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slaynish 2004-07-29 01:35 AM

* Caution * Erotic Story In Side.
This is like kagoms. Except im making this up, and... Mine isnt gay.

Okay here we are.

I was walking down Fifth Avenue while waiting for the bus. A few minutes passed, and I thought to myself " Okay, I'm given' this bitch 5 more minutes. If it's not here by now, I'm going home!" So, sure enough 3 minutes later the bus came. I had my ticket ready, and it said " Seat 19." I didn't know that there was bus partners, or anything. Sure was I wrong.

Strutting down the aisle, watching all the beautiful ladies, and the handsome young children. I saw mothers, fathers, Africans, Asians, Americans, blacks and whites. I saw women, and men, kids and teens. So, here I stop, Seat 19. Finally, this is my seat. I was hoping that nobody was in it. I saw a figure in the seat… I wasn’t sure what kind of person it looked like… I was filled with joy when I realized it was a beautiful woman. She looked like an Emma, or a Jamie.

I sat down, placing my bags under my feet, and my coat on my lap. My thigh was throbbing because I knocked it against the rail when I first came in. Gosh I felt like getting a massage. I was about to get off the bus to go to my Physical Therapist, when this beautiful woman asked what my name was. I told her it was Nick, she smiled and replied, “ I’m Kate.” I thought to myself “ Wrong again. I’m never right though” as if I play a game, to guess what ladies’ names are.

She asked where I’m headed, like a nosey neighbor. I told her “I’m going to visit my grandma, in park-place.” She then smiled again with joy in her eyes “ Oh my! I’m visiting my daddy at park-place also!” I didn’t know whether to be glad or sad. She was a little annoying, but so beautiful all at the same time. Just like Jessica Simpson. Now that I’m up close, and can see her from a side angle, I’ll describe what she’s wearing. This goddess has a shirt that cuts in the top center, to show her cleavage. She’s also wearing a short skirt, I can see she doesn’t want to look like a slut, but also wants to let the message that she’s not a virgin either. From where I can see, she has a cute butt, and about a C-Cup. Just what I’m looking for, I thought.

She asked why I’m looking at her… Gosh, why did I make it so obvious that I was actually observing her cute body? I just told her the first thing that came up in my head. I told her that she was beautiful and fit like a goddess. She smiled and said “ No really. What are you looking at me for?” I told her that I only speak the truth.. She looked at me like some kind of nerd. I quickly added “ Just kidding, I just wanted to make a mental image of you… You’re really cute, that is if you don’t hate me already.” I frowned. She quickly replied “ Oh no, you’re quite handsome yourself, stud.” With a small smile, to show she was kidding, but serious. I smiled back at her… She asked if I was single or married or what… I told her “ Well, too young for marriage, and I’m single, but would love a girl… Or a date… She said “ Same here…” I figured that much.

She justkept nudging at me over and over, like she wanted me to ask her out. It was 2 hours into the bus ride, and we’ve still got a whopping 1 to go. I finally popped the question. “ So would you like to go out some time?” Wheels screeched the driver said “ Bus stop. Everyone get off, and return in 10 minutes. “ Oh no I said to myself… Knowing that we all get assigned different seats afterwards.. Would I ever get to see this babe again?” Oh boy I hoped.. But right now is time to drain the lizard, pay the water bill, or just plain out tinkle. Afterwards I would worry about by dream-woman.

OK. Done with that business… I see everyone going back into the bus, and I see HER. She just walks away.. I frown and feel so bad.. Like I rushed into things… It really sucks knowing that I got rejected. The bus driver told me I’m seat 14. I said “ Okay. So much for Kate and me” I go into my seat, and guess who walks up. Nope, its not grandma, Its her. She just looked at me with grief… I talked to her and said im sorry if I rushed into it and I wanted to know if we can still just be friends and talk… She said its cool, and if I play my cards right, maybe I can get some tonite… Once again, smiling smally so she lets the message that she’s kidding and serious. I smiled back and thought to myself “ YES!” We talked about ourselves again… I was so certain she wanted me, but maybe she was just playing hard to get??? Maybe I’m right, Maybe I’m wrong. It was 20 minutes left until’ we stopped. I asked her again, hoping for a quick answer. She said She really likes me but doesn’t want to get her heart broken. I told her that I would never break her heart, with the most serious look on my face I can give.

Dead silence~~~~ She said okay. I actually said out loud “Thank you lord!” and she laughed and smiled for about 3 minutes… Staring at my jelled down hair, and my eyes… I thought we were in true love, then remembered that we knew eachother for about 4 hrs. I asked if she wanted to come to my hotel, or what hotel or what place she’s staying at. She said she’ll be staying at Boardwalk Place. I said “ Great! I’m at Mavin Gardens!” (Which are like… 2 blocks away..) She asked if we can go to the newest club in town, not knowing if I liked clubs or not. I told her “ Hell Yeah!” The silence was deafening after that… Our bus stopped. The bus driver said “ Everyone off.” It was about 4 PM.. I had about 4 hours to get ready, and 30 minutes to shop for the most expensive roses I can find. I got ready, I dressed myself into some slick black pants, combed my hair down just like today, got myself into a button-up shirt, with sleeves. Had a white wife beater underneath. I looked good! Hoping she looked even better than today.

Yup, I went to the best flower shop in town. I got her a nice rose bushel. I got
there 3 minutes early, waited till EXACTLY 9. Rang the doorbell at 9:04. She opened the door, I acted worried and sorry. I gave her the roses, and said “ For you..” She asked why I was so glum. I said “ Because , I’m late!!” she said “ Oh you’re so sweet.. It doesn’t matter, silly!” Then she gave me a short kiss on the cheek. I was so happy at that moment, hoping it would just freeze and I could be there forever. I knew I had to take her to the new club, which is called “ Dancer’s Weird” We drank some wine, some champagne, and some others. She was easially pleased… We danced so much, and she finally kissed me on the lips. We started making out, and soon enough I had her against the wall, kissing till no end. She stopped immediately, and demanded we go to my hotel room. There I had some clerks bring more wine and champagne up. I was happy, hoping I would finally get her, not trying to think like a player, since I was truly in love.

The wine came, and she pored my glass… I was going to do it, but she beat me to the door! Now she was drunk, she said that she wanted to finally give me what I was waiting for. I said “ Whats that? I didn’t take you out to get you drunk and take advantage of you.. Hope you know!” she said “ Sure.. Lets just do this, because I’ve been waiting too.” She took her shirt off, and then unbuttoned mine… I took off her bra and my wife-beater. I unzipped my pants, and I tore her new skirt right off her legs! It was getting aggressive now. She did the same with my boxers… I pulled her thong off with my
teeth… She was getting horny, I could feel it. She told me too.

She said she wanted to do this as long as we could. I told her I did too! We started the foreplay. I posed on the bed while she got up butt-nekked and walked around for another glass of wine. I was so happy… Not yet fully( I don’t want zel to get grossed out, so I’ll say this ) Not yet fully hard, she walked over and started stroking me a little… Then she knew I was at my fullest Boy-oing-oing-ohoing As I sat there, I gave her complete control of me. She loved the power, too! Then I asked when she wanted it… She said any time I’m ready… I was about to get into an argument, telling her that I’m only ready when she is.. Then I decided not to ruin the moment. I told her that I just want play for a while then we can get started. She said okay. She then got behind me, her hard nipples and breast were rubbing against my back… I could feel the patch of her pubic hair rubbing against the lowest part of my back, also. She then started massaging my back, and thighs and hips, working down to my ass. I thought “ Oh, heres the massage I wanted today! Wehoo!” then she slapped my ass… It was a total turn on for me though, and for her, I guess. We chuckled for a bit, and then realized that we were in love. She said that she wanted me now, and I got up and said okay. She told me that I complete her.

I then lay over her, ready for anything. She seemed urgent. She said to me “
Comon! You waiting for Christmas!?” I told her no… I’m just looking at your beautiful body once again… She said “ Enough looking! Will you get this goin?” I had no choice but to do what she wanted. She then bent down, in the “ Doggy Style” and I thrusted it in her for a while, I could hear our skin touching. I felt my ballsack against her ass. It was heavenly. She moaned so loud, that the people next door would start laughing. I just ignored them and gave her my fullest. It was touching, and so exciting. Just before about to blow… I realized pregnantcy. She said not to go in her, for she doesn’t want kids. I took it out and she ( Already reached her orgasm) went straight for it. She grabbed it and popped it in her mouth like a MnM. I said “ Okay” and I just went there. It was great. She even swallowed! I’m not trying to ruin the moment or anything, but I kinda wanted to munch her carpet also. She then wanted to cuddle, so I said “ Okay… I like cuddling!” So
we went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up, all her things and her clothes were gone. She left a note on my bag saying “ Maybe another time, eh?”

Penguin 2004-07-29 06:41 AM

......no.....Why did you post that?

Sovereign 2004-07-29 07:44 AM

Holy fuck he actually wrote it.. he was bragging about this last night before I went to sleep T_T

slaynish 2004-08-01 03:17 AM

Is it any good????

slaynish 2004-08-01 03:18 AM


new one:

I met this hoe on da train statin, we waz chillen fo a wile.

I took dat hoe home, i tapped dat ass.

De end, niggaz.

Raziel 2004-08-01 06:11 AM

Slay, God dammit, none of this shit in Literature! Don't do it again.

Shining Knights 2004-08-01 07:19 AM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-01 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Shinto Katana
... Visual Imagery:

Not yet fully hard, she walked over and started stroking me a little…

you guys make me sick... well, actually its slaynish his fault... :cry:
cant we give him a unique tag for this ??? pr0nst4r !!!!

uncapped 2004-08-01 08:55 AM

I hate my life.

Slim 2004-08-01 09:22 AM

Why did you people even read it...if you see "erotic" in the title and Slaynish as the author...you know it will be vomit inducing.

Chruser 2004-08-01 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by slaynish
Just before about to blow… I realized pregnantcy. She said not to go in her, for she doesn’t want kids. I took it out and she ( Already reached her orgasm) went straight for it. She grabbed it and popped it in her mouth like a MnM. I said “ Okay”

Yeah, just about the most common thing to say when you reach orgasm.

Shining Knights 2004-08-01 09:57 AM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-01 10:10 AM

well i didnt really notice slaynish was the author...
just try this one:

look at slaynish his pic for 10 minutes, then read this story 5 times and immagine he and who-ever (dan's gf ??? jaba the hut ???) is the 'chick'

warning: this is NOT to put you asleep, this will probably have the opposite effect

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-01 01:26 PM

Just FYI, pulling out doesn't prevent pregnancy.

As a matter of fact, you're 12, most of the stuff in the story is probably wrong.

Hades-Knight 2004-08-01 01:56 PM

Good read IMO, hehe not bad for 12, but you might want to consider changing your setting...

Shining Knights 2004-08-01 02:38 PM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Slim 2004-08-01 02:40 PM

Yeah, Shinto knows this shit first hand...get it? First hand...bah, I know it sucked. Do you guys really expect Slaynish to know jack shit about pre-cum though? He's 12 for fucking sake.

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-01 03:02 PM

lets teach him some ^^
ah let the boy do, he probably is jerking of by his own story now

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-01 04:50 PM

Go ahead and find it, because Sue Johanson agrees with me.

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-01 04:54 PM

some1 close this thread plz... after shinto posted the link :grin:
cause this story is making me sick :(

Shining Knights 2004-08-01 05:19 PM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

!King_Amazon! 2004-08-01 05:23 PM

Nowhere does it say pulling out prevents pregnancy.

Shining Knights 2004-08-01 05:27 PM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Dr. Geekstar 2004-08-01 05:28 PM


PURPOSE: To determine if spermatozoa are present in the preejaculatory penile secretion, originating from Cowper's gland. METHODS: DESIGN: Prospective clinical and laboratory study. SETTING: Andrology and Sex Counseling Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academic Teaching Hospital. PATIENTS: Five patients referred for premature ejaculation, three for excessive fluid secreted during foreplay and four normal healthy volunteers. INTERVENTION: Glass slide smears of preejaculatory Cowper's gland secretion obtained during foreplay from at least two different occasions, and semen samples after masturbation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Microscopic examination of air-dried smears, and routine semen analyses. RESULTS: None of the preejaculatory samples contained sperm. All the patients had sperm in routine sperm analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Preejaculatory fluid secreted at the tip of the urethra from Cowper's gland during sexual stimulation did not contain sperm and therefore cannot be responsible for pregnancies during coitus interruptus.
omfg now who wants to be volunteer for that :weird:
i would only do that if they gave me $$ and a new PC

-=Rico-GP=- 2004-08-01 05:29 PM

slaynish, die.

D3V 2004-08-02 01:35 AM

Here I've got an erotic story.

Ok, I was in my chair, sitting, sitting on my computer. I was thinking to myself...Hey! I'm home alone, why not masterbate!?

I went to www.google.com and typed in "Hot ass babes nekked" Clicked the 'pictures' link. And searched through hundreds of thousands of hotties. There were a few donkeys, and a few hermaphrodites, but otherwise it was mainly hairy babes. I noticed there was some Motion Lotion left in the bottle, I found the right picture. And I couldn't resist.

I poured the sticky slimeymess onto my penis, and grasped my dick with my hand and started whacking.....

whacking, whacking away...

About 25 seconds later I was done and had a mess all over my clothes,


Raziel 2004-08-02 02:15 AM

D3V, you're doing this just to piss me off, and you know what, it worked! However, you are breaking the rules and are doing so solely to spite me. So, this thread is closed and I'll mention this to the staff. Have a nice day!

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