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Rose Skye 2008-04-08 03:31 AM

Legend of Harpine: Chapters of Time (Beta Demo v.7)
Legend of Harpine Beta Demo. v7

Z to attack
S to scroll down

This demo only has 40 - 60 minutes of playtime.
(Without optional easter egg hunts, there are storyline developments that you could skip over.. if you're not a story buff. Yet, 30 minutes is still dedicated to the storyline.. give or take walking distances.)

Most of the features are cut out as well (CG cutscenes, Voice actors, Original Music)

Yet, the demo is here.. because I hate delaying things too much. Especially to those who have been faithfully waiting for me to release this game. This game is one of the few RM rpg's that balances storyline and battle. I guarantee you have never seen RTP molded like this.. well.. often >.>. <3

Without further to do.. wait .. wait..
CREDITS.. eh, its all in the prelude.

OKAY lets go.

In game Screenshots

Looking around


Aluxes and Party


Stuff that you dont have to read.
Special Thanks:
Neoseeker <3 you guys.
Without neoseeker, and those who keep pushing me. I would of just kept looking at my computer blankly. =O

Yes, my rpg is in debt to god

My sister.
Rest in peace, this is for chew Mary.

My grandma
You too grammy! RIP

My uncle.
<3 RIP

.. and.. me =)


Oh GAWD Lest Aime Castle was a monster. 80- 90 maps and I am STILL not done. >.< I'll finish it one day. I promise. What ticks me off is that there are four other major castles in game <.< I DONT WANNA DO THEM.

There are 3 bosses in Poroure's cave. One hidden, one optional, one mandatory. There are 8 hidden items in game.. some hidden in plain sight.. others only discovered when you look around the castle. There are one or two items that you can get after an optional event.

Enemies do drop items (sometimes at a low chance)
Soldiers drop soldier restoratives
The chicken drops restoratives of the health and reviving restoratives.
The wolf drops attack boosters
Mice drop Skill restoratives.

Please tell me if there is any errors in game. I kinda got lazy towards the end.
Also, please provide a screenshot of the error so I can hurry and fix it =X.


Goodlookinguy 2008-04-08 08:01 AM

You're a little spammer aren't you? Not to mention, you state some crap about you, just, saying I didn't plan on bringing it out this early, yet, there is a post from 11-19-2007, 11:02 AM. You're full of crap. Ignore this thread.


Wed-G 2008-04-08 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Goodlookinguy
You're a little spammer aren't you?

Haha, spam...

Oh wait...

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 02:23 PM

*Sigh* You mean.. what most game designers do? Advertise their game to get people that plays it? Soo.. you mean that I cant advertise because its spam.. even though its one post per forum.

-Wow- If you hadn't noticed, there are other games that are part of the same forums I am. Yes I -didnt- plan on coming out with the game this early, because I dont have a demo prepared.. but I WANT to show people my progress.. didnt expect me to respond? I do respond to the questions of everyone that replies to my PROJECT threads. Thanks for looking out for my general interests though.. if you wish I can tell you the other forums I am apart of so you can ADVERTISE OTHER FORUMS on this forum.

Also genius Im apart of DEVELOPMENT forums, which RECRUITS STAFF MEMBERS FOR MY GAME! This is the first post that gives the story to the public. I sir, am not full of crap.. but you do jump to conclusions. Try being happy for my progress so far, instead of hating my guts.

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-08 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rose Skye
*Sigh* You mean.. what most game designers do? Advertise their game to get people that plays it? Soo.. you mean that I cant advertise because its spam.. even though its one post per forum.

-Wow- If you hadn't noticed, there are other games that are part of the same forums I am. Yes I -didnt- plan on coming out with the game this early, because I dont have a demo prepared.. but I WANT to show people my progress.. didnt expect me to respond? I do respond to the questions of everyone that replies to my PROJECT threads. Thanks for looking out for my general interests though.. if you wish I can tell you the other forums I am apart of so you can ADVERTISE OTHER FORUMS on this forum.

Also genius Im apart of DEVELOPMENT forums, which RECRUITS STAFF MEMBERS FOR MY GAME! This is the first post that gives the story to the public. I sir, am not full of crap.. but you do jump to conclusions. Try being happy for my progress so far, instead of hating my guts.

No. I don't believe that I could ever play this game, if it is written the same way as how you are writing right now. Second, why was it necessary to bring it out now, no one needed to know your game progress. If you were going to post your game progress, then put it in the "A New Current Projects Thread." That is what it was for after all. We like to hear things in there, it is not necessary for a new thread, especially with the jumbo letters, how annoying.

Lenny 2008-04-08 02:52 PM

Get down off your high horse lest you topple and break your neck.

I don't see any problem with Rose posting about it in a new thread. WW approved it, and didn't see any problem, either. After your oh so shocking discovery that it had been posted on a few forums, a couple of mods had a look in, and yet the thread is still here.

We've had new threads by new members before now that detailed games they're working on, so why should this be any different?

In the future, GLG, be nice to new members, and if you don't like something then please PM a mod or post about it Talk to the Staff.


I've just listened to both tracks on the Myspace, Rose, and they're good. You've got a talented composer on your team. The title music reminds me of the FFX title music, somewhat, which is no bad thing. It's very ghostly and chilling, too. The same goes for the prelude piece. It carries on the ghostly/chilling aspect very well, and it's the first piece of music for an RPG Maker game that I've heard with voice.

It's rare that one sees such a big team working on an RPG Maker game. I wish you the best of luck.

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 02:56 PM

Look, I have no aspirations to quarrel with you. If you dont want to play the game.. then dont. Yet, for anyone else .. I would like them to read the story and hear the music.. Someone with a curiousity and didnt read a topic thread about this yet.

People like you are impossible to talk to.. hot under the collar and basically dont give in to reason. If you google alot of games on the RMXP you'll see alot of project threads.


Then again, you probably do not belong to a dev forum if you didnt know this.

Now, if you cant come at me from a rational viewpoint.. There is nothing else I can say to you besides.. please stop spamming my thread with borderline flaming.


Thank you, Im really trying to do something awesome with the game. Its kinda plagues me to see how far I can go with RMXP.. ya know? Also sorry about the picture, and text.. kinda did expect spoilers and such.. but I didnt expect the approval. I dont want to seem like a cold heartless bot, but you know.. I have to test the waters.

Lenny 2008-04-08 03:06 PM

We used to have a problem with spammers and bnots, so we implemented the approval system. You got through it, which is always a good sign. :p

I'd be interested to see some of the classes and what not in action. I'm not a scripter, but I appreciate how hellish it can be. SephirothSpawn must be good at it, if he's managed to get it all working.

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 03:10 PM

Oh yeah.. he's a legend when it comes to scripters.
The guy has a brain on him thats out of the world.. I dont think the guy believes in restrictions. I suggest the most outlandish systems and he doesnt even reply with "but.." he nods and does it.

Lenny 2008-04-08 03:13 PM

Just nods and does it? Under the thumb then, is he? ;) :p

So how much of the game is done altogether? From your original post, I'm getting the idea that a majority of the engines are written, the sprites are done, and the story is written, with all that's really to be done is building the maps and setting up all the events, etc, yes?

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 03:23 PM

Oh noo.. if it was that much done I would have a demo.

He's not under my thumb.. his service ain free you know. The sprites are still being worked on.. the story is completed, the engines and such are being worked on.. building maps and events if it were only that easy.. My work haas to match the caliber of my animators work.. I may even switch sprite styles and rtp tiles.

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-08 03:35 PM

Do you plan on a website for this, or is there a website? What's the deal?

Having an official website is the best way to get this out.

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 04:10 PM

Right now, I dont have a demo.. and I dont want to advertise a website until I have a demo. Once I release it, then I'll hire a website designer and that'll be the best angle to work from I suppose.

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-08 04:23 PM

Are you actually going to buy a webdomain, or are you going for a free website?

The reason I ask is because I have a good 115GB free space on my website and I need people to take it up.

So if you weren't going to go though and buy a domain, you could host it with my server. Just a positive ideal.

Are you happy now Lenny. By the way Lenny, I don't think you saw the other post where I attacked you. It is okay though, I forgot which one now.

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 04:37 PM

Buying a domain.. but thanks for the offer. Really warming to think you'd do that.

P.S. This has to be one of the coolest forums I've been a part of. That tab spoiler thing is mucho awesome.

Atnas 2008-04-08 06:26 PM

http://www.spongen.com/showthread.php?p=6213 lol We didn't like the jrpg comment back at home, bro.

What the hell is up with you guys praising Sephi like he's a god? believe me, Trickster, in my opinion, has contributed more, and even he is just some guy with a habit.

Rose Skye 2008-04-08 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Atnas
http://www.spongen.com/showthread.php?p=6213 lol We didn't like the jrpg comment back at home, bro.

What the hell is up with you guys praising Sephi like he's a god? believe me, Trickster, in my opinion, has contributed more, and even he is just some guy with a habit.

I am not the type to argue.. especially on the matter of japanese rpg's storyline. FFVII was epic.. but I never said they were right on the matter.. nor never said that all jrpg's were save the world.

"Be warned that the game is not for the jrpg players who wants the thrill of saving the world."

Then again.. I've been raised to believe that customer is always right.. so if they dont like something I'll nod and remove it. Though I didnt say jrpgs are all save the world type.. I could've asked for one example of a mainstream jrpg in the states that had another conclusion than hero defeats enemy and saves the world. Ah, I do however recognize your SN now.. I thought I actually knew you at first. Its good to make new friends I suppose.

Wed-G 2008-04-09 08:59 AM

Sweet. An actual RMXP game that I'm interested in.

That's cool. Looks good.

Michael_sama 2008-04-10 06:13 PM

Know that if you (Rose Skye) do have a website hosted through the domains I pay for, I’ll have my brother (Goodlookinguy) throw advertisement into it. (The Internet is an expensive place.) Unless you’re willing to pay me, which I will gladly take. PayPal donation sounds good.

Oh, if you want me to hit my brother, I can do that. I’m already going to hit him for his foul mouth that seems, without reading your other post, very uncalled for and rude. I will also force him to apologize to you.

Honestly, I was and still am not impressed by Final Fantasy VII. Then again, unlike the younger generation, FF7 was not my first RPG. The original one was all those years ago. I would hardly call FF7, especially because the poor translation, epic. Then again I’m an old school gamer, so I have a very different view.

Anyhow, from what I have seen it looks pretty good.

Rose Skye 2008-04-11 03:42 AM

Meow. I'll pay for the domain when I get everything up.

It's going to be a bandwidth vampire.. sides I got the cash to do it.

Wed-G 2008-04-11 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rose Skye
It's going to be a bandwidth vampire.. sides I got the cash to do it.

Ugh. I'd take the free offer.

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-11 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Wed-G
Ugh. I'd take the free offer.

Would you like it Wed-G? I just found out in the last three days that the charts I've been reading on the site indicate how much bandwidth is being eaten. Then I looked up the FAQs page and found out that the site has Unlimited Bandwidth, not 80GB as I thought previously. I can eat up all of the bandwidth I want and never be done! :haha: But, if you want to discuss further we must move to PM or chatterbox.


Originally Posted by Rose Skye
It's going to be a bandwidth vampire.. sides I got the cash to do it.

Well now that I know I have unlimited bandwidth, you wouldn't be a problem. Anyways, there is no possible way that you could eat up that much bandwidth. I had several High Quality (DivX) videos on my site streaming, and yet it never seemed to get even close to 3GB Bandwidth.

I love the host I'm going though!

--Lenny, please don't remove this, even though it is off topic. I did state to take it somewhere else--

Rose Skye 2008-04-11 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Wed-G
Ugh. I'd take the free offer.

Yeeeah I would too.. but that'd complicate things. Deals like that never end well. You know me putting my files on someone elses bandwidth.. if there is a debate or even if he feels like it he can claim it for himself.. Im pretty lucky but sometimes gambles like that you dont want to leave to chance..

by the way..

Update! Battle theme uploaded to the LoH Myspace.. checkitowt chicka chow.


WetWired 2008-04-11 11:30 PM

There's no such thing as flat rate unlimited bandwidth. Either you're being limited (so it's impossible to go over your real limit), or they're lying.

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-12 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by WetWired
There's no such thing as flat rate unlimited bandwidth. Either you're being limited (so it's impossible to go over your real limit), or they're lying.

Well, I know that unlimited is impossible, but, it seems that to reach the limit you must go over a few peta bytes.

Wed-G 2008-04-12 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Goodlookinguy
Well, I know that unlimited is impossible, but, it seems that to reach the limit you must go over a few peta bytes.

That's a lot.

The should have named the highest byte a googelbyte. Not a yotta byte.

What provider do you use?

Goodlookinguy 2008-04-13 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Wed-G
That's a lot.

The should have named the highest byte a googelbyte. Not a yotta byte.

What provider do you use?

1&1.com, they are simple and cost efficient.

Rose Skye 2008-04-16 01:59 PM

Update. Love theme... Im a bit tired right now v.v *sigh*


Rose Skye 2008-04-26 09:32 PM

I'm going to need beta testers.. this is a sort of closed beta, so Im actually going to need members that are trustworthy here. Leaking = </3

You guys will have around... 3 weeks to sign up. Sign ups close after 3 weeks.. so chyeah.

Wed-G 2008-04-26 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rose Skye
I'm going to need beta testers.. this is a sort of closed beta, so Im actually going to need members that are trustworthy here. Leaking = </3

You guys will have around... 3 weeks to sign up. Sign ups close after 3 weeks.. so chyeah.

Sign me up.

Rose Skye 2008-05-22 11:48 AM

Legend of Harpine forum is now up and under construction.


Join <3

Rose Skye 2008-06-14 02:48 PM


Coriander 2008-06-14 02:49 PM

Th...That's..umm...Not a ....Very large update.

Lenny 2008-06-14 04:06 PM

Did you look at the first post at all?

Rose Skye 2008-06-14 05:39 PM

Thanks, Lenny >.>.

Coriander 2008-06-14 09:12 PM

Meh, I went straight to the last post. >.>

Rose Skye 2008-06-15 04:23 AM


adventurerpg208 2008-06-27 12:29 PM

rose you got that right on the dot about the customers! They are always right and you got to keep them happy! Thats what matters.


i will be your tester rose you can count on me. I like testing games that the players might like and the feel of the game.


game looks very good done with rpg maker xp i assuming huh. lol I reconized the graphics in the screenshots.

Edited by Lenny 
Zelaron has an EDIT button. Use it.

Rose Skye 2008-06-27 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by adventurerpg208 (Post 642532)
rose you got that right on the dot about the customers! They are always right and you got to keep them happy! Thats what matters.


i will be your tester rose you can count on me. I like testing games that the players might like and the feel of the game.


game looks very good done with rpg maker xp i assuming huh. lol I reconized the graphics in the screenshots.

Edited by Lenny 
Zelaron has an EDIT button. Use it.

The characters are custom but yes its definitely RMXP.

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