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Snake 2010-03-03 02:57 PM

A big decision...
5 Attachment(s)
Using Smokeless Tobacco is gambling with your health!

Smokeless "chew" tobacco contains over 2,000 chemicals, many of which have been directly related to causing cancer. Here are a few photos of mouth problems caused by the reaction of tobacco in the mouth. Photos courtesy of A.Christen, Indiana University. Source of information: US Surgeon General Report, 1986

Carcinogensis Associated With Smokeless Tobacco Use

1. The scientific evidence is strong that the use of smokeless tobacco can cause cancer in humans. The association between smokeless tobacco use and cancer is strongest for cancers of the oral cavity.

2. Oral cancer has been shown to occur several times more frequently among snuff dippers than among nontobacco users, and the excess risk of cancers of the cheek and gum may reach nearly fifty-fold among long-term snuff users.

3. Some investigations suggest that the use of chewing tobacco also may increase the risk of oral cancer.

4. Evidence for an association between smokeless tobacco use and cancers outside of the oral cavity in humans is sparse. Some investigations suggest that smokeless tobacco users may face increased risks of tumors of the upper digestive tract, but results are currently inconclusive.

5. Experimental investigations have revealed potent carcinogens in snuff and chewing tobacco. These include nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and radiation-emitting polonium. The tobacco-specific nitrosamines N-nitrosonornicotine and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl -l-butanone have been detected in smokeless tobacco at levels 100 times higher than the regulated levels of other nitrosamines found in bacon, beer, and other foods. Animals exposed to these tobacco-specific nitrosamines, at levels approximating those thought to be accumulated during a human lifetime by daily smokeless tobacco users, have developed an excess of a variety of tumors. The nitrosamines can be metabolized by target tissues to compounds that can modify cellular genetic material.

6. Bioassays exposing animals to smokeless tobacco, however, have generally shown little or no increased tumor production, although some bioassays suggest that snuff may cause oral tumors when tested in animals that are infected With herpes simplex virus.

Noncancerous and Precancerous Oral Health Effects Associated With Smokeless Tobacco Use

1. Some snuff-induced oral leukoplakic lesions have been noted upon continued smokeless tobacco use to undergo transformation to a dysplastic state. A portion of these dysplastic lesions can further develop into carcinomas of either a verrcous or squamous cell variety.

2. Recent studies of the effects of smokeless tobacco use on gingival and periodontal tissues have resulted in equivocal findings. While gingival recession is a common outcome from use, gingivitis may or may not occur. Because longitudinal data are not available, the role of smokeless tobacco in the development and progression of gingivitis or periodontitis has not been confirmed.

3. The evidence concerning the effects of smokeless tobacco use on the salivary' glands is inconclusive.

Nicotine Exposure: Pharmacokinetics, Addiction, and Other Physiologic Effects

l. The use of smokeless tobacco products can lead to nicotine dependence or addiction.

2. An examination of the pharmacokietics of nicotine (i.e., nicotine absorption, distribution, and ellimination) resulting from smoking and smokeless tobacco use indicates that the magnitude of nicotine exposure is similar for both.

3. Despite the complexities of tobacco smoke self-administration, systematic analysis has confirmed that the resulting addiction is similar to that produced and maintained by other addictive drugs in both humans and animals. Animals can learn to discriminate nicotine from other substances because of its effects on the central nervous system. These effects are related to the dose and rate of administration, as is also the case with other drugs of abuse.

4. It has been shown that nicotine functions as a reinforcer under a variety of conditions. It has been confirmed that nicotine can function in all of the capacities that characterize a drug with a liability to widespread abuse. Additionally, as is the case with most other drugs of abuse, nicotine produces effects in the user that are considered desirable to the user. These effects are caused by the nicotine and not simply by the vehicle of delivery (tobacco or tobacco smoke).

5. Nicotine is similar in all critical measures to prototypic drugs of abuse such as morphine and cocaine. The methods and criteria used to establish these similarities are identical to those used for other drugs suspected of having the potential to produce abuse and physiologic dependence. Specifically, nicotine is psychoactive, producing transient dose-related changes in mood and feeling. It is a euphoriant that produces dose-related increases in scores on standard measures of euphoria. It is a reinforcer (or reward, in both human and animal intravenous self-administration paradigms, functioning as do other hags of abuse. Additionally, nicotine through smoking produces the same effects, and it causes neuroadaptation leading to tolerance and physiologic dependence. Taken together, these results confirm the hypothesis that the role of nicotine in the compulsive use of tobacco is the same as the role of morphine in the compulsive use of opium derivatives or of cocaine in the compulsive use of era derivatives.

6. The evidence that smokeless tobacco is addicting includes the pharmacologic role of nicotine dose in regulating tobacco intake; the commonalities between nicotine and other prototypic dependence-producing substances; the abuse liability and dependence potential of nicotine; and the direct, albeit limited at present, evidence that orally delivered nicotine retains the characteristics of an addictive drug.

7. Several other characteristics of tobacco products in general, including smokeless tobacco, may function to enhance further the number of persons who are afflicted by nicotine dependence: nicotine-delivering products are widely available and relatively inexpensive; and the self-administration of such products is legal, relatively well tolerated by society, and produces minimal disruption to cognitive and behavioral performance. Nicotine produces a variety of individual-specific therapeutic actions such as mood and performance enhancement; and the brief effects of nicotine ensure that conditioning occurs, because the behavior is associated with numerous concomitant environmental stimuli.

8. All commonly marketed and consumed smokeless tobacco products contain substantial quantities of nicotine. The nicotine is delivered to the central nervous system in addicting quantities when used in the fashion that each form is commonly used (or as recommended in smokeless tobacco marketing campaigns).

9. Since the exposure to nicotine from smokeless tobacco is similar in magnitude to nicotine exposure from cigarette smoking, the health consequences of smoking that are caused by nicotine also would be expected to be hazards of smokeless tobacco use. Areas of particular concern in which nicotine may play a contributory or supportive role in the pathogenesis of disease include coronary artery and peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, and fetal mortality and morbidity.

Smokeless Tobacco Is Less Risky Than Smoking, though still dangerous. Some other effects are:

TOOTH ABRASION - Grit and sand in smokeless tobacco products scratches teeth and wears away the hard surface or enamel. Premature loss of tooth enamel can cause added sensitivity and may require corrective treatment.

GUM RECESSION - Constant irritation to the spot in the mouth where a small wad of chewing tobacco is placed can result in permanent damage to periodontal tissue. It also can damage the supporting bone structure. The injured gums pull away from the teeth, exposing root surfaces and leaving teeth sensitive to heat and cold. Erosion of critical bone support leads to loosened teeth that can be permanently lost.

INCREASED TOOTH DECAY - Sugar is added to smokeless tobacco during the curing and processing to improve its taste. The sugar reacts with bacteria found naturally in the mouth, causing an acid reaction, which leads to decay.

TOOTH DISCOLORATION AND BAD BREATH - Common traits of long-term smokeless tobacco users are stained teeth and bad breath. Moreover, the habit of continually spitting can be both unsightly and offensive.

NICOTINE DEPENDENCE - Nicotine blood levels achieved by smokeless tobacco use are similar to those from cigarette smoking. Nicotine addiction can lead to an artificially increased heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, it can constrict the blood vessels that are necessary to carry oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Athletic performance and endurance levels are decreased by this reaction.

UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS - Chewing tobacco lessens a person's sense of taste and ability to smell. As a result, users tend to eat more salty and sweet foods, both of which are harmful if consumed in excess.

ORAL CANCER - With the practice of "chewing" and "dipping," tobacco and its irritating juices are left in contact with gums, cheeks and/or lips for prolonged periods of time. This can result in a condition called leukoplakia. Leukoplakia appears either as a smooth, white patch or as leathery-looking wrinkled skin. It results in cancer in 3 percent to 5 percent of all cases.

OTHER CANCERS - All forms of smokeless tobacco contain high concentrations of cancer-causing agents. These substances subject users to increased cancer risk not only of the oral cavity, but also the pharynx, larynx and esophagus.

DANGER SIGNS - If you use smokeless tobacco, or have in the past, you should be on the lookout for some of these early signs of oral cancer:

* A sore that does not heal
* A lump or white patch
* A prolonged sore throat
* Difficulty in chewing
* Restricted movement of the tongue or jaws
* A feeling of something in the throat

Pain is rarely an early symptom. For this reason, all tobacco users need regular dental check-ups.


I'm considering quiting, in the near future. Don't fret, I take very good care of my teeth, and honestly, I doubt they will ever be weak. Or ever look like any of those pictures, but it frightens me nonetheless.

D3V 2010-03-03 03:14 PM

If you use tobacco, you should quit.

Snake 2010-03-04 07:27 AM

I might be too late. This morning I took a glance at a strange lump in my mouth, and it looked like a very small white spot. If you read the early warning signs, that is a symptom. I'm trippin' balls. I've only been chewing occasionally for the past two months. I'm not like taking dips every day and shit. This is crazy.

Willkillforfood 2010-03-04 02:06 PM

Or maybe you have herpes.

D3V 2010-03-04 02:28 PM

I'm pretty sure you won't develop oral cancer in two months from dipping occasionally, probably something else.

Snake 2010-03-04 06:13 PM

Yeah, yeah. It's already healing, well nearly healed up. I probably just tricked myself this morning into thinking it was white, because of the light and what-not. I'm all out of money for like a week anyway, so I kind of have no choice but to quit.

Skurai 2010-03-04 09:46 PM

Oops... :(

Snake 2010-12-20 12:13 AM

This thread is so old. Well, I'mma re-kindle it. I did quit chewing, but to compensate I have been chain smoking my dick off. So, to conclude, I need to quit smoking now. Yee-haw, who wants to bet I go back to chew to compensate for not smoking? ...FML

!King_Amazon! 2010-12-20 07:35 AM

Smoke pot.

Skurai 2010-12-20 11:06 AM

Play video games.

D3V 2010-12-20 11:18 AM

Do something constructive like learn to play an instrument. Then, learn another. Keep learning instruments until you can form a one-man band. Once you're band is assembled, go to a local touristy area, and bring a bucket labeled 'tips'. Play your heart out of stupid songs everyone knows, and collect the wealth. Once you've got enough money from your one-man band, form a 2-man band and play twice as many instruments. Eventually this process will turn you into a millionaire and you'll have a 5 person orchestra that rivals any on the planet. Once you've gained international success, you can use your power and influence to change the world, for the better. You'll be able to buy land on the moon, and build a hotel there. Once you've gained world dominance, win.

Snake 2010-12-20 05:15 PM

Oh yea, thanks for the alternatives. They are so helpful.

Wallow 2010-12-20 06:54 PM

Just quit ;)

Snake 2010-12-20 07:00 PM

Easier said then done.

khwiii 2010-12-20 08:59 PM

Until you decide to quit, you won't. Bottom line. You can't ask someone else to make the decision for you.

Skurai 2010-12-20 10:53 PM

Bank rupt

Snake 2010-12-21 05:37 AM

I'm not asking anyone to make the decision. I just figured it would bring some excitement to your crowd to start up the thread again and add some sort of variety. I'll quit when I fucking want. End of story.

!King_Amazon! 2010-12-21 07:39 AM

Fuck you.

D3V 2010-12-21 08:43 AM

I actually want you to smoke, and dip more. And smoke k2 and fry your brain.

!King_Amazon! 2010-12-21 10:29 AM

k2 is illegal in 3 days.

Wallow 2010-12-21 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Snake (Post 692568)
I'll quit when I fucking want.

No you won't ;)

D3V 2010-12-21 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 692576)
k2 is illegal in 3 days.


!King_Amazon! 2010-12-21 05:04 PM

Throughout the US.

"On 24 November 2010, the DEA announced that it would make JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-200, CP-47,497 and cannabicyclohexanol, which are often found in synthetic cannabis, illegal using emergency powers. They will be placed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, within a month of the announcement, and the ban will last for at least a year."

Takes effect 1 month after Nov 24, which is Dec 24. As far as I've seen, it was only publicized for a few days after Nov 24. They might be attempting to bust people with it without making it obvious that it is illegal.

D3V 2010-12-22 03:11 PM

Even though I don't agree with people smoking K2 given there are more reported issues with it in it's very small tenure when commpared to Ganja, I still think the tactical movements of making it illegal is stupid. I know a large group of people who consume this and still think there's nothing illegal about it, which is why they are doing it to try and stay within the laws. And now this? Damn.

!King_Amazon! 2010-12-22 03:46 PM

The fucked up thing in my opinion is that the DEA basically has the power to make any substance a Schedule I controlled substance on a whim. It completely bypasses any legislation. I cannot agree with that.

khwiii 2010-12-22 04:32 PM

It is fucked up. But, the supreme court or the legislative branches of our government could do something about it.

Skurai 2010-12-22 09:37 PM

I believe that all things should be illegal. All men must wear a white mantle with a blue cross from neck to foot, and all women must wear a blue dress with red cross neck to knees. Also, nothing that is not a fruit, vegitable, or meat should be consumed, including dairy. All fors of intoxicant or addicting anything is illegal and worthy of death penalty. All previous illegal activities apply, and are worth death penalty. Also, no football, football is gay.

D3V 2010-12-23 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 692599)
The fucked up thing in my opinion is that the DEA basically has the power to make any substance a Schedule I controlled substance on a whim. It completely bypasses any legislation. I cannot agree with that.

Right. They could make caffeine illegal and have raids on Starbucks. Police controlled state much? Goddamn we need to take our country back. Maybe we need to unite with the pissed off Tea partiers and give them a shot.

Snake 2010-12-23 02:05 PM

That's cool.

Wallow 2010-12-23 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by D3V (Post 692608)
Maybe we need to unite with the pissed off Tea partiers and give them a shot.

and lol

Skurai 2010-12-23 09:14 PM

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

!King_Amazon! 2010-12-24 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by khwiii (Post 692603)
It is fucked up. But, the supreme court or the legislative branches of our government could do something about it.

They could, but they shouldn't really have to. The DEA shouldn't be making laws in the first place. It's akin to if the police made the laws. You don't want the people who are enforcing and profiting off of the laws to be the same people writing the laws. There's a serious conflict of interest there. It is in the DEA's best interest for substances to be controlled because it gives them a purpose and keeps them their jobs.

Skurai 2010-12-24 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 692622)
They could, but they shouldn't really have to. The DEA shouldn't be making laws in the first place. It's akin to if the police made the laws. You don't want the people who are enforcing and profiting off of the laws to be the same people writing the laws. There's a serious conflict of interest there. It is in the DEA's best interest for substances to be controlled because it gives them a purpose and keeps them their jobs.

I never really looked at it like that. That makes a shit-ton of sense.

Snake 2010-12-25 12:28 AM

I'm glad my thread has served a purpose. I'm going to try and do that more often.

D3V 2010-12-27 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 692622)
They could, but they shouldn't really have to. The DEA shouldn't be making laws in the first place. It's akin to if the police made the laws. You don't want the people who are enforcing and profiting off of the laws to be the same people writing the laws. There's a serious conflict of interest there. It is in the DEA's best interest for substances to be controlled because it gives them a purpose and keeps them their jobs.

Which is basically the entire story of Alcohol prohibition being defeated, and the war on 'Drugs' beginning aka marijuana. They actually gave Ganga a spanish name to make white people more afraid of it, because they knew how to perpetuate stereotypes. Clever!

Slim 2010-12-27 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by D3V (Post 692608)
Right. They could make caffeine illegal and have raids on Starbucks. Police controlled state much?

Except that's a fully retarded anecdote. Sure, you could argue that caffeine is dangerous in high doses, but it's exceedingly high and there's no way except for popping tons of no-doze for it to have any seriously harmful effects. There's no good reason to outlaw caffeine, but Marijuana is ALREADY illegal and this is basically a way to get around it. You may disagree with it being illegal, and that's certainly within your rights. I wouldn't even disagree with you there seeing as alcohol destroys many more lives and it's legal, though it is controlled by what? You guessed it, laws!

Hell there's already another form of synthetic Marijuana, Marinol. It's a schedule drug because of it's nature, and it was developed before this stuff. The difference is that it went through legal channels rather than side-stepping the laws in place for the substance. Again, you may not agree with the laws, and again, bitching about that is certainly within your rights. However don't you think it'd be more effective to quit playing armchair politics and actually consider raising some points to, or becoming one of, the people that could actually make something happen?

TL;DR version: Quit bitching and do something about it. You can't bitch about "Police states" if you're too lazy to actually get off your ass and change something. If it's that bad, DO SOMETHING.

Snake 2010-12-27 06:28 PM

I like this guy. Props, man.

D3V 2010-12-28 11:26 AM

l2read context you fucking 3rd grader. He was saying basically it's stupid they have power to deem anything illegal, and act upon it as the enforcer and I agreed by giving an example.

If you want to get more technical and have me make a point I wasn't even trying to make, Caffeine is more harmful to the human body than THC.

Slim 2010-12-28 12:18 PM

Sure, until you realize that THC is a depressant, much the same as alcohol. Nothing like delayed reaction to make something like operating a car go from simple to dangerous.

Sure, they can make "anything" illegal, but do you have any recorded instances of it being done for something irrational? Aspirin is legal, caffeine is legal, nicotine is legal. Pot isn't, cocaine isn't, heroin isn't, shrooms aren't. Ever stop to think MAYBE there's reason for this?

There's a fine line between reasonable freedom and self-destructive freedom. If you want to be free to walk down a street and not randomly be shot, perhaps there should be a restriction on murder. If you want to prevent people from fucking up your life in the process of fucking up theirs, perhaps put a few limiting factors on things like, oh say, drugs?

I'm not even saying you're wrong, really. I think the laws SHOULD be looked at, revised, or what have you. But sitting on a forum crying every time something you don't like happens is the most ass-backwards way of expressing your distaste at something. Especially when you start to throw around the idea of "unite with the pissed off Tea partiers and give them a shot." REALLY, D3V? You think the best way to change something is to get with a fringe group that's likely going to take things the opposite direction you want?

Look at the recent protests in London over the raised tuition fees. It's not hard to find a group of like-minded people if you get off your ass and try to do something rather than play the "If I was in charge" game.

If you'd LIKE to continue the douche-tastic attempted attacks like that on me though, feel free to start some heat in the flame forum. God knows that place could use some attention and this is the closest thing to an actual argument in years.

D3V 2010-12-28 01:44 PM

zzzZzz didn't even read that.

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