player now. With the exception of a few raid dungeons, there's nothing in the game I can't experience with little/no effort. I mean, I could go get on my character right now and do a level 80 heroic dungeon in less than 30 minutes and log off for the night if I wanted to. |
80 be rogue, 80 be pala, 80 troll hunter, multiple lower levels. Even a 29 orc shammy twink... God he was OP... Nowomannocry I probably liked doing BG's the best w/ him. To bad they ruined twinking.
I will agree that that is one thing that Blizzard seems to do a lot of, is ruin fun. What harm are twinks, really? It is analogous to when they "fixed" wall-climbing so people couldn't explore "hidden" areas. There was absolutely no harm, and lots of people genuinely enjoyed simply exploring the game and trying to find new places. I see no reason for them to "fix" harmless things like that.
I think as far as while climbing, they're stance on it is, you just never know what can come from a glitch, it's kind of out of their control. Wall climbing is a glitch right? Plus they've set a precedent for being hardcases. (IMO)
I agree though, that's one thing I really liked about Bungie, is they left that stuff in their games, hell they even encourage it. |
I could see fixing any potential wall climbing exploits in battlegrounds, or even around capital cities and PVP objectives, but they fixed it universally. It wasn't a hack or anything, people just tried to run up walls. There were "tricks" to it like walking backwards, or jumping at just the right spot that you might hit 1 in 100 tries. And it could hardly be exploiting for much other than entertainment value. The whole point was to find new areas, like Hyjal. I think that's one of the coolest things I've ever experienced in the game was when I was running through the empty Hyjal zone on my server and saw the World Tree and even a little sign that blizzard placed that said "caution! under construction" or something along those lines. The only way you could get there was by wall climbing and blinking through invisible walls. Naturally, they fixed it, so nobody can go there anymore to see how cool it is.
I haven't been in the Hyjal raid dungeon so I don't know how the two compare. |
There is an area outside of Stormwind where you can get ontop of an archway/wall that defends the Keep. You have to jump in two certain spots and work with it a bit. It's not real easy but kinda cool. I hear they are upgrading Hyjal to go up to 82. Ugh. Cataclysm is a cop out.
Yeah, it is in a way. Or in Ironforge when you could blink onto the Auctioneers platform. But with Cataclysm, they'll be able to make another large stack of millions along with new subscribers and keeping current ones hooked into the game.
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