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Penny_Bags 2003-11-02 07:31 PM

What will run longer? The Simpsons or Southpark.
Arguably two of the most popular American cartoons that are aimed at an older age group, The Simpson's and Southpark have always put up good ratings... the question is which one will go longer?

My reasoning is Southpark, as much as I hate to say it, because the Simpsons is getting worse every year, and eventually they will run out of concepts. If people don't get sick of the crude low humor, than it will stay because new issues and groups to insult will always arise.

Sovereign 2003-11-02 07:34 PM

Southpark is gonna last longer. Its creators are willign to go to more extremes for laughs then the simpsons creators.

Demosthenes 2003-11-02 07:36 PM

nah...simpsons...it's already the longest running television show in history...unless some1 dies simpsons will prolly go on for a long time.

Raziel 2003-11-02 08:14 PM

South Park. Why? Because the entire show is a juggernaut. Not a single chink in its armor. The Simpsons relies almost entirely upon Homer to be worth a damn anymore. If they killed him off, the show would die. South Park could lose just about any character and suffer minimal damage. The loss of Cartman would cause the most damage, but the show would still be great.

Plus, South Park relies upon current events for it's humor, therefore providing an endless stream of material. The Simpsons relies on the weirdness of the writing staff to come up with new wacky situations for Homer to get caught in every week. A human being can only crank out so much oddity before the well runs dry.

Demosthenes 2003-11-02 08:18 PM

ehh...they've been cranking it for a long time and they seem 2 come up w/ good stuff still...and i doubt they'd kill homer off. Yes...south park is great...and they did survive after killing of kenny...lol...but....honestly i dont know why i guess simply because simpsons has been around for SOO long and hasn't quite gotten old yet. We'll see...all we can do is speculate right now...eventually one of them will die...hopefully they both stick around for a while.

Thanatos 2003-11-03 06:03 PM

If you are talking about what show will finish first, it's The Simpsons. Reason being: The Simpsons have been around for how long? I think 12 or so years. South Park isn't that old. The Simpsons have done just about as much as they can, South Park is still on it's first wind.

I like The Simpsons a hell of a lot more than South Park; I don't get their humor some times. It's just the fact that The Simpsons have been around for a longer time, so they will die out sooner. Sad, but true.

Penny_Bags 2003-11-03 06:27 PM

Yes it is true, even though the Simpsons is overall a better show, the current event based Soutpark will go on longer... and America is a crude place. At least Simpsons will be long lived, unlike some other great shows... (o' ye' of Family Guy)

D3V 2003-11-03 07:07 PM

As Raziel said, they feed off of current events. I was watching some show on Vh1, and they were talking about cartoons. It takes southpark about 8 weeks to make an episode, where it takes the simpsons nearly 8 months.

SouthPark will live longer, I think that the simpsons should just end it off right now while they are still somewhat good, they should have like a week long ending special or some bullshit, and possibly have a yearly halloween show. I mean, even this last one wasn't as good as the other ones.

Raziel 2003-11-03 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Penny Bags
the Simpsons is overall a better show

Kill off Homer and the show dies. It relies entirely upon him to be any good. True, Homer Simpson is quite possibly the greatest fictional character ever concieved, but he's pulling all of that show's weight. There's not a sinlge aspect of South Park that is weak, or dependant upon a single character. It's just much more intelligent and much more humorous.

Jessifer 2003-11-03 11:43 PM

Just because the Simpsons is (in my humble opinion) better than Southpark, doesn't mean that the Simpsons will be around longer than it. Southpark will never run out of things to mock in this world, therefore it will be quite a long damn time before the show ends. The Simpsons on the other hand, is degenerating. The family has gone through nearly everything a family can go through. I fear that it won't be around for very long.

And that saddens me.

J_iceman 2003-11-04 01:40 AM

good point, southpark DOES go around current events, for instance, right when lord of the rings came out and harry potter. southpark made a similar one but instead of the ring it was a port tape!! :-P i was laughing so hard, i cryed.
The only thing is that we need to know WHAT southpark is trying to make fun of. imagine in 10 years a different generation sees the same show and didnt understand it because they NEVER saw lord of the rings and so forth.
with the simpsons, you start from the begining to the end and you would understand it...

if anybody bought the second season of southpark, it said in the special features that the "Makers" are not making as much as they are suppose to. most of the money goes to COMIDY CENTRAL, and that sooner or later they will have all the characters be dead and everything revolving to only one character (sounds stupid i know). so that everybody would stop watching (its something like that. Thats the impression i got from watching that disk)
anyways southpark is good, its just that, because of all these new generation, they might make southpark prohibited and or stop making them because it has TOO much adult stuff

Jessifer 2003-11-04 04:53 AM

All of my good points are made when I'm zoned out from lack of sleep and lack of caffine.

I think South Park is made for viewers to watch it around the time the events have the most significance.

The Simpsons is becoming old fashioned...

tidus2005 2003-11-04 08:54 AM

the simpsons is a great show and funny most of the time even if you havent seen all of the episods

Jessifer 2003-11-04 09:46 AM

I can watch reruns of The Simpsons and still laugh my ass off. It's a timeless classic. And it always will be.

-=Rico-GP=- 2003-11-04 02:45 PM

The simpsons has been going down hill ever since the 10'th season.

but southpark isn't that great either... so crude and violent...

I would have to say simpsons would last longer because of some of the die-hard fans out there.

But over all, Family Guy kicks so much more ass then both of them combind!

Thanatos 2003-11-04 03:16 PM

I agree with you. Family Guy is possibly the greatest animated show, ever. In my opinion, at least.

Jessifer 2003-11-04 06:05 PM

Oh. Totally Family Guy. But Futurama is funny as well, in my humble opinion.

D3V 2003-11-04 07:21 PM

Yeah, Futurama is made by the prodocers of the simpsons.

Well, I laugh at south park because they are racis/controversial.

I laugh at simpsons because its smart, good thought out comedy.

Jessifer 2003-11-04 07:48 PM

I'm well aware that Futurama has the same producers as The Simpsons.

Anyway, South Park will last longer.

The End.

-=Rico-GP=- 2003-11-04 09:28 PM

how about a poll.. that would have been much easier

J_iceman 2003-11-05 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jessifer
I'm well aware that Futurama has the same producers as The Simpsons.

i guess they are trying to get people to like futurama than simpsons because they know maggie can't stay as a baby anymore !

Kuja 2003-11-05 08:06 AM


quikspy67 2003-11-05 09:14 AM

I think simpsons will last longer.

Doofus_AW 2003-11-05 10:02 AM

Southpark will NOT make it for 12 years. That kind of topical, crude, humor gets old fast. The Simpsons has slipped a bit in quality but is still a damn fine show.

Silverjinx18 2003-11-05 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
nah...simpsons...it's already the longest running television show in history...unless some1 dies simpsons will prolly go on for a long time.

I agree...and it having stupid plots and what not is the reason for it running so long...I love it!!!

Thanatos 2003-11-05 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by j_iceman
i guess they are trying to get people to like futurama than simpsons because they know maggie can't stay as a baby anymore !

If I'm not mistaken, the producers of Futurama have stopped making episodes. So, they can't be advertising it any more(unless it's for seasons on DVD).

J_iceman 2003-11-05 04:48 PM

they stoped it?? what happened, no more people watching it anymore??

bout to hit one g. :-P

Thanatos 2003-11-06 05:00 PM

I'm not sure why they stopped making episodes.. that's an interesting question.

D3V 2003-11-06 05:56 PM

Do you have any proof of that?

Jamesadin 2003-11-06 07:57 PM

Simpsons, no debate.

Thanatos 2003-11-08 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by D3V
Do you have any proof of that?

Wasn't their series finale last spring? Leela and Fry hooked up, methinks.

Dan XIII 2003-11-08 02:59 PM

south park because there will always be immature people around to watch it.

Jessifer 2003-11-08 03:23 PM

1. I'll never stop watching The Simpsons.
2. I'll just plain never watch South Park.

Kuja`s #1 2003-11-08 07:20 PM

The Simpsons have been around for 14 years. Their time is coming to an end. South Park will last a long time, but not fourteen years.

Penny_Bags 2003-11-08 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dan XIII
south park because there will always be immature people around to watch it.

I resent that comment ENTIRELY. It is completely asinine. People that watch South Park are not immature. It is crude at many times, yes, but it has much more content than people give credit to. The characters are incredibly round, like raziel said, if you kill off one character, the show can still thrive. For fuck's sake it happened to kenny.

The immature people are the people that can't handle hearing crude content and get all pissy-pants about the whole thing.

Kthxggbye go fuk urself no-re ;-)

Jessifer 2003-11-08 07:29 PM

South Park seems to have some humour that only mature people could catch. Not everything in it is for immature people. :-T

J_iceman 2003-11-09 03:36 AM

if kenny dies, big deal, he will be back in the next epesoide. in simpsons, 2 people died and they never came back

Thanatos 2003-11-09 08:32 AM

I think you're missing the point, iceman..

Penny_Bags 2003-11-09 09:22 AM

Yeah. But there was an entire season in which Kenny was "Dead" for real. You're missing the point. Kill one of the four* people in the Simpson's family (*not so much Maggie), then the show would die. You kill one of the four kids in South Park then its all good.

Kuja`s #1 2003-11-09 05:47 PM

The two people that died were

Bleeding Gums Murphey & Doctor Marvin Monroe.

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