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Penny_Bags 2003-10-24 10:27 PM

Women Troubles....
This kinda blows, it's not that bad but I just got home from my friends house and stuff sucks.

My friend Matt was obsessed with a girl, let's call her "D". He was talking to her once and they were attracted to each other and just started making out, he wanted here real bad and shit, and said she was perfect for him. Then, another guy was sort of liking her too, and they worked out together better, and he got shafted. He let it go and sort of fell back on this girl "K". He said D was would be good for a relationship, but K would just be for play. i was like yeah okay w/e. I didn't really care.

Tonight I was at my friends house, and my friend Matt was sitting there with K and they were just chiling, she looked kidna bored. For some reason whenever I would say something, she would laugh and we started talking and shit. He kept giving me mean looks like "get off my woman." So i stepped off. But the girl would just sort of follow me. She would like get close to me and jump on my back and stuff. She sat on my lap by the bonfire, and he gave me the meanest look I have ever seen :-D.This K girl was perfect for me.... but he's in the way of anything happen. My excuse was, "Well since our Spring Dance is tommorow, and you are going with K... and I am not going, I am just having a little fun. I am just being nice. [lie]It's not like I like her or anything[/lie]

So I don't know what I would do. I tend to wait for the right girl, and don't want to change or try hard to get a girl. He is the woman fiend that is constantly trying to pimp. She just met me and we were getting along much better than them.... I felt really wierd. I was so conflicted.... Enlighten me...

Adrenachrome 2003-10-24 10:39 PM

He's got problems, if the girl wants you more, than why would he even want her at all?

Kuja 2003-10-24 10:50 PM

Who care what your friend think.
Go Natural Selection.
Animal instinct own all.

Randuin 2003-10-24 10:54 PM

Confront your friend... If even he says it's for play no reason for him to hog a perfectly good woman...

RaZ 2003-10-24 11:02 PM

it sounds like hes using "K" rather that really is into a great relationship with her, i think you should really try to get "k" from him, just because i think he is trying to use her til he finds someone else

Adrenachrome 2003-10-24 11:07 PM

Not get K from him, get him off K.

K obviously wants Mr Monopoly.

haplo 2003-10-24 11:26 PM

i come into your house, make love to your spouse.
fuck her in the mouth then im out.


RaZ 2003-10-24 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by haplo
i come into your house, make love to your spouse.
fuck her in the mouth then im out.


what the fuck does that have to do with anything

Penny_Bags 2003-10-25 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by haplo
i come into your house, make love to your spouse.
fuck her in the mouth then im out.


Please Leave.

But thanks for the advice, I think what I need to do is just keep talking to her, wether she likes it or not. A perfect example was when someone was like "The fire needs to be bigger." and I said, "I am gonna go get some wood... who wants to come?" and she jumps on my back and we go get wood and I am talking to her and stuff. We come back and he looks all mad at me, and then like 15 minutes later he was like, "Kristin (oops ;)) let's go get some more wood." She said "No thats okay I am comfortable here." and looked at me and smiled. It felt so good.

But the irony in all this is he was obsessed with that D girl and I would always tell him to lay off because that Joe guy was there first, and that it was just a girl. But now I am in the same situation that he was in, and I sorta don't wanna be a hyprocrat, or ruin what he has... although it is definently easier for him to get a girl because he doesnt think like me or as deep as me and just goes after what he wants.

This girl is so perfect. She has the exact same personality as me. We almost said the same exact thing like 4 times in an hour. She really likes football, and she goes to every Bengals home game, and as you all prolly know I am obsessed with the Bengals. She also likes old school rock, plays guitar, and keyboard. She likes jimmi hendrix! (she is quite good looking too) Oh man thinkning about her makes me want to talk to her and just be with her.

RaZ 2003-10-25 10:18 AM

that kicks ass man i think eventually you will get her... goodluck

Thanatos 2003-10-25 03:24 PM

Bro's before hoes, my main pimp slice.

Sorry, my inner black nature came out for a bit.

Kuja 2003-10-25 04:23 PM

Get her screw him if he cant understand the natural selection well he aint worthy of being a friend.

Penny_Bags 2003-10-26 12:37 AM

I was like, "Why are you getting so mad at me."
"Well she's kinda mine" He says
"Girls aren't objects matt"
"okay... sweet Chris..."

Hades-Knight 2003-10-26 01:35 AM

hmm im in similar situation:

This girl who is my friend likes me, but, i like her best friend, and her best friend is kinda attracted to me, her 2nd best friend is my ex which makes it more akward. So ok she found out that i liked her friend and she stopped talkignt o us for awhile, now shes cool with it but me and her friend are still just flirting, shes one of those that has to meet you really deep and if she likes everyhting she will go with you, but im kinda getting tired of this shit, shes waiting too long so i dont know if i should just let it go =(

we were going out this saturday to watch scary movie 3, i got online and she told me that she just got ground for bringing bad grades and that she couldnt go out or talk on the phone, so i got really pissed off but i didnt saya nything, a few mins later i call her cel phone and she tells me she doesnt know when she will have the grounding tanken off, so i dont know if she made that up just as an excuse not to go out or it is really what happened....ill see her on monday but i dont know what to say...

edit-oops i amde this longer than it should have been, sorry , got caught in the moment:wierd:

The1 2003-10-26 01:21 AM

This is one of funniest threads ive ever read

Penny_Bags 2003-10-26 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by ~ShockWave~
This is one of funniest threads ive ever read

Sweet. You straight?

uncapped 2003-10-26 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by haplo
i come into your house, make love to your spouse.
fuck her in the mouth then im out.


Hed(pe) is the shiz, bro.

The1 2003-10-26 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Penny_Bags

Originally Posted by ~ShockWave~
This is one of funniest threads ive ever read

Sweet. You straight?

Straight as in gay or straight as in normal??

Im not gay..

Thanatos 2003-10-26 08:19 AM

Shockwave, will you have my babies?

Xenn 2003-10-26 08:31 AM

I too, know of these difficulties

This girl at school said hi...
I asked if she wanted sex...
She acted disgusted..

It's kind of a thing we have


Randuin 2003-10-26 08:32 AM

Now where did that tag even start?!

J_iceman 2003-10-26 09:41 AM

hey Penny_Bags, you just have to watch it, "what turns around, goes around" something like that

this girl you talk off likes you but when you run out of "new" stuff, she might go and find someone else AGAIN!!. don't attatch yourself to much to her, well at least untill you know she is ALL yours !!!!

Thanatos 2003-10-26 10:07 AM

"What comes around, goes around"

Damn hippy.

J_iceman 2003-10-26 10:14 AM

thanks for correction buddy, hats why i said "something like that" because i knew i had that saying wrong:-(

Thanatos 2003-10-26 10:23 AM

Woah.. it's like I hurt your feelings or something. What shall I do?

slaynish 2003-10-26 10:33 AM

what comes around... comes around and around and around and around...

Somthing like that happened to me...

My friend garrett got all pissed because that i like this chick and hes like "Well i like her more" he does though, but she doesnt like garrett at all, but she does me.

SO i sat down with garrett across the room fromhim and told him "Dude your just gona have to live with the fact im sexier then you" and we started laughing and he said "Its okay just take her, i will still like her, but i'll worship your ways"

and from then on out, he hasnt gotten in my way once, but im still not going out with her, im not gona, i think being friends has more benefits then relationships

Grav 2003-10-26 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by slaynish
what comes around... comes around and around and around and around...

Somthing like that happened to me...

My friend garrett got all pissed because that i like this chick and hes like "Well i like her more" he does though, but she doesnt like garrett at all, but she does me.

SO i sat down with garrett across the room fromhim and told him "Dude your just gona have to live with the fact im sexier then you" and we started laughing and he said "Its okay just take her, i will still like her, but i'll worship your ways"

and from then on out, he hasnt gotten in my way once, but im still not going out with her, im not gona, i think being friends has more benefits then relationships

Hold the fuck up. You're 11, and you're trying to be a playa?

You think you're sexy?


uncapped 2003-10-26 12:48 PM

Ah, how cute. Slaynish and Garrett sitting in a tree.


slaynish 2003-10-26 01:22 PM

thats kind of gay capped

and grav...

yes im 11, no im not a player, and no i dont think im sexy, and first off, your gay, and second off, if you could see the possible bit of sarcasm in my post, you might have . 3 more intellegence then you have already, and that would make you... .3 smarter.

uncapped 2003-10-26 01:44 PM

I hope you realize that .3 is quite a significant amount.

platnum 2003-10-26 01:47 PM

yea, maybe if you read it the way you were supposed to, you could be uber smart!

Thanatos 2003-10-26 02:02 PM

Because all of that made perfect sense!

Randuin 2003-10-26 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge

For Slaynish...


Shining Knights 2003-10-26 05:26 PM

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Penny_Bags 2003-10-26 05:29 PM

Slaynish just pwnt, play his owning music.


RaZ 2003-10-26 09:18 PM

Honestly, i dont see why you are always bashing slaynish, yea hes 11 years old but before i knew that i thought he was a lot older than that.. you guys are always giving him shit for being young and everytime he actually post something serious you always have to make fun of it.. its ridiculous

Jamesadin 2003-10-26 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Penny_Bags

Where the hell did that come from?

quikspy67 2003-10-26 09:31 PM

Rofl thats funny.

D3V 2003-10-27 06:33 AM

What you should do is, get both K and D and then go to your friends house and start making out with both of them, he will obviously be so emberassed and shoot himself. Then you wouldn't have to have the problem anymore.

No what you should do is tell your friend, "Look dumbass, "k" wants me more, layoff before I backhand you like my little bitch"

That always works.

Kuja 2003-10-27 06:38 AM

With that kind of advice im quite sure the only thing your cock ever met was your hand.

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