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Dude threatens to commit suicide on a message board, then streams it live.
Here's the summary of this fucked up story: a user named CandyJunkie on bodybuilding.com's forums has been threatening to committ suicide for a while now on these forums. Apparently, everybody took him as a troll and flamed him every time he made one of these threads. From what I've taken, the "Misc" forum of bodybuilding.com is similar to 4chan, without the child porn. Anyway, he makes his final thread, people egg him on and tell him to do it... so he sets up a webcam and streams his suicide to whoever wants to watch. Users get concerned and PM the mod/admin of the forum and this is her response: http://i33.tinypic.com/21nphs4.jpg After taking a lot of pills, he remains motionless for 5 hours before cops and EMT enter his room. My question is, do you think the admins of that forum should be held responsible for some of this? They could have alerted the authorities right away when the webcam stream went up and avoided this death. Crazy story. |
That is true, there the death could have been avoided entirely if the harassment was not allowed to take place, either.
Even if they reported the authorities they would have to get an IP/etc and tracing it to his computer would take a long ass time, hence he would've probably been dead anyways; however, it never would hurt to try and save somebody's life. This is a fucked up, and actually pretty sad story. Stupid fucking MOD. It makes me want to join over there and belittle the shit out of him right now. |
lol idiot. I guess the mod should of done something but I mean, classic story of boy who cried wolf... he cried it one to many times it seems.
That's an interesting question. That would take a bit of thinking for me to determine whether or not I think the admins should be held responsible.
I suppose that their lack of response could be considered a contributing factor to his death, but then again, I don't know that I would say they have any responsibility to do anything about it. The person was using another website/program to stream the suicide. People claiming that they're going to kill themselves is a frequent occurance on the internet, and generally I think it is regarded as simple "attention whoring." It's an unfortunate thing that happened, really. Some other factors that would be relevant to whether or not the admins should be held responsible: Did they know any of his personal contact information to even contact authorities? I mean, if they don't know his name, where he lives, etc, there isn't a whole lot they could do other than figure out where he is based on his IP address. Even then, that's an unreliable means of finding out where someone is, within a reasonable amount of time. Did they know ahead of time that he was actually going to kill himself and stream video of it? How old was he? It's really difficult to say whether or not they should be held responsible. My final question. Is there a video? I want to see this shit because I'm screwed up like that. GG internet. |
Yes, he made it apparent that he was going to stream it. Here is the link to the first page of his thread. They deleted it but google's cache has it up for now. The first link on my opening post in this thread has a video of the cops and EMT checking on him and I assume pronouncing him dead. Abraham Biggs was his name. He was 19 and had a 2 year old son. |
After reading the first bit of that thread, I can't help but to think of Spector.
Heh, you beat me to this. I post on BB so this was pretty bizzare to find out today. The whole Misc. section is like /b/ on 4chan, most of them don't even exercise, so fuck those guys.
1 Attachment(s)
Mods arent responsible for his death, he made his bed and now he will lay in it. He choose to take the pills, to stream it on that forum, to do this this this and that. He made the choices, he made the multiple empty threats about killing himself earlier. No one was expected to beleive he would really do it this time. He is responsible for his own actions imo.
Look on the brightside though, theres one less fucked up individual on earth ;). Attachment 4969 Crowd Controlling since November 2004 |
It still could have been prevented. I'm not saying the websites or administrators should be held responsible, but if you post empty suicide threads on the internet, you're clearly begging for attention and you've clearly got some issues. Both of these things seem to apply to this guy, and they were ultimately the reason why he killed himself. He had issues that he did not get help with. Now his family and his kid are going to have to pay for it. It's pretty tragic, in my opinion.
EDIT: I watched the video in the first link. WTF is that thing they threw on him? It looked like they were tazing him. Also, while I don't think the websites or administrators should be held responsible for anything, I do think that something should happen to the people who were egging him on to kill himself. As much as I love the internet and places like /b/ on 4chan, sometimes shit crosses the line, and this is one of those times. Stuff like this is giving the internet a bad reputation. |
It has now reached major news outlets.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27841948 This is such a fucked up story.... |
It didn't take much to kill that kid...
I wish the rest of the thread was still available, and I'd like to watch the first part of the video also. |
It makes sense that he was bipolar. A lot of bipolar people end up commiting suicide.
lulz |
That is pretty lulz.
Seriously, why the hell? How can they be so gay? |
Holy shit I know, after reading some of their threads I want to /stabselfinfacerepeatedly
::edit:: After reading about his "myspace" on a couple websites I did some searching and located it: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm...ndid=206599326 |
Lol! He better watch what he says to them. They'll make him their bitch.
http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/s...24453&catid=82 It's making its rounds, now on our local news site. Look at the attention bodybuilding.com is getting. We need to stage a fake suicide via webcam, as some sort of copycat suicide, and anonymously post it to a bunch of news outlets so that Zelaron.com can get a bunch of hits. |
I think a seemingly-real (hoax) suicide would be perfect. The news media would eat this shit up at this point. There needs to be a whole elaborate story behind it, and we all need to be egging it on, and another group need to be trying to talk said person out of it.
The bb.com forums appear to be down and the video in the first post has been removed. They're crackin down!
::edit:: forums are back up |
Penguin already did a publicity stunt.
O rly? Inform us more.
And who cares regardless, that was in the past. |
That is one attention whore for you. That or he was mentally ill.
indeed. Penguin faked an e-mail from one of the developers telling The Inquirer that the leak originated at Zelaron and they bought it, followed by most online sites that would care about such things as well as an ink and paper magazine.
The ink and paper magazine was a rather large German gaming journal. Zelaron went down for a day thanks to the massive amount of visitors. |
LOL go penguin.
"The company is now seeking to trace the trail to see if it can find out where the demo was first posted. Suspects include the Zelaron gaming forums (www.zelaron.com/forums) where an early post was sighted. Another front runner, apparently, is Iownjoo.com."
lulz I lol'd |
lol, that's hilarious :D.
Pretty crazy story...
http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showth...2105161&page=4 Sample: Quote:
Lol, for a second I thought you meant the dead guy was bullshitting. I was like, "epic prank bruh."
I think more people on here should start using brah. Example:
KA, why won't you respond to me in your football thread, brah? |
Trolling in the flame forum is boring.
That's not how it works. Here's the right way:
1. You call me out. 2. I respond. 3. Then YOU respond. You've missed step 3 numerous times. brah |
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