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Mantralord 2005-10-19 01:04 AM

Mantralord's STORM SLAYER '05
HELLO! Welcome to another exciting episode of STORM SLAYER with everyone's favorite sodomizing host, Mantralord! As usual, the updates just keep coming until 5 full minutes after the power goes out (I've got a backup power unit now, oh gracious!). That's 5 minutes more of this than you would have gotten normally! Also, I have a generator now, so post-annihilation pics will come...oh they will come! Strap on your shutters kids, and prepare for the ride of your lives as Captain Mantralord the STORM SLAYER prepares to do battle with HURRICANE WILMA-TAICHO!!!

:flipper: UPDATE! 10/19/2005 2:45 AM :flipper:

Well that bitch is now at 150 fucking mph. I am eagerly anticipating it's arrival and I have been training with my Storm Slayer in order to reach bankai. I've been meditating and slowly my reiatsu has been growing, but can I do all of this in 3 DAYS!?!? OH FUCK THE CLOUDS ARE ROLLING IN. I think it might be a rumor but I hear a reconnaisance aircraft flew into the storm and the crew turned into zombies and imps and then they opened a portal to hell in the eye of the storm and now hell is going to run loose all over my backyard. Also, I hear the hurricane has onboard rocket launchers.

:( UPDATE 10/19/2005 3:06 AM :(

175 mph with 892 mbar pressure. Yeah, it has fucking lasers and BFG's too.

^_^ UPDATE 10/19/2005 5:30 AM ^_^

At 884 mbar, it is now the most intense hurricane ever. Did I mention that when you look up into the sky, a giant skull spits acid rain down at you?

:eek: UPDATE!! 10/19/2005 6:47 PM :eek:

Well the storm is now at 160 mph but it is expected to intensify again maybe. I have since been practicing my Kung Fu kicks and even punches and I think I'm pretty buffed up so this storm will be no sweat. Also, I hope the hurricane likes shotgun blasts coz it's getting one in the face.

My stepdad's work has this thing where if we pay like $5k we get free food and hotel in Orlando for evacuation purposes (pfft, like the STORM SLAYER Mantralord would ever evacuate...only pussies and Kagoms do that), and after it's all over we get all that money back.

:o UPDATE! 10/21/2005 12:10 AM :o

KK so the storm is now at 150 mph but now it has like this huge eye so I've been training even harder with my Storm Slayer and OH SHIT...I think a cloud from the hurricane just gave me the finger...well now this is personal. You can blow away my house, you can kill my family, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here idle while the hurricane gives me the finger.

On another note, I'm right on the fucking line for the forecast track. I went outside today, and I got fuckin pegged on the head with a huge black line because no shit I'm standing right in the path of the eye of the storm.

:p UPDATE!! 10/23/2005 1:05 PM :p

Well now it's only at 100 mph but I'm still right on the damn line. So anyway we've got the shutters up and all is well and I think I'm gonna take pix this year and post them. I anxiously await my epic battle with Wilma and I have since been doing flips and slapping hoes in preparation and also I have bought a Powerbar for energy. Also, I don't know if this matters but...I washed my hair with Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner so my hair is silky soft and will flow in an anime-like fashion and I think that's like 30,000 power level points just right there.

:count: UPDATE!!! 10/24/2005 5:28 AM :count:

KK my battle with Wilma is going to commence soon. The eerie swirling clouds in the sky are offset by both of us powering up to our maximum ki level. The roaring thunder marks the countdown to the battle. HOLY SHIT A FUCKING CAT JUST FLEW DOWN THE STREET!! THIS SHIT IS ON!!!

The gusts are battering my house...I'll probably lose power soon. Storm Slayer, armed and ready.


The calm before the storm. Hurricane Wilma approached the mighty Storm Slayer at a blistering 20 mph. I stared her in the eye, and the battle began. Then she threw a fucking shutter in my face. I powered up from all the ki I had been saving for the past few days, and with a mighty scoff, I yelled TRIPLE ANNIHILATION BEAM! and launched her into the Atlantic, never to be seen or heard from again. Storm Slayer was victorious!

Anyway, I still don't have power, but I'm sorta expecting it tonight. The phone just came back so I'm on the internet using a generator. I took video of the storm, and even went outside and took video of the eye! Expect an update with videos very soon.

:fire: UPDATE!! WHENEVER!! :fire:

So my power supply exploded. The details are in the reply I made. Send moneyz peez to the Storm Slayer Power Supply Hurricane Relief fund at thnx

It ain't fun running off a linux livecd on a p3 600 mhz with 256 megs of RAM and a 2 mb video card.

!King_Amazon! 2005-10-19 08:25 AM

Joo so fucked.

Medieval Bob 2005-10-19 08:29 AM

Holy shit, for the most part (ignoring the obvious), he's actually serious. http://www.voanews.com/english/2005-10-19-voa12.cfm

That's a lot of fucking hurricanes this year, eh?

Jessifer 2005-10-19 09:58 AM

Now's a time when I'm grateful I live in Michigan.

JRwakebord 2005-10-19 12:51 PM

Go Massachusetts!

Wait, we're flooding anyway. Fuck me.

sue_13 2005-10-19 01:06 PM

Everything in Ohio is stellar. It's actually really nice here. Not bitterly fucking cold yet.

Mantralord 2005-10-19 04:57 PM

I have stealthily typed an update with my ninja STORM SLAYER powers.

Thanatos 2005-10-19 05:38 PM

Good luck, Storm Slayer. You will be in our thoughts.

Grav 2005-10-19 06:58 PM

And hopefully in our pants.

Adrenachrome 2005-10-19 08:30 PM

Yea no, Not in all of our pants ( I would shoot you first )

But if it keeps its current path Im sure you'll evacuate.

PureRebel 2005-10-19 08:42 PM

lol at cuba.. XD gives them more of a reason to kidnap even more people when the storm is over.

HandOfHeaven 2005-10-19 09:43 PM

Honestly, the hurricanes this year are seriously fucking up the entire golf coast. Say the gulf coast is a skinny pussy white guy, and the hurricanes are gigantic 7'2" 270 pound convicts named 'Butch'. I don't even have to go on, but that's what is happening to the gulf coast, getting fucked over so much.

gruesomeBODY 2005-10-19 09:43 PM

CT is nice right now- But Long Island his half under water so my house is flooded. Fuck the rain

!King_Amazon! 2005-10-19 10:25 PM


Lenny 2005-10-20 10:36 AM

And you know why the Hurricanes are getting more and more frequent?

Global Warming!

And you know which continent contributes the most to it? Though saying that, by 2036 if China carries on at its current rate of growth they will:

- Have a population of 1.46 billion
- Use 99 million barrels of oil a day (the current number of barrels made a day in the whole word is only 89 million)
- Be using most of the worlds resources such as meat, grain, steel and whatnot
- Have 1.1 billion cars on the road (the current worldwide fleet is only 800 million!)
- Be the worlds biggest contributor to global warming

Now that's something to think about.

And by that time the Gulf stream will have shifted another degree or so and we'll be getting Hurricanes and Tornados...

Mantralord 2005-10-20 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny
And you know why the Hurricanes are getting more and more frequent?

Global Warming!

And you know which continent contributes the most to it? Though saying that, by 2036 if China carries on at its current rate of growth they will:

- Have a population of 1.46 billion
- Use 99 million barrels of oil a day (the current number of barrels made a day in the whole word is only 89 million)
- Be using most of the worlds resources such as meat, grain, steel and whatnot
- Have 1.1 billion cars on the road (the current worldwide fleet is only 800 million!)
- Be the worlds biggest contributor to global warming

Now that's something to think about.

And by that time the Gulf stream will have shifted another degree or so and we'll be getting Hurricanes and Tornados...

And you wanna be my latex salesman...

Thanatos 2005-10-20 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny
- Have 1.1 billion cars on the road (the current worldwide fleet is only 800 million!)

Seriously? Are you sure there's not more than 800 million cars on the road today? Doesn't sound very plausible..

Lenny 2005-10-20 11:01 AM

Who said I do?

I may not wanna be a latex salesman!

But maybe I do...

It's a definite maybe in any case...you know what this needs? A poll!


What's the latest update?


Talking about Hurricanes, NASA have animated 21 of this years storms.


Mantralord 2005-10-20 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny
Who said I do?

I may not wanna be a latex salesman!

vague seinfeld reference

Mantralord 2005-10-20 10:19 PM

This update brought to you by STORM SLAYER CHEWIES!! Now with semen!

!King_Amazon! 2005-10-20 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mantralord
OH SHIT...I think a cloud from the hurricane just gave me the finger...well now this is personal. You can blow away my house, you can kill my family, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here idle while the hurricane gives me the finger.


Hades-Knight 2005-10-21 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mantralord

I'm going to stand here idle while the hurricane fingers me.


DaFrigginDoctah 2005-10-21 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mantralord
KK so the storm is now at 150 mph but now it has like this huge eye so I've been training even harder with my Storm Slayer and OH SHIT...I think a cloud from the hurricane just gave me the finger...well now this is personal. You can blow away my house, you can kill my family, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here idle while the hurricane gives me the finger.


Anyway, I'm sure the storm would be no match for the TRIPLE ANNIHILATION BEAM!!!!!!!

Mantralord 2005-10-23 11:14 AM

kaykay new update

slaynish 2005-10-23 01:00 PM

I hope we dont ever have to face those gay tornados. Them is hard 2 fight without Storm Slayer on my side!!!xxd2

JRwakebord 2005-10-23 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mantralord
I anxiously await my epic battle with Wilma and I have since been doing flips and slapping hoes in preparation and also I have bought a Powerbar for energy. Also, I don't know if this matters but...I washed my hair with Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner so my hair is silky soft and will flow in an anime-like fashion and I think that's like 30,000 power level points just right there.

I have to admit, that is fucking brilliant.

Mantralord 2005-10-24 03:30 AM

posting from hurricane!!

JRwakebord 2005-10-24 12:49 PM

Is your house spinning through the air yet?

gruesomeBODY 2005-10-24 12:52 PM

mantra is quite funny good luck dude finger that strom for all of us

JRwakebord 2005-10-24 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by gruesomeBODY
mantra is quite funny good luck dude finger that strom for all of us

Am I the only one who thinks that sounds dirty?

Adrenachrome 2005-10-24 01:06 PM

No you are not.

Grav 2005-10-24 01:34 PM

You mean appealing, right?


-Spector- 2005-10-24 01:55 PM

rofl a cat flew down teh street? Wtf?

undeadzombieguy 2005-10-24 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mantralord


We've been having some pretty bad winds here too, altough nothing like over there. We might be having a storm tomorrow though.

gruesomeBODY 2005-10-24 03:19 PM

i wish u posted a pic of the cat. That would have been cool

pr0xy 2005-10-25 04:42 PM


Jessifer 2005-10-25 07:09 PM

Ehrm...Any clues as to when his next post will be?

Thanatos 2005-10-25 11:32 PM

From what it sounds like, Florida is getting raped.

Lenny 2005-10-26 03:58 AM

His next post probably won't be for another few days.

Last I heard he'd manage to capture a video or two of something, and the power went.

JRwakebord 2005-10-26 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jessifer
Ehrm...Any clues as to when his next post will be?

Whenever FEMA gets things running again down there. So I'd say November. Of 2006.

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